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Enews – Term 4, Week 8 2015

Issue no. 38 


From the Principal

JuliaShea_webIt was wonderful to see so many families enjoy the chance to catch up at our recent Christmas drinks on the lawn. It gave me an opportunity to talk about the many things that have happened this year and the exciting things that are planned for 2016. But as Christmas draws near, it’s timely to reflect on the words of Walt Disney – “You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.” Whilst I will continue to be passionate about reviewing and upgrading our programs and facilities, the reality remains that these things are merely the building blocks. It’s our community that lies at the heart of the School and makes our dreams a reality. So thank you one and all for your amazing contribution to Saints Girls this year and for your commitment to all that lies ahead in 2016.

Staff news

The end of an academic year often marks a time for change for some our staff and 2015 is no exception.

  • Following her period of long service leave in Term 4, Anne Mitchell, Head of Junior School, retires after 18 years of outstanding service. We thank Anne for her passion and professionalism and wish her well for all that retirement will bring. Anne will be our guest at Presentation Evening next Wednesday. We look forward to welcoming Suzanne Haddy into the role of Head of Junior School in 2016.
  • After 7 years in her role as School Psychologist, Lyn Moseley leaves us to pursue further research and return to private practice. Kate Hunt who had worked one day a week this year also concludes her time at Saints Girls. From the start of 2016, Nicole Letch will join us as a full-time School Psychologist.
  • Barbara Hender, Head of ICT, has accepted the role of Head of Information Technology at Huntingtower in Melbourne. We wish Barbara well for her move interstate.
  • John Leydon, Head of Mathematics, leaves us after five years. Matthew Durant joins us from Concordia and will lead the Department from the start of 2016.
  • Emily Monaghan from our Humanities Department leaves the School after 10 years of wonderful service.
  • Satomi Glenn leaves the Languages Department after accepting a full-time role at Norwood Morialta. We wish Satomi well with her new appointment.
  • Rachel Dalby concludes her short time at Saints Girls as her 12 month contract comes to an end.
  • Emma Weber finishes her 12 month contract in the Mathematics Department. We welcome Heather Jones back to Saints Girls at the start of 2016 following the completion of her leave.
  • Jamie Pantsaras and Jenni Robertson conclude their short term contracts with the English Department. Emma Cother will return from maternity leave at the start of 2016.
  • Sarah Fenwick leaves us after 6 months as our Mid-year Reception teacher. The girls have had a wonderful introduction to School and Sarah will be greatly missed by each of them.
  • Caroline O’Keife concludes her time with the Learning Strategies Department and we wish her well with her future endeavours.
  • Tim Wilson concludes his role in the Development Office. We thank Tim for his contribution to Saints Girls and wish him well.

We have a number of new staff joining us next year as a result of the many exciting curriculum initiatives that will be introduced. There will be an opportunity for you to meet them all at the P&F drinks on the lawn on Friday 12 February 2016.

Presentation Night

I look forward to seeing you at our inaugural Presentation Night next Wednesday at the Town Hall, commencing at 7pm. This is a compulsory event for all girls in Years 7 to 12. It will be a much more student-centred evening, with our girls even filling the role of MC. The music is sounding fabulous and will no doubt stir the emotions of our departing Year 12 girls.

Finally, I can’t finish without mentioning the magnificent Carols in the Cathedral earlier this week. The music, as always, was glorious and we are indeed fortunate to have so many talented girls in our midst. Special thanks to Sally Rounsevell, Sari Noble and their team of tutors for bringing the program together. It’s perhaps the most popular event on the School calendar and understandably so.

I wish you and your families a joyous and peaceful Christmas and look forward to welcoming the girls back to School on Monday 1 February 2016.

Julia Shea

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New initiatives for 2016: a preview

St Peter’s Girls’ School prides itself on providing the very best education for our students. 2015 has been a very busy one, and as we head towards the end of the year, now is the time to highlight a range of new and exciting initiatives the School has to offer in 2016.

Tutoring program

In 2016, Years 7 – 12 students will have the unique opportunity to be involved with our new Tutoring Program. This will be a wonderful chance for our students to strengthen their knowledge in a range of disciplines, including Maths, Science, English and the Humanities.

The tutoring sessions will be conducted by our exceptional Old Scholars who have excelled in life after School. This connection will provide another benefit, as each of the Old Scholars has a solid understanding of the expectations of the School.

The tutoring sessions will be free, and offered before and after school.

I am certain this exciting program will ensure ongoing academic excellence for our girls. For more information, contact Head of Senior School Kerry Skinner on kskinner@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Coding and robotics

DSC02595This year, we have seen the success of the research project with Thomas the humanoid NAO robot. At the AGM last week, the Parents’ and Friends’ Association donated significant funding towards the purchase of the School’s own robot for 2016.

