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eNews – Week 2, Term 1 2021

Issue no. 2Enews-bannerAdelaide Schools

From Our Director of Teaching and Learning

Adelaide Schools

Inspired by guest speaker Theodora (Kilburn 2015) and her PhD work on oceans, I spoke in Monday’s Academic Excellence Assembly about somebody else who was fascinated by water throughout his life. Way back in the early 16th century, this person sketched water obsessively: water passing around obstacles; the patterns that falling water makes; huge deluges and floods. This person was mesmerised by the movement and power of water, and during his lifetime, he was commissioned to work on a range of projects all to do with controlling water; for example, by building canals or by diverting rivers underground. He was the first known person to write down ideas about how water causes erosion. His thoughts about turbulence in water were still being investigated by mathematicians and scientists hundreds of years later. He was even given the title ‘Master of Water’ by the authorities of the time.

But this person was not just an expert on all things to do with water.

He is better known for his paintings. He painted the world’s most famous painting, the Mona Lisa. He also painted what has become the world’s most reproduced religious painting – the Last Supper – and his painting Salvator Mundi is currently the most expensive painting ever sold at auction, fetching the equivalent of AUS$600,000,000 when it was sold in 2017.

We are talking, of course, about Leonardo da Vinci. Even more impressively, his achievements didn’t stop with water expertise and brilliant paintings.

Amongst many other things, his notebooks show us that he was an expert on birds. On human anatomy. He sketched machines that can be seen as early versions of the helicopter and the military tank. And this is still to just scratch the surface of the things that he accomplished, explored, designed and invented during his lifetime.

And the important connection to us here at school is this: Leonardo da Vinci was perhaps the ultimate creative thinker. He had endless curiosity: his head was full of ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions and he believed that, by looking at things carefully and then applying his imagination and thinking skills, he could answer these questions, solve problems, and create new, useful things.

Creativity is one of the core values of Saints Girls. This year, one of our focus areas is creative thinking. Creativity is not ring-fenced by The Arts; creative thinking can be applied in any subject and it can be done well by any person. We know that employers today and especially in the coming decades will be looking for creative thinkers, problem-solvers, people who can move easily from one challenge to the next. Our students will be encouraged to ask challenging questions in their lessons. And their teachers will be asking questions that are designed to promote thinking in a fresh way about something, or that encourage the students to make creative connections between the different areas of their learning.

Undoubtedly, we have young people here at school with just the same curiosity and appetite for knowledge that Leonardo da Vinci possessed, and just the same potential to make a difference in the world.

Nigel Scoggins
Director of Teaching and Learning

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Newest Old Scholars Celebrated at Stonyfell

The St Peter’s Girls’ community was delighted to honour many outstanding graduates from our Class of 2020 this week during our Academic Excellence Assembly.

Special thanks to Old Scholar Theodora (Kilburn 2015) who delivered an inspiring speech and presented certificates to our newest Old Scholars.

Have a listen to some of Theodora’s advice for our girls, as well as motivational messages from our Equal Duxes of 2020, Ella and Ellen:

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IB Merit Recipients Toast of Town Hall

IB Students 2021


On Monday, seven of our 2020 graduates attended the IB Diploma Merit Ceremony at the Adelaide Town Hall. Applauding the achievements of IB Merit students from across Adelaide IB schools, the event highlights the exceptional academic achievements of IB students who earn a 7 in a subject or an ‘A’ in Theory of Knowledge and Extended Essay.

Our 2020 IB Diploma cohort achieved wonderful results which reflect their engagement, passion and enjoyment of their learning over the past two years. With their incredible score of 43 out of 45, Ella and Ellen are Equal Duxes of IB and the School. Ella was recently featured in an article by an Adelaide newspaper; here is an excerpt from her interview:

Are you happy to have finished the IB Programme?
Yes, I’m very happy to have finished the IB. Not only was finishing my exams a relief and such a big achievement, but it was also a great opportunity to look back on my progress. It’s crazy to think about how far I’ve come over the last two years, not only academically but as an individual as well. The IB was a great experience – it had its fair share of challenges, but I don’t regret doing it as I feel that I’ve gained so much from it.

