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Enews – Term 3, Week 6 2015

Issue no. 26 


From the Head of Middle School

RichardLisle_webLast week I was privileged to speak at the 9th International Adolescent Success Conference on the Gold Coast. This organisation is dedicated solely to the education and development of young adolescents, and the conference attracts delegates with a passion for schooling in the ‘Middle Years’ from around Australia, as well as some international visitors from South East Asia and America. The theme for the conference was ‘Bright Futures for Young Adolescents’, with sessions in the four areas of Curriculum, Well-being, Pedagogy and Leadership.

It was my pleasure to be able to share some of our practice here at St Peter’s Girls with a wider audience. My main theme was about the need to give young adolescents the space to develop creative and critical thinking skills, whilst encouraging them to use these attributes to make a positive impact upon others. I found it affirming that a number of other speakers shared this goal, and fascinating to see how similar schools around the country approach similar aims in different ways.

This notion of young people embracing their creative talents to lead change was also central to the recent Anglican Schools Leadership Workshop held at Walford. This annual event is attended by students from Years 6, 9, 11 and 12 from all 12 Anglican schools around Adelaide. This year, having been inspired by examples of current Adelaide students acting as ‘change agents’, as well as an excellent and well received talk from our own Melissa Bray about how to embrace social media and internet tools to enable change, students were challenged to take the first steps toward leading change in their sphere of influence.

As part of the day, I asked our students to reflect upon their experience of the sessions. As one of the organisers of the workshop, I was delighted that the sessions had clearly resonated with many of our students.

“The Anglican Schools Event was very enjoyable and I learnt a lot about how we can make a change to improve society for the better.” – Holly Wallman-Craddock, Year 6

“The best leaders LOVE their people and their cause, are INNOVATIVE in their ideas and have COURAGE in their actions.” – Madison Bateman, Year 11

“After listening to people’s inspirational speeches, I am more inspired to be an agent of change.” – Amira Shahin, Year 9

“Today provided insight toward the fundamentals behind leadership. For me, finding out what qualities a good leader possesses requires asking yourself why… why… why… is (the idea) so important, what is the change you want? More importantly, what do you want to leave behind? How can you better people’s experience in what you lead? These are all ideas that I have been left to think about, which is much more refreshing than ‘a good leader needs to be organised, a good leader needs to be charismatic, etc., etc.’ Instead of thinking about what a good leader is, today challenged us to think about how a good leader is and how we can achieve this instead of admiring potential qualities.” – Sophie Schultz, Year 11

“It was an inspiring day and a great chance to bounce our ideas around with like-minded people from the Anglican Schools Community. It was also motivating to learn from, and listen to, the stories of leadership from the presenters and the girls and boys we were working with.” – Anna Cross, Year 11

“It was refreshing and motivating to hear the work that different people had done to make a difference on the things they are passionate about. It definitely inspired me to take more risks, to step outside my comfort zone, and to become a leader for change.” – Anna Bi, Year 9

Hearing from young compassionate people with creative minds and the desire to enact change, such as these, fills me with hope and confidence. Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computers, was keen on the notion of ‘making a dent in the universe’ – embracing creativity, enthusiasm, resilience (and often technology) to leave a useful legacy. I urge our students to engage with each other in an effort to make a positive change for the community of their choice, and I urge parents to help their children to take risks, to think big, and in so doing, help them make their ‘dent’.

Richard Lisle

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NAPLAN Results

In May 2015, the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy tests were administered to all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 throughout Australia. The tests covered reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation and numeracy.

Your daughter’s individual NAPLAN results were sent home this week, and we are pleased to confirm the School’s continued outstanding success in this assessment and congratulate our all students on their results.

