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Enews – Week 1, Term 1 2018

Issue no. 1Enews-bannerW1 Banner

From the Principal

juliashea_web-200x300-200x300Welcome back to the start of the 2018 school year, and what an exciting week it’s been. Stages 4 and 5 of our Master Plan are now complete! We shared another ‘wow’ moment as the girls saw their new Library for the first time on Tuesday morning. It’s a stunning space, and with amazing views across Ferguson Park, it’s a Library with an outlook to rival any in the country. Where else could you be sitting in a window seat or out on the balcony with a koala perched in a tree just metres away? In addition, our lift, emblazoned with a striking blue Saints Girls’ sign and wrap-around staircase, is now fully functional. And our upstairs Stott Wing classrooms have a new balcony, allowing the girls to break out onto both the eastern and western sides of their classrooms.

The new Maker Space, containing the latest 3D printer and laser cutter, is a dynamic room where our girls can gather to explore, tinker, discover and create. The School has undergone a massive transformation in the past 12 months, and I thank the girls and staff for their patience in dealing with the noise and disruption which accompanies any major building project.

The Year 12 Common Room now sits at the western end of the Library. It’s an open and visible space, and deliberately so. When I first arrived at the School, I was disappointed to see that our student leaders were hidden away in a common room with no windows and a solid door. Our Year 12 girls need to be available, approachable and visible. As leaders, they need to engage and interact with our student community and staff. It’s a significant change but I have no doubt that our girls will rise to the challenge.

The new facilities will be officially opened by His Excellency the Honourable Hieu Van Le AC, Governor of South Australia on 21 February at 2.30pm. Parents are welcome to join us on this occasion and further details will be made available closer to the time.

Staff News

We welcome a number of new staff to Saints Girls:

> Nigel Scoggins commences in the role of Director of Teaching and Learning
> Trish Tynan will teach English and work extensively with those girls for whom English is not their first language
> Denise Reid joins the Languages Department and will teach French
> Katherine Kitching will teach both Drama and English
> Rebecca Scott-Toms and Emma Weber join the Mathematics Department
> Thomas Bassett steps into the role of School Chaplain, and will teach Philosophy and Religious Studies
> Angie Storer joins the Junior School staff as an Educational Support Officer

Your daughter’s Home Group teacher remains your first point of contact with the School. They will be in touch with you in the first few weeks of term. Please don’t hesitate to contact them should you have any queries in the meantime. Don’t forget that you can access your daughter’s timetable and contact staff via the links available on myLink.

Absence from School

Schools are required under the Education Act 1972 (SA) and the Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Act 2007 to ensure that students enrolled at the school do attend school and participate in the learning program. Whilst I accept there are things such as family emergencies and opportunities for girls to participate in various competitions, sporting and otherwise, that necessitate absence from School, the booking of family vacations during term time is not something the School can support. Of the 365 days in 2018, 185 are designated school days – just 50.7% of the year! In order to maintain the continuity of your daughter’s education, it’s important that she attend all 185 of those days. Applications for leave from School should be sent to the relevant Head of Sub-School. Applications seeking leave for family holidays during term time will not be approved. Term dates for 2018 and 2019 are available on the website. As has always been the case, illness substantiated by a medical certificate will be the only circumstance under which the rescheduling of an assessment task in the Senior School would be warranted.

Traffic Flow and Pick-up Procedures

Following a successful trial last year, Reception classes will conclude at 3.15pm. The girls, accompanied by their teacher, will walk to the designated pick-up zone. Parents will be able to drive through and collect their daughters. In order for this to work effectively, it’s imperative that all drivers are aware of the following:

> Only those collecting Reception students will have access to the pick-up zone prior to 3.30pm in the afternoon.
> Cars must not be parked in the drop-off/pick-up zone.
> Drivers must not exit their car when in the drop-off/pick-up zone. If your daughter is not in the designated area when you arrive to collect her, you must find legal parking before exiting your car and coming to look for her.
> Senior staff will be on duty. If you are asked to move on, please do so. It may be necessary to circle the block and rejoin the pick-up line.
> Girls must always enter or exit from the passenger side of the vehicle.
> Our girls’ safety is paramount and hence the driver’s full attention is required. Please refrain from talking on your mobile phone whilst using the drop-off/pick-up zone.
> Out of consideration for others in line, girls should ‘load up’ quickly, allowing the traffic to move smoothly through the zone.

Your adherence to the above guidelines is much appreciated.

Have a fantastic first term and I look forward to seeing you next Friday night at the P&F Welcome Drinks on the Lawns commencing at 6.30pm.

Julia Shea

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Read All About It! Students Explore New Library

It’s been a landmark week for St Peter’s Girls, namely for the opening of our new Library.

We caught up with our Library Captains, Kate McKellar-Stewart and Olivia Compare, to hear their first impressions:

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Maker Space Gets a Workout!