What would you say to other students considering this programme?
I would strongly encourage anyone considering the IB to give it a go. It may take a bit of getting used to as many students (myself included) find the step up to Year 11 a big one. However, I think that once you get used to the assessment style of the IB, things become easier, and the effort you put into study will be reflected in your results.

What was the key to finishing in 2020?
During my time at Saints Girls, the many experiences I have had over the years and the incredible school environment have helped prepare me for my final years of schooling. I have always felt supported by my dedicated teachers and by my peers, and I feel that the strong connections I built within the School community definitely helped me to reach my potential in the IB. Being an independent and disciplined learner were skills that were strengthened during my IB journey, helping me to fulfil my high expectations of myself and contributing to my success in 2020.

As a cohort, the median IB score was 37 and this equates to the IB girls earning a median ATAR of 95.45, which roughly equates to a selection rank of 98.50. Well done to all the girls from 2020 Year 12!

Carolyn Farr
IB Diploma Coordinator/Mathematics Teacher

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Greetings from Our ELC in 2021

2021 is shaping up to be another wonderful year of community and connections in St Peter’s Girls’ Early Learners’ Centre.

Here’s Director of Early Learning Kate Mount with a very warm welcome from the ELC:

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Tonight’s Welcome Drinks – Now in the Gym

Adelaide Schools

Due to the weather, tonight’s ‘Welcome Drinks on the Lawns’ will now be ‘Welcome Drinks in the Gym’!

We look forward to catching up with parents in the Gym from 7 to 9pm. Food and drinks will be provided, and please note that this event is exclusively for adults only. We ask that guests scan the QR code provided upon arrival.

Please seek out your Year Level Representatives and chat with our Community Relations staff on the night to learn about our volunteering opportunities and the social and community events we are planning for 2021.

Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager

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Saints Girls Ready to Roar in The Lion King JR.

Adelaide Schools


Shane Davidson Presents: The Lion King JR. – a lavish production where the African savannah comes to life on stage with Simba, Rafiki, Nala and Scar supported by an unforgettable cast of characters featuring some of our Saints Girls as they journey from Pride Rock to the jungle…and back again. Featuring songs such as ‘Circle of Life’, ‘I Just Can’t Wait to be King’, ‘Hakuna Matata’ and ‘He Lives in You’, this show has a talented cast of 50 with great dance routines and wonderful music. The staging features stunning projections, magnificent lighting and colourful costumes.

Congratulations to the Saints Girls pictured above who are part of this fabulous show.

Saturday 6 March – 4pm and 7pm
Sunday 7 March – 4pm and 7pm
St Peter’s Girls’ Arts Centre

To secure your seats, visit TryBooking

Shane Davidson
Year 5 Teacher

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2021 Music Camp

Music Camp Banner-1

Every year, our Music girls look forward to our annual School Music Camp. It is a chance for students to connect with like-minded Music students from Year 4 to 12 and enjoy making music together in a fun, supportive and inclusive environment. It is an intensive and highly productive week of music-making that sets up ensemble repertoires for the year ahead.

Music Camp this year is going to look rather different. Unfortunately due to COVID, we will not be making our annual pilgrimage to Ardrossan. Instead, we are holding a day camp at Malvern Uniting Church from midday Wednesday 10 February until Friday evening 12 February. Girls from 11 of our ensembles will be invited to attend throughout the camp and will have the opportunity to rehearse and workshop with some of Adelaide’s best instrumental music tutors. An additional highlight this year will be a concert on Thursday afternoon presented by world-renowned jazz pianist Kym Purling which will include Adelaide vocalists and Saints’ Music tutors Anita Wardell and Katrina Ryan.