It’s my pleasure to report that the School’s results across all year levels and assessment areas were above the national average. Particularly impressive statistics include:

  • Year 3 students achieved 1-2 proficiency bands higher than the national average across all testing areas
  • 100% of our Years 3 and 5 students scored above the national average across all testing areas, with grammar and punctuation a particular strength
  • Years 7 and 9 students achieved consistently high results, with particular strengths in the writing and grammar and punctuation assessment areas

It should be remembered that these results have been obtained from a limited testing situation. They provide a snapshot of your daughter’s achievement in specific areas on a particular day. However, the NAPLAN results along with other assessments and professional judgement will be used by your daughter’s teachers to further develop literacy and numeracy pedagogies and learning in the classroom.

If you would like any further information or clarification please contact me on 8334 2254 or at mbeck@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Meredith Beck
Director of Teaching & Learning

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Kilburn girls are golden


Week 5 brought another chance for us Kilburn girls to stand out in the school corridors instead of on the stage or athletic field with each Kilburn girl sparkling as a result of the golden ribbons in their hair. Seeing this small symbol of House spirit made me a very proud House Captain, knowing that I was a leader of such a high-spirited and dedicated team that to this day continue to reflect Kilburn’s motto, Non nobus solum, (Not for Ourselves Only). Therefore, during Kilburn’s Spirit Week Chapel service, I conveyed the history of Kilburn house to reassure that, “Stories have to be told or they die and when they die we can’t remember who we are or why we’re here.” It made me realise how great a connection the Kilburn girls have to the school by involving themselves in extracurricular activities and thus upholding Kilburn’s motto in their own personal values.

With our spirit week coming off of the back of a successful Winter Interhouse, it ended with Friday night’s Kilburn House dinner, themed ‘Channel Kids’. As students, or should I say Children’s TV show characters, entered the doors of the Arts Centre, it felt as though they entered into their characters’ corresponding TV shows with the Arts Centre representing a very colourful and cartoonesque world. The night featured Bill and Ben the Flowerpot men, the Scooby Doo gang, Barbies from Life in the Dreamhouse, and our best dressed teacher, Ms Dickson, as Francine Frensky from Arthur. The Year 12s boogied with all the younger Kilburnites, enjoying their last house dinner, and the girls were also entertained with games, quizzes, photos and food throughout the night, with the highlight being the flop of ‘finding the Fru Choc in the Maltesers’ game. Borrowing the game idea from Patteson house, after many rounds of passing round the box of round chocolate balls, no one was fortunate enough to find the Fru Choc and win a prize!

I would like to thank the parent helpers serving the food on the night, the Year 11s and 12s for setting up the decorating and especially Mrs Alderson, Josephine Dalpra and Georgina Sarah who were more than happy to step up and organise such a big event and not let me worry about anything. It really took so much stress off my shoulders! Also, a big thank you to Focus School Photography for capturing the memories of the Years 12’s last Kilburn House dinner!

Julia Vosnakis
Kilburn House Captain

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Maths challenge proves rewarding


As educators we are looking for activities that develop thinking skills and the repertoire of strategies and techniques to become better problem solvers. Activities that stimulate and excite students are much desired, with a delicate balance between stretching students and them feeling it is too hard.

One activity which achieved this aim was the Maths Challenge for Young Australians conducted by the Australian Mathematics Trust. This year 62 girls from Years 7 to 10 participated in the problem solving exercise run over three weeks. There were four problems for Year 7 and six for Years 8 to 10 students. The questions required thought and explanations to justify any solution. Having an extended period to wrestle with these questions was valuable in developing resilience and persisting with complex questions, which did not have a quick solution or answer. One dimension of these questions was not just finding an answer, but also checking that the student had considered all possible valid values.

It was very exciting that five girls achieved a High Distinction, nine students achieved a Distinction and twenty students achieved a Credit award.