W1 Maker Space

This week saw students begin to use our new R – 12 Maker Space. Located between the new Library and the Science facilities, it provides ready access for students to the resources and expertise across all areas. The purpose of this specialist space is to enable our students to make even stronger connections between their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) understanding and skills. The Maker Space houses our new 3D printer and laser cutter, along with our wide range of robotics equipment. There is space for students to ‘make’ and ‘break’ objects to better understand how technology works and how it can be used to design and create solutions to problems. The Year 10 GEMS (Girls in Engineering, Mathematics and Science) class spent their first lesson this year in the Maker Space, working in teams to design and build model apartment complexes that met the combined criteria of maximum height and strength at minimum cost. We look forward to all girls making use of the Maker Space as the year progresses.

Brian Parsons
Head of Science

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eChallenge Girls Connect at Microsoft

A group of our award-winning eChallenge students enjoyed a visit to Microsoft’s local Head Office yesterday as part of their rewards for technology development and entrepreneurship.

The girls were inspired to hear from industry experts and experience some of the latest mind-blowing technology:

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Global Academy – Saints Girls Visit the UK

W1 Exchange

The Global Academy at St Peter’s Girls’ School provides opportunities for our girls to participate in an exchange with an overseas school. We recently had two Year 10 students, Matilda Braithwaite and Renee Lawrence, return from an exchange to England. We asked the girls to provide a recap of their experience:

On 4 January, Renee and I left for Sherborne Girls in England to take part in a three week exchange program. We stayed in the boarding houses Wingfield and East with our exchanges Ali and Mia, where we went for meals, homework and bed. We experienced everyday school life, going to six lessons a day, abbey on Sundays, socials with the boys’ school and even Saturday school. Spending all this time with the girls in my year gave me a chance to really get to know them and have lots of fun together! During our stay, the Sherborne girls had an exeat weekend where they go home and spend time with their families. I was fortunate enough to travel to London for a few days with Mia. We ticked everything off my London checklist: Covent Garden, Trafalgar Square, M&M World, Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, the Crown Jewels, the London Eye, Big Ben, Wicked the Musical, and I saw snow for the first time! We then spent a day on Mia’s farm in Dorset and a day in Exeter for some retail therapy. This exchange is one I would definitely recommend for future Year 10s because it is a once in a lifetime trip. I really enjoyed every moment and wish I could have stayed longer, although I do not miss the rainy, freezing weather! I have made some very close friends and I hope I can keep in touch with them  – maybe they can come over and experience Australia one day. – Matilda Braithwaite

Being a part of Sherborne Girls allowed us to have many outings around England, and locally. Every Saturday night, we would walk to the boys’ school and have a social. The first week, we had in-house socials. This is when we would meet up with another boys’ house and do activities together. I participated in a quiz and different sports like table tennis, netball and soccer. Our other social was a disco. The whole grade walked to the boys’ school and danced and socialised to some fellow students DJing. It allowed for everyone to get to know each other in a comfortable environment. We also went on some outings with the other exchanges to see famous monuments. We first went to Stonehenge with four Tasmanian exchanges and two South African exchanges. It was a really fun time spent learning about the history while getting to know some of the other girls. We also went to Bath which was a really fun day as we visited the Fashion museum where we looked at clothes from different eras and dressed up! Then, we went to the Roman baths, which was such a fantastic experience learning about the purpose and history behind them. While in Sherborne, we had an exeat. This was an opportunity to go home with our exchange family and see some amazing sights. I had the incredible opportunity to travel to London twice. We enjoyed some wonderful sights such as Tower of London, London Bridge, the Crown Jewels, Buckingham Palace, Harrods and many places on the Monopoly board. The second day we shopped and used the famous London Underground, which was a crazy but fantastic experience. I would 100% recommend this exchange to any girl going into Year 10 next year. I have made some really great friends on the other side of the world and can’t wait for my exchange partner to come to Adelaide! – Renee Lawrence

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Welcome Drinks on the Lawns

W1 Welcome Drinks
The St Peter’s Girls Parents’ and Friends’ Association would like to extend an invitation to all parents to welcome in the new school year at the traditional Welcome Drinks on the Lawns.

This annual, adults-only event is a great way for new parents to meet and socialise with existing parents, teachers and school staff in an informal atmosphere.

Please feel free to seek out our P&F Committee Members attending on the night to find out about the great benefits of volunteering at your daughter’s school.

Friday 9 February, 6.30 – 8.30pm
Chiverton Lawns, St Peter’s Girls’ School

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The Garden of Saintly Delights

W5 Garden of Saintly Delights

Sunday 25 February 2018

We encourage our entire community to come along with your children, family and friends – EVERYONE IS WELCOME!!!!

FREE entertainment on Chiverton Lawns will include:

11am The Fairies
1pm Peter Combe & Theatre Bugs
1.30pm The Amazing Magic Mike
2.30pm Force Elite Cheer & Dance Academy

*Plus St Peter’s Girls’ Music students will be performing throughout the day!

If you are interested in volunteering to either help set up or lend a hand on the day, please fill out the Volunteer Registration Form.

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New to the School Shop!

W1 Bumper Stickers

Bumper Stickers

We have given our bumper stickers a fresh update, and these are now available in two colour options – a white logo or a blue logo on a transparent background.

Handy hint: after a lot of rigorous testing, it was decided that the stickers look their best if you trim around the logo (leaving a 3mm or so border). Saints Girls’ families are welcome to collect a sticker from the School Shop during your next visit.