On Saturday 13 February, we will be holding a day of sharing at school in the Arts Centre. Each ensemble will have 30 minutes to present what they have been working on throughout camp. Parents are welcome to attend their daughter’s 30 minute sharing time slot. No bookings are required; parents just need to ensure they sign in using the School’s QR code, take a seat at the top of the Arts Centre and maintain social distancing.

We look forward to sharing the results of Music Camp in a future edition of eNews.

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Community at Saints Girls

Parents are a vibrant and important part of the St Peter’s Girls’ community. Many opportunities are available to become involved with the School, connect with other community members and build strong and lasting friendships. At the start of each term in 2021, all parents are invited to attend an information/collaboration meeting on Zoom with Principal Julia Shea and our Community Relations staff. At these meetings, parents will be updated on upcoming community activities and will hear from Julia. This will give parents an opportunity to get involved in our community events, ask questions, offer advice and provide constructive feedback. For more information, please contact me via 0407 394 183 or mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Community Meeting Term 1
Monday 8 February, 6 – 7 pm, Food Tech Centre

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84672322430?pwd=MGVPQk5mU1JlWVh6UmUwNitlcUEzQT09

Meeting ID: 846 7232 2430
Passcode: 076728

Friends of The Arts Community Group Meetings Term 1
Monday 1 February, 7pm, Music and Arts Offices
Wednesday 10 March, 7.30pm, Music and Arts Offices

Contact: Danielle Parker  dslparker@gmail.com

Saints Sport Support Group Meetings Term 1
Tuesday 9 February, 6.30pm, Food Tech Centre
Tuesday 16 March, 6.30pm, Food Tech Centre

Contact: Katie Lucas  Katie.Lucas@opencolleges.edu.au

Friends of Rowing Meetings Term 1
Tuesday 2 February, 6.30pm, Food Tech Centre
Tuesday 2 March, 6.30pm, Food Tech Centre

Contact: Ed Parker  edontheroadagain@hotmail.com

Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager

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Dad’s Night Out

SPGS Dads Night Out 2021_eNews


Friday 26 February from 6.30pm
Tranmere Bowling Club
1 Kings Grove, Tranmere

Tickets are $40 via www.Trybooking.com/BONMD
(includes entry, bowling fees and sausage sizzle)
Bookings close Wednesday 24 February

Drinks and raffle tickets can be purchased on the evening.
Dads will be placed into teams of 4. We will also run a fun competition with 2 games. Dads have an opportunity to win 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place.

Hope to see you there!

Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager

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Good Soles Support Saints Girls

In November, The Athlete’s Foot Burnside presented the School with a cheque for $890 for our involvement in its school rewards program. We encourage our community members to support this ongoing promotion. When you visit The Athlete’s Foot Burnside, $5 from every shoe purchased by anyone connected to our community will be donated to St Peter’s Girls’ School. Please let their staff know that you would like your donation to go to Saints Girls when you make a purchase.

Thank you for your kind support.

The Athlete’s Foot – School Rewards Program Information

Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager

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CommBank School Banking

CommBank school banking recommenced on Wednesday 2 February for Term 1. Please remind your children to bring their deposit book with their weekly banking into school each Wednesday morning.

In addition, we are looking for one or two parent volunteers to help us process the school banking on Wednesday mornings. We will provide training. If you would like to assist for an hour once a week/fortnight, please contact me via 8334 2244 or mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager

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Bushfire Action Plan

It is timely to remind families about the School’s Bushfire Action Plan.

The policy was developed in consultation with the CFS, MFS, Department for Education and other stakeholders to ensure staff and students are prepared in the event of an emergency.

For more information, you can access our Bushfire Action Plan on the myLink Parent Portal by clicking the ‘School Documents’ menu item, followed by the ‘Whole School’ tab.

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COVID-19 Measures

With the school year underway, please note the following information regarding our continued COVID-19 response.

The School has introduced a QR code tracing system to facilitate the safe return of parents on site, in line with wider government measures. Parents entering the campus to drop off or collect their children will need to scan the QR code provided each time. This also applies to parents visiting the School for events such as parent information evenings or sports training/matches.