High Distinction
Year 10: Emily Murdock
Year 8: Zhijun (Amy) Li, Nicolette Miller, Isobel Tan, Amelia Wood

Year 9: Ava Loechel
Year 8: Ruoyu (Helen) Han, Anabelle Langley, Ebony Lohe, Rose Pittman, Amy Rice, Aditi Tamhankar, Isabella Villani, Charlotte White

Year 10: Sophia Casanova Clarke, Mikaela Georgiadis, Qianna (Nancy) Huang, Tina Vo
Year 9: Anna Bi, Grace Edwards, Nicola Jones, Charlene Lee, Felicia Mi, Thandi Murada
Year 8: Cheryl Wang, Rachel Banham, Hannah Brown, Sarah Carrodus, Ankita Rajbhoj, Zoe Vine Hall, Jiayi Wang, Zoe Wilmshurst
Year 7: Charlotte Bleby

More pleasing than these awards was the learning that happened as all of the girls pitted their wits against the challenge of solving each problem. Some reactions from the Year 9 girls who participated included:

  • “I really enjoyed the Maths Challenge – it was frustrating at times but it felt like a real achievement to finally get a question out.” – Grace
  • “I found the Maths Challenge to be quite hard but also very challenging in a good way. I could look at the questions from different angles and challenge my mind to think more critically.” – Georgia
  • “Though it was very challenging, the Maths Challenge was the most fun Maths competition I’ve ever participated in. Whenever you answered a question, the satisfaction you get from it was amazing.” – Katie
  • “The Maths Challenge allowed me to practise problem solving that does not usually come up in our class work – which was a welcome challenge.” – Antonia
  • “The Maths Challenge was a fun and different way to apply what we have learnt over the past few years. Problem solving is a challenging and enjoyable way to use Mathematics in a practical sense.” – Bethany

It is very gratifying that the work of students and the Maths teachers involved resulted in the ongoing development of higher order thinking skills, with an increased realisation that not everything is simple or easy. Congratulations to all girls who took part in the Maths Challenge.

John Leydon
Head of Mathematics

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Carmella Finds Out

A world of rigid order
The Cast

On Wednesday 12, Thursday 13 and Friday 14 August the Years 11 and 12 Drama students presented their emotionally-charged and highly professional production, Carmella Finds Out. Written by Mr Butler-Wills and workshopped by the class, the play was received with great acclaim by audiences who were inspired, frightened, and made to think! Drawing upon traditions of symbolism, the play was set in a forest of hanging bamboo through which stark spears of light penetrated, complementing the bland colour palette of costumes. It told the story of Carmella who, in this world of brown and grey and black, dreamt of colours and beauty. Ostracised and oppressed, Carmella gradually found out about her own past in a dramatic fable that was both tragic and hopeful.

Thenu Herath played the titular character, sustaining an emotional journey that was nuanced and powerfully moving. Julia Vosnakis played the antagonist – vicious, cruel and manipulative – a character that audiences were glad to hate, contrasting with Theodora Galanis’ subtle and compassionate portrayal of a Leader torn between duty and sympathy. Similarly emotional, and delivered with convincing punch, was Amelia Long’s exploration of Carmella’s adopted mother, a character often working in ensemble with Carmella’s two sisters: catty, conniving girls played most ably by Rachel Simmons and Georgia Wilson. Completing this class of Year 12 students was Grace Brown who created an imaginative and appropriate publicity design that most obviously worked for the nights, which were well supported by the school and wider community. Assisting this class of seven were eight Year 11 students who all provided engaging performances and contributed invaluably to the ensemble. Together the cast created an alternative world with its strange cultural practices, rigid hierarchy and restrictive beliefs. It was a world into which a solitary character brought light and colour and thereby allegorically suggested that we all should give careful consideration to the things we value and the structures that give life meaning.

Michael Butler-Wills
Drama Teacher

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Success at ABODA


Last week Saints Girls Music Department participated in the ABODA SA School Band and Orchestra Festival at Westminster. This year we entered three tuned percussion ensembles, our Senior and Junior String Ensembles and our Concert Band. We came away with two silver medals and a bronze for our percussion ensembles, silver medals for both String Ensembles and a gold medal for the Concert Band.

The girls were extremely well prepared and represented the School at the highest level. Every year our contribution to this festival continues to grow and as we performed and then watched other schools it was wonderful to reflect on our past performances and just how far we have come as a school from entering in novice sections five years ago to achieving silver and gold in intermediate and advanced sections this year.