Portable Mobile Phone Chargers

W1 ChargerYou won’t need to worry about running out of phone battery if you have one of these chargers ready to go! For only $19.95 each, these are 2000 mAh portable chargers that come with a 3 in 1 cable with micro USB, and are for a mobile phone or small device that can recharge from a USB port. It isn’t suitable for tablet devices that draw a higher current.

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School Photos in Week 4

School photos will be taken on Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 February. You will be advised the exact day once the schedule has been finalised. This includes class photos as well as individual portraits for students in Reception to Year 12. ELC photos will be taken in April.

Photo order envelopes will be distributed to students during Week 2 and these will need to be completed and returned on the day to the photographer. If you have not received a personalised envelope for your daughter, please notify the Community Relations Office via email – fmcgregor@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Students are also reminded to wear their full summer uniform including the blazer.

Sibling photos will also be taken on Thursday 22 February at lunchtime. Separate order envelopes for sibling photos are available from the Community Relations Office (next to the School Shop).

Fiona McGregor
Events Officer

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Absences from School – Appointments/Illness

If your daughter is going to be late to school or absent, please use one of the following methods to notify the School providing student name, class and reason:

SMS: 0428 601 957
Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Phone: 8334 2200

It would be appreciated if this could be done prior to 9am.

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2018 Community Events at St Peter’s Girls

W1 Community Events

Friday 9 February Parents’ and Friends’ – Welcome Drinks on the Lawns
Sunday 25 February Parents’ and Friends’ – Community ‘Garden of Saintly Delights’
Friday 2 March Old Scholar Mums – Morning Tea
Tuesday 6 March Old Scholars – AGM & Year Leaders’ Event
Saturday 17 March Friends of Rowing – Head of the River and Dinner
Wednesday 4 April Friends of the Founders – Chapel Service and Light Lunch
Friday 6 April ELC Festival of Art
Friday 4 May Old Scholars – ‘A Touch of Blue’ Reunion
Friday 18 May Community Fashion Show – Ladies’ Night Out
Saturday 16 June Parents’ and Friends’ – Community Event
Friday 29 June Old Scholars – Annual Reunion Dinner
Sunday 23 September Foundation Long Lunch
Sunday 21 October Friends of the ELC – Ladies’ Day Out
Wednesday 31 October Friends of the Founders – Morning Tea
Thursday 8 November Community Christmas Drinks on the Lawn
Friday 23 November Friends of the ELC – Christmas Picnic

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Music Camp Concert Supporting a Good Cause

W1 Music Camp Concert

Our annual Music Camp pilgrimage to Ardrossan is once again upon us. This year, over 100 Music girls from Years 5 – 12 will participate in the four day event. If you feel like a Saturday afternoon drive, feel free to come along and see our Music Camp Concert in the Ardrossan Town Hall on Saturday 17 February at 3pm. Tickets are $10 each, with proceeds to go to purchasing a BBQ for the residents and staff of the Ardrossan Community Hospital.

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Musical Stars in the Making

W1 Musical

During the holidays, 13 of our Music students continued to extend their singing and stage craft skills through involvement in the Pelican Productions Music Theatre Camp, which culminated in the show, Seize the Day. Students had the opportunity to work with outstanding vocalists including cabaret performer Libby O’Donovan, Rosie Hosking, Ross Burford, Tania Savelli and several renowned choreographers.

The performances were an outstanding success, a mix of joyous sound and energy abounding. While all of our girls were involved in chorus work, many successfully made it through the rigorous audition process and managed to secure both leading and support roles. These students included Zara Blight, Hannah Brown, Daisy Kennett, Annabelle Langley, Charlotte Norman, Isabelle Norman, Emma Pool, Zoe Pool and Victoria Thorp. Outstanding vocal performances ranged from Zoe Pool as Charlie in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Victoria Thorp as Moana from the children’s film Moana, Hannah Brown as Anastasia from the film of the same name, to gospel singing enthusiast Isabelle Norman as Deloris from Sister Act. Special congratulations to Emma Pool who won the Spirit Award for positive attitude, enthusiastic participation and mentoring of younger students.

Congratulations Cartia

W1 - CL 3Congratulations to Cartia Lanzoni in Year 7 who has secured the main role of Matilda in the 2018 Fringe show The Revolting Children of Tomorrow. It takes the audience on a journey from the Dark Streets of New York City to the bright lights of Broadway, meeting beloved characters from stage and screen as the children follow their dreams to get their names in lights! If you would like to see Cartia in action, tickets can be purchased through the Adelaide Fringe website.
Sari Noble
Music Teacher


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Business Directory at St Peter’s Girls’ School

W1 - Business Directory

Book your very own personalised advertisement today. Three options available – $500, $250 or FREE

> Promote your special business offer and change your advertisement as often as you like for no extra cost
> Simply support businesses connected to our School
> Refer a business
> All proceeds go towards our Parents’ and Friends’ Association fundraising efforts for 2018

For more information on how to get involved, contact Melissa Westgate on 8334 2244 or mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.


Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager

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