This resource will be invaluable for our girls, as they experience a variety of coding exercises, which will see them move from passive consumers of technology to active producers. Digital literacy must be as fundamental as reading and writing for 21st Century learners.

A new explicit coding subject will run within the Futures Program offered in Years 7 and 8 and our new robot will have considerable impact across a range of classes and activities from ELC to Senior School.

Exciting information technology upgrade

aarnetAs you may have seen, St Peter’s Girls is currently upgrading its technical infrastructure, which on completion will offer students a superior internet connection. It is clear that students of today require leading digital learning tools to allow them to access a range of high-definition multimedia content.

The School has joined Australia’s Academic and Research Network, AARNet, to provide us with high capacity, leading-edge internet services. This not-for-profit company allows educational institutions in Australia to communicate directly with others, anywhere in the world, without using the commercial internet.

The current cabling will be completed shortly, and will be followed by the completion of the internal network upgrade. It is expected that the new fibre optic service will be fully operation from January 2016.

Through new fibre optic cabling, our connection to AARNet will increase our internet speed from 150 to 1000 megabits per second. In addition, there will be no limit on our download size. This type of connection is exciting, as it gives to School the capacity to embrace the latest technologies as they become available in future.

For more information, contact Network Manager Nicolas Cronis on ncronis@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

EDGE program

edgeEDGE, our new Gifted and Talented program, will be introduced to the School in 2016. The Extended Differentiation and Gifted Education initiative, will be driven by a new Gifted and Talented Coordinator.

EDGE will be a great opportunity for all our students. As well as raising outcomes for gifted and talented students, all students will benefit from this powerful, scaffolded program, providing flow-on benefits for all.

The EDGE program will help with early identification and intervention of key students. These are both crucial components in fully meeting the needs of our girls. I look forward to welcoming students to EDGE, as the initiative will support the School in its continued tradition of very high academic and personal achievement.

For more information, contact Director of Teaching and Learning Meredith Beck on mbeck@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Intensive Languages

intensive-languagesA new Intensive Languages program will be introduced to the Junior School in 2016, following the success of a research project over the past three years. The project involved Year 4 students taking daily Japanese lessons, as part of research conducted by the Research Centre for Languages and Cultures at the University of South Australia. The results were exceptional, with students understanding vocabulary and structures and developing metacognitive knowledge at a higher level than expected.

Given this outcome, the new Intensive Languages program will give our Junior School students a range of options. For example, students in Reception to Year 3 will have two language lessons a week, either Chinese (Mandarin) or French. The girls will then study this language until Year 6. From next year, students in Years 4, 5 and 6 will engage in four language lessons a week.

In Year 7, students will be able to choose to study Chinese, French or Japanese for the three years of Middle School.

This Intensive Languages program is expected to place our students in an excellent position to improve their cognitive skills, develop high levels of proficiency and transfer their learnings to other areas.

For more information, contact Director of Teaching and Learning Meredith Beck on mbeck@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

So, as you can see, 2016 is shaping up to be an exciting one for our students. I have no doubt that it will be a year filled with possibilities not seen in previous years. It is, indeed, a very exciting time for our girls to fulfil their true potential!

Julia Shea

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Celebrating Languages


languages-wk-picThis year we decided to revive ‘Languages Week’, an event that has been held at the School in years past, but not for some time now. Our aim was to include as much of the School as possible in a range of interesting activities.

We conducted a flag competition in Junior Primary and trivia competitions of varying levels across Years 2-10. At lunch times, in the Junior Library, we organised craft activities for the Junior School students, such as Monet water lilies, Japanese string games, Chinese knotting and stained glass windows à la Notre Dame made from cellophane. These were held in year level groups so that all girls had a chance to do something, but the activities could be catered to their skill levels. For the older students (Years 7-10), we held activities in the Middle School classrooms, such as karaoke, music videos and advertisements from around the world and a multilingual vocabulary game on iPads.

The Tuckshop jumped on board and organised ‘International Flavour Days’ on which the girls could pre-order a set menu from Japan, China or France. Menu items included teriyaki chicken and sushi (Japan), chicken stir-fry and fortune cookie (China) and croissant and macaroon (France). These proved very popular with the girls, with some ordering more than one cuisine.

The week culminated in an International Costume Day on Friday, when the Junior School girls could come to school dressed in a costume that represented their heritage. There were many beautiful outfits, and even some of the teachers got involved!

It was a wonderful week that truly celebrated the variety of languages both studied and spoken in our School. We look forward to building on the experience next year.