Congratulations to all our Ensemble Directors, Nick Parnell, Elsa Lee and Fiona Patten, who put in extra time to ensure the girls performed at their best.

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Book Week in the ELC


As educators we value not only the learning opportunities that books provide, but also their ability to act as a means to building the strong relationships necessary for successful learning. You will often find us in the mornings reading in quiet corners to help settle our youngest friends, and we regularly come together as a group to share and delight in our favourite books and we carefully select books that will enhance the children’s learning experiences. During our Unit of Inquiry we have been using books to support our Central Idea that books are an ideal way to introduce children to new concepts and vocabulary in meaningful ways.

This week we will have a wonderful reason to share even more wonderful books with your children as we celebrate Book Week. This special week has come at the perfect time for us as we have just received the most amazing collection of beautiful new books thanks to The Friends of the ELC and our generous grandparents, families and special friends who donated a book at our recent Art Exhibition.

Book Week is an annual celebration of Australian books, authors and illustrators organised by The Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA). This is a very special year for the CBCA, as they celebrate their 70th birthday. You can find out more and discover which books have won awards at www.cbca.org.au.

Occasions such as Book Week are not only fun for children, but also they can support both educators and families in discovering wonderful new books to share with our children. To discover Australian children’s book news and reviews, check the new CBCA website at www.readingtime.com.au.

Another resource that I regularly use, both at home and at the ELC, is www.storyboxlibrary.com.au. Story Box Library features engaging Australian stories read by some of Australia’s finest storytellers. This online library does require an annual subscription; however, I find it a very cost effective way of sharing new engaging and entertaining stories with children.

We hope you keep up to date with the books we are sharing with your children through our program. We would love to hear about some of your family’s favourite books and we invite your children to bring one in for us to share.

Leanne Williams
ELC Educator

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Interschool Leaders’ Quiz Night

On 14 August prefects and school leaders from six Adelaide single sex schools came together at Wilderness and enjoyed a charity quiz night in aid of Kickstart for Kids. Kickstart for Kids is an Australian charity established to provide breakfast and mentor support for underprivileged Australian students. Leaders from St Peter’s Girls, St Peter’s Boys, Prince Alfred College, Wilderness School, Walford School and Seymour College attended and together raised over $1000 for the worthwhile charity. It was a very successful night and an excellent experience for all six schools to strengthen connections with other student leaders. For the Saints girls the night was also an excellent way to conclude a year of leadership at school. The event was entirely student run, and is the result of months of planning from Head and Deputy Head Prefects from all six schools. All leaders thoroughly enjoyed the mixed school quiz, song contest and raffles, providing an opportunity to meet new people and have discussions with other school leaders. Thenu and I hope that the connections made on the night will be strengthened by other interschool activities in years to come, as we believe it is important for leaders to liaise and connect with other like-minded students.

Lucy Brown
Head Prefect

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Chess report

On 19 August the St Peter’s Girls Chess Team played Round 11 against Mercedes Green as well as Nazareth. Unfortunately, we lost all four games against Nazareth who proved to be strong opponents, resulting in some very close matches. We played our second round against Mercedes Green and won 3-1. Congratulations to Glenda Hanson, Tam Nguyen and Elin Michel. A big thank you to all the girls who were a part of chess this year; you have all been a pleasure to play with. There is also a need to extend a special mention to our chess coach, George, for his invaluable expertise and advice; he gave us the mentoring that was necessary to build and develop our strategies in regards to the game of chess. Additionally, both Mrs Coulter and Mrs Moore have demonstrated their unwavering support throughout the season, whether it be by giving up their classroom every Monday for our weekly practice, or being our sideline cheerleaders every match. Overall, I am proud to announce that this year St Peter’s Girls is in the standing of 15 out of 34 teams. What a great achievement! Well done, girls. The results have shown our hard work and concentration, proof of the Friday ‘knights’ we have given up to represent Saints in a competitive tournament against the schools of Adelaide. Well that’s it for now, until next year, just check-ing out, mate.