Please note updated advice that parents and visitors with more formal appointments at the School, such as meeting a staff member, are still required to sign in/out at Front Office and now also need to scan the QR code as well for government tracing purposes.

Adults who do not have a device to scan the QR code need to write their details on the paper form provided in the Front Office.

Parents who remain in their vehicles in the main car park do not need to scan in, and students do not need to scan in as the School already tracks daily attendance.

Logistics around events will be shared in due course, dependent upon the latest advice. Attendance numbers, particularly for indoor events, will still need to be restricted to facilitate social distancing.

The following general requirements remain in place:

  • Ensure adults maintain a distance of 1.5m from each other.
  • Practise sound hand washing and other hygiene measures.
  • Students should remain at home if they are unwell; please notify the School of absences by calling 8334 2200, emailing attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au, or texting 0428 601 957.

We thank all of our families for your cooperation.

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Fruit Fly Outbreak – Update

Important Notice-22


The department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) has updated its information about fruit fly restrictions in South Australia. This might change the types of fruit and vegetables your child can bring to school/pre-school/childcare.

New colour-coded maps for metropolitan Adelaide and Riverland residents show the red outbreak areas, yellow suspension areas, and green areas not affected by fruit fly.

St Peter’s Girls’ School is located in the yellow suspension area.

If you live in the red outbreak area:
Your child must not bring any fresh fruit or vegetables on this list to school, pre-school or childcare. This applies even if it has been cut up. Instead, PIRSA has provided a list of alternative fresh fruit and vegetable options suitable for lunch and breaks.

If you live in the yellow suspension area
Your child can bring any type of fresh fruit or vegetable to school, pre-school or childcare.

If you live in the green not impacted area
Your child can bring any type of fresh fruit or vegetable to school, pre-school or childcare. All fruit or vegetables on this list must be eaten or disposed of at school, pre-school or childcare. These items cannot return home at the end of the day and will be disposed of safely at the school grounds.

Grated, dried, frozen, cooked or pureed fruit and vegetables of any kind are acceptable in any area.

We appreciate your cooperation as we help protect South Australia from fruit fly.

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2021 School Immunisation Program

The information below is provided by Eastern Health Authority

Immunisation Information for Parents/Legal Guardians of Year 8 and 10 Students

The SA School Immunisation Program will be offered at your school by Eastern Health Authority.

All Year 8 students will be offered:

2 doses of the human papillomavirus vaccine, Gardasil®9 at two separate visits.
1 dose of the diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough vaccine, Boostrix®.

All Year 10 students will be offered:

2 doses of the meningococcal B vaccine, Bexsero® at 2 separate visits.
1 dose of the meningococcal ACWY vaccine, Nimenrix®.

Immunisation consent packs will be sent home with all Year 8 and 10 students. It is important that you read the information contained in the packs before you give consent for your child to be vaccinated at school. If you have any questions about this program, please contact Eastern Health Authority via 8132 3600 or www.eha.sa.gov.au

All parents/legal guardians are to complete, sign and return the consent cards, even if you do not consent for the student to be vaccinated at school. Students aged 16 years and above can consent for themselves.

If you do not receive an immunisation consent pack from your child, please ask for one at the school’s Front Office.

If you do not want your child to be vaccinated at school, please contact Eastern Health Authority to arrange for your child to receive the free vaccines. If you go to your local doctor for the vaccination, they will need to order the vaccine and may charge a consultation fee.

Remember to keep your child’s School Immunisation Program records in a safe place as they may be required for future employment or travel.

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Swimming Carnival 2021

Swimming Carnival

Friday 19 February

A reminder that the Years 4 to 12 Swimming Carnival is scheduled to be held on Friday of Week 4 at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre.

More details including COVID measures and bus transportation are being emailed to parents.

School teams for SAPSASA (Years 4 to 7), SSSSA (Years 8 to 12) and IGSSA (Years 7 to 12) will be selected from the Swimming Carnival results.

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