Cindy Pitkin
Head of Languages

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IB update

On Monday of Week 7 our Year 12 IB students calmly completed their Diploma examinations. Three weeks earlier, when they sat their first paper, the mood, best described as nervous anticipation, was very different. However, it was not long before the nerves were forgotten, usually from the moment the girls started reading their papers. Their steely determination to apply what they knew, and cope with challenges to the best of their ability, attests to their maturity as learners, and I congratulate them on their focus and resilience. Now the wait for results, which at this stage will be available to Australian candidates from 4 January 2016, begins. In the meantime, I expect that the girls and their parents are busy enjoying life after IB!

IB Examinations 2015

Some interesting facts about the IB Diploma examinations that you may not know include:

  • It is the exam so secret that not even teachers know what it contained until a day after students put down their pens.
  • Tamper-proof packaging, investment bank-style encryption and invigilators are all part and parcel of the International Baccalaureate.
  • Globally, 77,000 students from 400 schools in 148 countries took the transnational certificate.
  • The worldwide nature of the examinations means that students must wait 24 hours before discussing the tests with anyone.
  • Overall, there are more than 80 IB exams in subjects as diverse as Global Politics, Philosophy, English and Maths, with a curriculum that focusses more on breadth than specialisation and has a compulsory community service component.
  • Last year Australian students dominated the International Baccalaureate exams, performing well above the global average and claiming a high proportion of the top marks, despite the relatively small cohort.

Year 11 Examinations

Year 11 IB students have also completed their internal examinations, but unlike SACE students, they have not commenced a Headstart program. Because the Diploma is a two year course, they continue their normal lessons, although in different timeslots, until the end of Week 8.

The Sciences Group 4 project

In Week 7, our Year 11 students conducted and completed the group 4 project, one of the academic highlights of the term. This is an interdisciplinary and collaborative activity in which all Diploma Programme science students across the world must participate. The intention is that students from the different group 4 subjects analyse a common topic or problem, with the emphasis on the processes involved in, rather than the products of, such an activity. The aim is to develop an understanding of the relationships between scientific disciplines and their influence on other areas of knowledge. (IB publishing, IBO, 2015)

In the past the project has taken place off campus, and the students have had to battle the elements. This year, however, the project was school-based, and students had access to the laboratory as well as reliable access to the internet. The approach to the topic was also different from past years. This year’s project was inspired by the BBC documentary television series, Rough Science. Just like the scientists in the program, who consisted of scientists from different fields, our scientists represented Biology, Physics and Chemistry, worked in cross-disciplinary groups and were given a task they needed to complete, using the resources available in their surrounding area.

The task was for each group to solve a problem associated with being stranded in a remote environment, by constructing a device or techniques that would contribute to their survival, and use materials that, realistically, may have been in their luggage prior to them being stranded.

The techniques and devices the girls developed included:

  • A technique and a device to communicate via a home-made radio
  • A technique and a device to purify water
  • The development of sterile wipes

The staff and students deserve to be congratulated for this original and creative approach to the task. Not only did it generate innovative, ethical scientific investigation and outcomes, but it also was enjoyable for everyone.


This year, I will conclude my time in the role of IB Diploma Coordinator so that I can focus on teaching in 2016. I would like to publicly thank everyone who has contributed to the introduction and implementation of the IB Diploma over the past five years, especially staff, students and parents. While it was a privilege to be selected to manage the candidacy and authorisation applications and process, and the implementation of the Diploma, our success at each of these stages was the product of prolonged and committed teamwork and, more recently, the efforts of the highly professional teachers of the programme.

By offering the IB Diploma as well as SACE, the School has provided our Senior School students with a choice. For students interested in the development of attitudes and skills required for academic and personal success in the future, including at university, and who are keen to study an internationally-minded curriculum, IB is a very good choice.

Some of the advantages of offering and studying the Diploma include:

  • The development of a positive attitude to learning that prepares students for success at university and the world of work.
  • The growing recognition of Australian and International universities of the value of IB graduates
  • The incorporation of best practice from a range of international frameworks and curricula results in a body of knowledge and skills that are applicable to non-IB programmes and subjects.
  • The creation of more culturally and globally aware students and the fostering of intercultural understanding and respect.
  • The Creativity, Action and Service programme [CAS] which has provided the model for a whole School approach to community service.
  • The Theory of Knowledge course, unique to the DP, which asks students to critically reflect on diverse ways of knowing and on areas of knowledge, examining “How do we know?”
  • The development of IB learner attribute, especially the development of an IB learner as someone “who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.”

There are increasing numbers of students in our school who have successfully studied a combination of IB and SACE subjects in Year 11 and considered this to be a positive experience. There are also past students who, after completing Year 11 IB, transferred to SACE in Year 12. Without exception, they have acknowledged the value of their IB experience.