Glenda Hanson
Chess Captain

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Relive Choral Night

A number of Choral Night DVDs are still available.

This year the Friends of the Arts community group have copies of the Choral Night spectacular available on DVD. This is your chance to relive the magic, or perhaps catch up if you couldn’t make it on the night.

DVDs cost just $20, and proceeds will go towards supporting the School’s Arts and Music programs.

Copies are available from the School Shop.

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Props wanted for Year 5 production

PeterPanJR_4CThe Year 5 production this year will be Peter Pan Junior. The girls are already busy planning and preparing for this special event in the Junior School calendar.

As part of our set, we would love to hear from anyone who has a tallboy chest of drawers, at least 1m high. We would preferably like one that is light and is no longer wanted. Our aim is to paint it and put wheels on it.

We are also on the hunt for an Indian chief headdress.

If you think you may be able to donate an item, please let me know at shampton@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Shelley Hampton
Year 5 Teacher

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ELC Fathers’ Day Breakfast

ELC Fathers Day invitation Enews

In celebration of Fathers’ Day, all dads and special friends are warmly invited to attend an exciting breakfast with their child at the ELC.

When: 7.45am, Wednesday 2 September 2015
Venue: ELC

To assist with catering, please RSVP online at www.trybooking.com/IVIX

We wish all our dads a very happy Fathers’ Day.

Kate Mount
Director of Early Learning

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Year 12 Dance Production: Moved 3 – Pulse

Yr 12 dance production Enews


On Tuesday 1 September, the Year 12 dancers will present Moved 3 – Pulse, the SACE 2 Performance Exam for 2015. The evening will feature a variety of dances, predominantly in the contemporary genre, but also including a number of jazz works.

Choreography by myself, a number of students and guest artist Alison Wilton will feature in the performance, the works linked by the inevitable and pulsating rhythms of movement, music and life, be they confronting or beautiful.

For the first time, we have invited the Years 9-10 dancers to also participate in the program, along with two of our more accomplished pianists, from Year 11. The evening promises to be an intense and exciting showcase of performing arts.

The performance is worth 30% for the SACE 2 Dance students, so a lively, enthusiastic and engaged audience will really assist the students to perform at their best.

I hope to see you there!

When: 7.30pm, Tuesday 1 September 2015
Venue: Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School
Tickets: Adults $10, Concession $5

Book tickets online at www.trybooking.com/IUCV

Amanda Kimber
Dance Teacher/Head of Arts

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Ladies’ Golf Day

OSA Golf Day invite

The annual St Peter’s Girls’ School Ladies’ Golf Day and Lunch is on Friday 11 September at Kooyonga Golf Club.

It’s a stableford competition with a one tee start commencing at 8.30am. The day promises to be great fun with prizes on offer, including ‘Nearest the Pin’ as well as the Perpetual Trophy for the 18 hole golf champion.

Play 18 holes or just join us for lunch at 1pm.

Tickets for Golf and Lunch: $80
Tickets for Kooyonga Golf Club members and those attending for lunch only: $25

All are welcome so bring a friend!

Contact the Development Office on 8334 2239 for more details.

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Mothers’ Club raffle: Build a barbecue

MC raffle Enews

Have you got your sausages sizzling on the Mothers’ Club barbecue?

Get them in to win!

Can we build it? Yes we can! We just need some cash to buy a few bricks and pieces.

We’ve lined up some stellar prizes for our Fathers’ Day Raffle – so here’s your chance to win dad an awesome present and help us throw a snag on the new barbie!

Return the tickets with your payment to the Front Office and we’ll pop the sausages on to cook on our display near the School Shop.

The more tickets you buy, the more chance you have of winning!

Each sausage has a chance to win one of many prizes, kindly donated by our school community.

The prizes include:

  • A 2005 Irvine Royale Merlot ($285)
  • Signed Adelaide Strikers 2015 guernsey
  • Cornes Toyota car service
  • Golf for 4 people at Oakbank Golf Course
  • Plus many more!