I hope IB Diploma continues to be a valuable option for students, whether as a Year 11 student or a student who completes both years of the programme in Year 12. While there is no doubt that it is academically and personally challenging, there are many students in this School who have the attributes required to be successful IB Diploma students.

Leaving the door open for a choice in Year 12 is a true advantage that did not exist two years ago.

Julie Robertson
IB Diploma Coordinator

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Year 5 reef excursion


Year 5 students visited the Port Noarlunga Reef this term as part of their Science study, investigating human impact on aquatic ecosystems. This delicate ecosystem is approximately 2.5 million years old, having been formed from an ancient sand dune at the original mouth of the Onkaparinga River. Students discovered an abundance of marine life on the reef. We learnt about the Aboriginal Dreaming story relating to its formation and how it is being preserved for future generations.

Shelley Hampton
Year 5 Teacher

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Carols in the Cathedral: a stunning tradition


Tradition – a transmission of customs and/or beliefs passed on from generation to generation. Having just competed my fifth Carols in the Cathedral at Saints Girls it was wonderful this year to see the final carols performance of this year’s Year 12 group who were my Year 8 cohort when I first arrived at Saints. On being appointed to Director of Music, I came along to the carols the year before I started. It was clear to me that this was a truly beautiful event, steeped in tradition and ritual, and I thought to myself that I was blessed to be moving to a school community that held such traditions so close to their hearts.

Since that performance six years ago I have tried to ensure that we maintain and continue to build on these wonderful traditions. Now in my fifth year, our School orchestra has doubled in size and every year we play “A Christmas Festival”; a beautifully arranged Christmas medley by Leroy Anderson. When I first presented this piece to the orchestra it took us eight rehearsals to put it together and the girls all found it a huge challenge. This year our Year 12 girls were able to bask in their ability to perform this piece with ease with only one rehearsal, enjoying the confidence and musical skill they have all developed over the past five years. They all reminisced on how far they had come and were able to impart their knowledge onto the newest members of the orchestra: “Don’t worry; it will get easier!” This is what building tradition is all about – reflection. Looking back at how far you have come and passing on that knowledge to the next generation.

The procession and singing of “O Come Emmanuel” in our special blue robes has become another tradition our girls hold dear and I watched with amusement as the Junior School Choir girls began their journey at Carols watching the ‘big girls’ practise their harmonies and slowly walk down the aisle, knowing full well that in eight years’ time they would be the girls leading the procession. Again, tradition passing on customs from generation to generation, building expectation and motivation to succeed and one day taking on that leadership role within our music program.

Carols, however, is not just about traditions; it is also about celebrating the story of Christmas through music and it is with delight every August that I sit down and choose the music we will perform on the evening. Yes, my Christmas journey starts in August! I even beat the department stores (but only by a month or so!). What I think I love the most is that I am no longer bound by ability. I now get to choose our repertoire simply by what sounds awesome! Each year Mrs Noble and I are completely blown away by how confident the girls are at attacking more challenging and sophisticated music. Our Senior Strings group certainly displayed this in their stunning performance of Silent Night this year, as did our combined Chamber and Enchante ensemble with Gaudete.

Adding extra elements such as the Percussion ensembles, Brass Ensemble and Orchestral accompaniment has also been a wonderful addition to our performances, ensuring more musicians are involved in the event. It is wonderful that our program has developed so much that these groups are capable of performing at such a high level; it is a credit to the girls and their ensemble directors. A huge thank you to all our wonderful music directors who assist Mrs Noble and me in supporting the girls to present such a high quality and musical performance.

This year was Mrs Lyn Moseley’s last Carols as a director of our Concert Choir. Lyn has been an amazing support to the Music Department over the past seven odd years and I know that the girls and staff are all going to miss her terribly. Lyn is a wonderful musician and we have been so lucky to have her support and enthusiasm in our music team. She will be missed.

Tuesday night’s performance was so special for all involved because of the traditions and culture we hold so dear and we were all blessed to be a part of such a beautiful night. Thank you for your ongoing support as a member of our community. I am already looking forward to next year’s Carols service.

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Middle School Languages excursions

Chinese in Adelaide


In Week 4, the Year 8 and 9 Chinese language students had the opportunity to explore Chinese culture in an excursion. We went to the Kingdom Chinese Restaurant in China Town and had lunch there. During the excursion, students had the chance to practise their Chinese language by ordering the food from the waiters in Chinese. They also discovered many unique characteristics of a Chinese restaurant, such as the table, the decorations and the menu. This cultural experience provided the students with an opportunity to further develop their intercultural understanding through a comparison between cultures. Students enjoyed using the language and exploring the culture in a real life situation.

In Week 4, the Year 10 Chinese language students went to a Chinese Knot Workshop at the Confucius Institute in the University of Adelaide. At the beginning of the workshop, students were introduced to the origin of Chinese Knots as well as their symbolic meanings. Students were surprised to learn that the Chinese Knots can not only be used as home decoration, but also be used as buttons, earrings and even bracelets as a part of traditional Chinese fashion. Later, they were engaged in learning how to make Chinese Knots themselves. This hands-on activity encourages students to love the Chinese culture and have a better understanding of the people and culture of China.

Heng Wang
Chinese Teacher

A pot pourri of French activities


‘Pot pourri’ is a French word which describes a musical piece made of a selection of other musical works. It also means a mix of different items or a blend of dried flowers in a decorated jar or vase, much used in the 18th century (or as a Christmas present!).

The word is appropriate to describe the activities of the Year 8 and 9 French students  during the past few weeks. In this pot pourri, you will find many highlights.

Year 9 students had a picnic at the Botanic Gardens, with French baguettes, French ‘diabolo’ drinks (lemonade and mint or pomegranate cordial – ‘diabolo’ means ‘little devil’!). We also enjoyed mousse au chocolat artfully decorated by Debbie from the Tuckshop with a ‘Debbie-snail’ proudly sitting on the top of the mousse. The students were given straws and Blu-Tak for building a replicaEiffel Tower in a limited time.

Year 8 experienced tasting French food at Grimaldi’s Restaurant. Jean-François is the chef at Grimaldi’s (“Grimaldi” is the name of the Monaco family). He is from Provence and he delighted our students with his French menu and bonhomie. The choice was soufflé au fromage (cheese soufflé) on a bed of tomatoes, or a green salad with croûtons and honey vinaigrette followed with a choice of dessert (mousse au chocolat or lemon tart). Jean-François loves sharing his French roots as well as his culinary talents. Upon arrival, the girls found a French quiz on their tables and had to answer questions pertaining to different aspects of French culture. The most difficult question was to quote how many countries border France! (Google it!)

Being so far away from France, it is always a challenge to think about how to link the curriculum to ‘hand-on’ activities we can do in Adelaide. The girls have challenged their thinking, because they have found that there is a little corner of France lurking in Adelaide and have embraced it. So, merci, les filles!

Colette Merckel
French Teacher

Experiencing Japanese in the City


On Tuesday 3 November the Year 8 Japanese class went on an excursion to the Central Market to experience Sushi Train by ordering food in Japanese and trying some sushi they had never had before. Then we visited a Japanese 100 yen themed shop (‘Kawaii’), a Japanese grocery and goods shop (‘Little Tokyo’) and a Japanese anime and manga character shop (‘Morning Glory’) to check out what the Japanese shops are like. The students enjoyed everything, especially ‘Purikura’ which is a Japanese photo booth in ‘Morning Glory’.

On Monday 2 November the Year 9 Japanese class went on an excursion to Himeji Japanese Garden on South Terrace. We had a sushi obentō (packed lunch) to share, just like what we do at cherry blossom viewing in Japan. The students were given a comprehensive guided tour by an Adelaide City Council Parklands Ranger and learned a lot. They also went exploring on their own and completed a Himeji Garden booklet. Many of the students said they would like to visit again and bring their family next time.

Satomi Glenn
Japanese Teacher

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Technical Theatre Group


The Technical Theatre Group was first formed in 2012. It has continued to grow since then, becoming increasingly more important to the School each year. The group was originally formed to provide support for the Arts Centre only, but as the School has become more technically sophisticated, we are also required in the Chapel.

Various skills, including lighting, sound and projection operation, microphone tech, cabling and much more, are learnt by being a part of the Tech Team. Our role is essential for many school performances, including school assemblies, musicals, arts/awards nights, and outside of school events, such as drama performances. In such events, students of our school are responsible for managing all the lights, sound effects, projection and various behind-the-scenes jobs. Whilst those in the Tech Team develop technical skills, we also develop an ability to work under stress and benefit from being part of a team where patience, responsibility and creativity is valued.

Weekly meetings are run by Peter Howie and Amanda Kimber who teach us new skills, as well as planning who is responsible for each event throughout the week. As well as the two staff members, the Tech Team is led by its Co-Captains, Charlotte Yandell and Dominique Rigby, and Vice-Captain, Qianna (Nancy) Huang. As the leadership team, they send out reminder emails and organise activities which this year included excursions. The team consists of girls from Year 6 to Senior School, giving girls of all ages a chance to connect.