The raffle will be drawn on Thursday 3 September. Good luck and thank you for your continued support of the Mothers’ Club.

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The Golden Ticket Raffle has arrived


Have we got an offer for you!

The Parents’ and Friends’ Association is pleased to launch the much-anticipated Golden Ticket Raffle. The first prize is a whopping $15,000 off your 2016 school fees. Who wouldn’t be pleased with that?

But you’ll have to be quick, as there are only 300 tickets for sale, at a cost of just $100 each.

Get ready – tickets go on sale from 9am on Monday 31 August – log on to www.trybooking.com/155850.

Enquiries can be directed to the Development Office at events@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Lottery Licence No. M12992

Ed Parker
P&F President

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Would you like to try rowing?

If you’ve ever wanted to give rowing a go or think this could be your sport, you’ll be more than welcome at Saints Rowing.

There will be a free Come and Try day from 11am – 1pm on Sunday 30 August for students in Years 6 – 10 at the Scotch Boatshed, Victoria Drive, Adelaide (behind the Convention Centre). Rowers will have access to a modern fleet of boats and excellent coaching staff.

Girls may also be interested in taking on the role of coxswain (cox). The cox plays an important leadership role by taking charge of the crew and supporting the rowers through their training program as ‘the coach on the water’.

The sport of rowing assists girls to develop lifelong skills including leadership, health, nutrition, fitness and how to work as an effective member of a team.

Come and Try: 11am, Sunday 30 August at Scotch Boatshed, Torrens River

Official training commences for Years 7-11 students in Week 8 this term. The Learn to Row program for Year 6 students commences in Term 4.

Ben Flannagan
Director of Rowing

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Join us for a movie!

FOR movie Enews

Get your family and friends together for an action packed afternoon at the movies to see the latest instalment in the Maze Runner series: The Scorch Trials!

The maze was just the beginning… Having escaped the Maze, the Gladers now face a new set of challenges on the open roads of a desolate landscape filled with unimaginable obstacles.

When: 3pm for 3:30pm start | Sunday 13 September 2015
Where: The Regal Theatre, 275 Kensington Rd, Kensington Park
Tickets: $20 | Book now at trybooking.com/IVRY

Bookings through Trybooking will receive exclusive entry for great lucky door prizes including an Encounter Bay Holiday House Weekend, 1 month EFM Gym membership and magazine bundles… plus a tasty treat on arrival! Tickets can also be bought at the door on the day for the movie and treat – but you’ll miss out on the lucky prize draw.

A fundraising event for the St Peter’s Girls’ School Friends of Rowing.

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Sports Day: Friday 4 September

A reminder that the Years 4 to 12 Sports Day will be held on Friday 4 September.

> Download program of events
> Overview of events by year level

The carnival will be held at SA Athletics Stadium (previously SANTOS Stadium). The day will begin at 8.30am and conclude by 4pm. This day is to be treated like a normal school day; therefore, attendance is required for the whole day.

Students who travel to school on school buses will automatically be taken to the Athletics Stadium in the morning and will depart from there in the afternoon. All other students will need to be dropped off at the Stadium in the morning and picked up in the afternoon, as the girls will be dismissed directly from the venue.

Girls are reminded to wear their complete PE uniform with a House top and hat (Year 12s have separate standards). We encourage the girls to display their House Spirit on the day, but please be aware body paint is not permitted in the SA Athletics Stadium. Girls are able to wear spikes up to 7mm in length.

The Saints Sport Group will be running a raffle throughout the day, with excellent prizes on offer. They will also be selling House tattoos, which students can purchase at the gate on the day (1 for $1 or 3 for $2). (Please note that these can be removed with tea-tree oil or acetone free nail polish remover. It is not permitted that the tattoos are visible outside the winter school uniform the following week.)

With the ease of parking and close proximity to the city, we encourage you to come along and support your daughter/s and be involved in events that can assist your daughter’s House, have fun and win some prizes.