In July 2015 fifteen of the older and most experienced girls of the group were able to go to the Festival Centre to take a tour around the complex, exploring the backstage areas. This gave the girls a glimpse of the professional theatre industry and the opportunity to ask a professional, experienced tech worker many questions about the industry.

The Technical Theatre Group is a great way to learn new skills, develop valuable personal qualities and connect with girls in different age groups. The group is always welcoming and fun, new members being inducted at the beginning of each semester.

Charlotte Yandell
Technical Theatre Co-Captain

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Bus service bookings for 2016

As you would be aware, in Term 4 the School introduced a new bus ticket charging system. We hope you are finding the new system simpler and more streamlined than before, and this process will continue in 2016.

To confirm your daughter’s use of the bus service next year, please complete the bus form for 2016. This can be returned to the School Shop by Friday 11 December 2015.

Costs and charging

Bus use is invoiced each term on your daughter’s fees account. The charging options are:

  • Term Pass $280 per term
  • Casual tickets $5.50 per trip

A Term Pass covers all trips to and from School for the relevant term. If the Term Pass option is selected at the beginning of the year, it will apply for the full year unless the School is advised prior to the beginning of a new term that you wish to discontinue use of a Term Pass. This advice should be given to the School Shop Manager, Sue Burnett, on 8334 2228 or by email to sburnett@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

The cost of the Term Pass will be invoiced at the beginning of the relevant term.

Bus drivers maintain a roll of students travelling on the bus and where a student does not have a Term Pass, the number of trips (one-way, to or from School) that she travels in a term will be invoiced at the end of the term.

> Bus service form 2016

For further information, please contact me on 8334 2228 or email sburnett@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au. For any bus route enquiries, contact Bus Coordinator Brian Caire on bcaire@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Sue Burnett
School Shop Manager

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Second-hand textbooks

Now is the time to consider buying and selling second-hand textbooks. Sustainable School Shop provides the second-hand textbook trading system for the school. Our School’s 2016 booklist/textbook information for Years 7-12 has been uploaded and is ready to use on the Sustainable School Shop website.

To get started, go to www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au and either register as a parent or log-in if you’re already registered.

Buying second-hand textbooks: Click Find Books, select your booklist, and tick the boxes of the books you need. The system will show you the correct second-hand books to buy. Click Member With Most Matches to see who has most of these books, or click Cheapest Books. You’ll receive Ad Match emails when newly listed books match your wanted ads.

Selling second-hand textbooks: Get your books home and list them for sale asap. Click Sell Books and follow the prompts; the system will assist ad construction and provides a pricing guide. Write the availability date in your ads if your books are still being used. To sell books that are not on your old booklist, please click MyAds/Create Ads and follow the prompts.

Other tips:

  • Searching for second-hand textbooks begins as soon as the new booklists are distributed.
  • People with wanted ads always get first choice of the newly listed books for sale.
  • Be mindful to price your books reasonably; this is a competitive marketplace.
  • Don’t make special trips when collecting books; just fit it into your normal routine.
  • Only buy secondhand workbooks that have not been written in.
  • Many book suppliers have very good returns policies that will enable you to continue looking for second-hand texts, even after submitting your new book order – check your supplier’s returns policy.

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ELC Christmas Picnic


elc-christmas-treeOur Christmas Picnic last Friday was a truly magnificent event. It was a celebration of our year, our community and our confident and extremely capable children. We all felt so proud of our young performers and the joy they brought to everyone, and the lead-up to this event was very special. We will always hold dear to our hearts our first Christmas Celebration in our new ELC.

We wondered why it was so magical. Was it the performance, the build-up of excitement, the community coming together, the divine evening and atmosphere or a culmination of all of these factors? From my perspective it was about the little bit of magic in each of the children as they have been nurtured to this point where they could perform and radiate joy to so many. It was also about the feeling of belonging to a community; the fact that the children and their families feel so comfortable in our setting.

The Friends of the ELC created the wonderful idea of hosting our Christmas Picnic with a sausage sizzle and other delights. Their generosity of time and donations has enabled us to already raise $1700 for our new stage. This money will combine with other funds raised during the year and will kickstart our 2016 project. I thank the Friends of ELC for their wonderful work in 2015. I also thank Lucy Cirocco for donating her delicious cupcakes.

Thank you also to the Friends of ELC who helped decorate the amazing Christmas tree now residing in the ELC plaza.

As the year concludes, we farewell Melinda Buttignol from our committee. She will be dearly missed!

Kate Mount
Director of Early Learning

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P&F AGM: What a year!


The St Peter’s Girls’ School Parents’ and Friends’ Association held our AGM on Thursday 26 November.

It has been another big year for the P&F, focussing again on combining community building events with fundraising.

As a result of its fundraising activities, the P&F were able to present the School with a cheque for $50,000, of which $30,000 will enable the School to redevelop the area around the Sisters’ Memorial Garden, revitalising a key focal area of the campus.

The remaining funds have enabled the School to purchase its own humanoid robot. The newly arrived robot was a special guest at the AGM, coming out of his box for a quick dance on the Boardroom table. In the new year, the P&F will be running a competition to name the robot, so get your thinking caps on to come up with an original name.

The 2016 Buzz Book is currently being put together. This is an important fundraiser for the P&F as well as being a useful facility for SPG parents. If you have a business, then please support the Buzz Book by placing an advertisement or if you don’t then please repay the people who do advertise by using their services.

The P&F will hit the ground running once again in 2016, so please make a note in your diaries of the following important events:

Drinks on the Lawn – Friday 12 February
Twilight Cinema – Saturday 20 February

Of course, our Twilight Cinema will again feature a fantastic raffle and we will once again ask our community to consider donating a prize. Danielle Palmieri and Anne Andrejewskis will be coordinating the raffle in 2016, so please don’t hesitate to contact them with any prize ideas.

Later in 2016, the P&F will be hosting its key fundraising event for the year on Saturday 20 August. More details of this event will follow in the new year.

The P&F would like to thank all those who have contributed to its various fundraising activities or have volunteered to help at its events. I would also like to thank the P&F Executive for their hard work and support during the year.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New year. See you in 2016.

Ed Parker
P&F President

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Thank you: from the Mothers’ Club


On behalf of the Mothers’ Club, I would like to extend a HUGE thank you to our School community for helping us to achieve so much success this year.

It began with our ambitious project of the Amphitheatre, which is spectacular to behold, and the envy of many visiting parents while watching their daughters play sport.

Then, we decided that the ‘sauce on the snag’ would be a barbecue to complement the area, and provide a lovely community entertainment area.

Wow! The final product went above our expectations, especially in the way the barbecue is in harmony and complements the area. Our hats go off to Property Services, especially to Liam and Ned, for their help with this project.

Last Wednesday we were able to christen the barbecue as we helped the Year 12s with their ‘Thank you barbecue’ for all the students. This was a lovely event to be part of.

Our successful raffle for tickets to the upcoming Taylor Swift concert also contributed funds to this fantastic barbecue. We hope ELC parent, Sarah Corbett, enjoys this amazing experience next week. Thank you again to our very generous sponsors of this prize, BankSA.

So thank you all again; we love being a part of this incredible community and helping out where we can. From all the members of the Mothers’ Club, we wish you a wonderful Christmas and a joyous New Year!

Don’t forget to mark these dates in your diary for 2016:

Saturday 20 February – Twilight Cinema, where we will again hold the Gift Box Stall
Friday 1 April – Dads’ Night Out
Friday 13 May – Mums’ Night Out

Emma Robinson
Mothers’ Club President

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Year 6 Graduation

Year 6 Graduation Enews

The annual Year 6 Graduation will be held on Monday 7 December.

Years 3-6 students will attend the ceremony, and all families are welcome to attend.

2pm, Monday 7 December
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School

Please RSVP at www.trybooking.com/JPMD

We hope to see as many parents as possible join us for this special celebration.

Cassandra Moore and Vicky Charlton
Year 6 Teachers

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Year 9 Graduation invitation

Year 9 Graduation

The annual Year 9 Graduation will be held on Tuesday 8 December.

Year 9 parents have been sent a formal invitation, and other Middle School families are also welcome to attend.

2pm, Tuesday 8 December
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School

Please RSVP at www.trybooking.com/JPMF

We hope to see as many parents as possible join us for this special celebration.

Richard Lisle
Head of Middle School

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Presentation Night and final day arrangements


Arrangements for the final day of School will be as detailed below. Morning and afternoon buses will run as normal.

Junior School

  • All Junior School students will be dismissed at 12:30pm.

Middle School

  • All Years 7-8 students will be required at School, as well as Year 9 students who are performing in a choir or music group at Presentation Night, receiving a prize or who are a House Captain
  • Years 7-8 students and all musicians to arrive at School by 8.30am
  • Year 9 prize winners and House Captains, who are not musicians, arrive at School at 12.30pm
  • Years 7-8 and all musicians can be collected from School at 2pm, however they will be supervised until 3.30pm if parents prefer
  • All other Middle School students will be dismissed at 3.30pm.

Senior School

  • Senior School musicians arrive at School by 8.30am
  • Senior School prize winners and any Year 12 student requiring transport to the Town Hall to arrive at School by 12.30pm
  • Musicians can be collected from School at 2pm, however they will be supervised until 3.30pm if parents prefer
  • All other Senior School students will be dismissed at 3.30pm

Presentation Night

Adelaide Town Hall
7pm start

  • Full school uniform required
  • Musicians must arrive at Adelaide Town Hall at 6pm
  • All other students arrive by 6.30pm
  • Guests should be seated by 6.45pm


Bookings have now closed.

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Buzz Book advertising now open

Buzz Book 2016 Enews

Next year’s Buzz Book is just around the corner. The Buzz Book is an integral part of each St Peter’s Girls’ School family home. It’s the go-to resource for all our families – and this is your opportunity to be included in the Buzz.

Advertising is available in the 2016 edition and prices start from just $20 for a text listing and from $120 for display spaces.

This year we are offering advertisers who purchase a full page colour ad the option of a complimentary promotion on the big screen at the 2016 Twilight Cinema!

This is an annual fundraising initiative of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association where all funds raised go towards resources for the girls. The fundraising efforts of the P&F have been integral in such initiatives as the purchase of a NAO Humanoid Robot worth over $20,000. The P&F’s contributions to the School are all the more possible thanks to the support and generosity of local businesses and school families who contribute to the Buzz Book each year.

To book your spot, visit www.trybooking.com/JGEN.

But hurry – bookings must close next week!

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Scholarship information and registration details are now available at www.stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au/scholarships.

Year 8 Academic Scholarship for Entry 2017
Students who will be in Year 7 in 2016 are eligible to apply for an academic entrance scholarship commencing from Year 8 in 2017. Registration for these scholarships must be completed online through the School website which provides a direct link through to the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). A series of academic tests will be undertaken at our School on Saturday 6 February 2016 and further information regarding these scholarships can be downloaded from the website. Registrations will close on Thursday 21 January 2016.

Music Scholarships for 2017
Current and external students from Year 6 to Year 10 in 2016 are welcome to apply for a Music Scholarship, for commencement from 2017. The scholarship criteria and application details are available on the School website and applications will be accepted until Friday 12 February 2016. Successful applicants will be invited to attend an audition in late February.

Further details about all of the scholarships on offer are available at www.stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au/scholarships

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Interhouse Rowing

Interhouse rowing Enews

Saturday 12 December will be a great family rowing day and this year we have something for everyone. Following the Interhouse regatta which starts at 10am, Friends of Rowing will be holding a parent ‘come and try’ session. For $25 you will be coached by a Saints Rowing coach and get to experience some of what our daughters experience each week.

We will set up the marquee at the Torrens riverbank and there will be a BBQ and cold drinks available on the day.

9.30am, Saturday 12 December
Scotch Boat Shed, River Torrens

This is a great opportunity to give rowing a go and support Saints Rowing at the same time. Parents wishing to give rowing a go can contact me on andrewhannon20@icloud.com.

Andrew Hannon
Friends of Rowing President

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Wilderness Escapes holiday activities

Wilderness Escape, a leading provider of school camps in South Australia, has a variety of holiday activities on offer.

Program 1 – Woodhouse (14 December)
A fun day for 8-12 year olds with some survival-focussed activities, including
cubby building, camouflage games and the infamous Challenge Hill obstacle

Program 2 – Port Noarlunga (15 December)
A great day out for 8-12 year olds with surf safety and boogie boarding
sessions as well as beach games and sand sculptures before testing survival
skills with raft building!

Program 3 – Hindmarsh Island (14-16 December)
Suited to 8-10 and 11-13 year olds. This 3 day camp includes camp craft
and group initiative tasks, teaching fun survival skills and problem-solving
techniques in the wilderness. Other activities include learning to surf and sail
and testing their skills in building a raft and escaping the island.

Visit wildernessescape.com.au/holiday-programs for further details.

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Sports News

Student success

In Week 7 of Term 4 I competed in the Pacific School Games, representing South Australia in the swimming section, which was one of the eight sports included in the games. Over the seven days that the swimming was run, I participated in six personal events and five relay events. Some of the personal events I competed in were the 200m IM and 100m Freestyle. Overall, in all of my events I was placed 15th in the 200m individual Medley, 17th in the 50m butterfly, 22nd in the 50m breaststroke, 20th in the 50m freestyle, 19th in the 50m backstroke and 14th in the 100m freestyle. I felt very proud to represent my State in something I love. – Ruth Oliver, 6VC

In Weeks 8 and 9 I am going to Canberra to compete in the National School Sport Athletics Championships for the SA State Team. I am competing in discus, shot put and the 4×100, 4×200, shot put and long jump relays. I was also lucky enough to be chosen as captain of this team. This means I have to give a speech at the closing ceremony. I am looking forward to this experience as I have competed in this event twice before and I am very excited to represent South Australia again. – Sophie Barr, 6VC