  • To start the day we would like to invite parents to join their daughter’s House in the first event of the day at 9am, the House Scramble. The objective is for each House in turn to get as many participants as possible across the line over a distance of 300m in 75 seconds.
  • The Parent Rowing Challenge will be held from 12.30-1.30pm. This competition involves a gold coin donation, with prizes donated from Ben Flannagan and EFM for the furthest distance rowed in 2 minutes (male and female).

Students can either bring their recess and lunch on the day or the canteen will be open to purchase food and drinks. Water bottles should also be brought. Despite being just out of winter, we encourage people to prepare according to the forecast and that will mean applying sunscreen early in the day. This will be available at the First Aid station.

Daniel Searle
Head of PE, Health & Outdoor Education

Neil Fuller
Director of Sport

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Sports News

Water Polo

Congratulations to Carys Jones (Year 9) who has been selected for the South Australian Under 16 team to go to the National Club Championships in Perth from 29 September to 4 October.

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Sports Results

Junior Basketball – Wednesday 19 August

Year 6 Blue – Saints 40 defeated Wilderness 15
The girls had their first win and our efforts over the past month in practice culminated in our best team display by far. The significant improvement has been a highlight in all seven girls in our team. Our collective goal shooting skills stood out in this game – with 40 points. Harriett Gilroy was amazing, shooting the maximum allowed 12 points in the first half as our best player. Other good players this week were Jordan Berry and Keeley Fahey. Darren Berry (Coach)

Year 6 White – Saints 24 defeated Pembroke 18
The game was played in great spirit, and it was very exciting to watch. The score remained very close each quarter. The girls played as a team, with great passing and working together. Player of the week was Keely Flannagan, who scored three goals, her first points for the season. Tammy Flannagan (Coach)

Year 5 – Saints 4 defeated by Seymour 34
Coming up against a very experienced side, the girls showed their hard work and determination. The girls were able to dribble down the court and pass with confidence. I encourage all the girls to keep giving their all. Special mention goes to Gracie Ganzis who played her best game yet. Jo Dalpra and Ella Robinson (Coaches)

Junior Netball – Wednesday 19 August

Year 4 Blue – Saints 18 defeated Wilderness 3
The girls again played a great game, working well together. We have been working on getting in front of players and focussing on precise passes. It is clear from the work and drills we are doing at training that the girls are improving. Each girl has been playing each position to her best ability. The girls should be very proud of their work – undefeated so far this season. Georgia Naughton (Assistant coach)

Year 4 White – Saints 14 defeated St Andrew’s 1
All girls played extremely well, getting in front of their opponent and passing into the goal ring. They moved the ball well the whole way down the court and intercepted the opposition’s passes brilliantly. Montana Melisi played extremely well in centre with strong leads and intercepts. Ruby Richards also worked hard in the goal ring, shooting goals and jumping for the rebounds. Well done to the whole team. Eve Habel (Assistant Coach)

Soccer – Wednesday 19 August

Open B – Saints did not play

Middle A – Saints 1 drew with Seymour 1
The game started well, and although we conceded a goal late in the first half, the girls came out fighting in the second to control the game and create a lot of good opportunities. Our defence was also very strong and Ruby Oliver made some fantastic saves in goal. Saints finally equalised in the second half with a great goal from Sara Possingham. Tom Maricic (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 0 drew with Pembroke 0
The girls did an amazing job applying techniques and skills learnt during the season. Unfortunately, the team was unable to score and secure a win. It has been a pleasure coaching the girls this season and I encourage them all to continue soccer in the future. Best player: Chloe Deieso. Alisha Dhillon (Coach)

Junior Soccer – Friday 21 August

Year 6 Blue – Saints 4 defeated Walford 2
It was a fast, free flowing game, with our dependable defensive structure including Gigi O’Halloran, Harriett Gilroy and Lucy Steele-Scott. Georgia Davidson enjoyed a run on the field in the second half although the team really missed her reliable contribution in goals. The defence set up many plays, allowing the forwards to control the majority of the game. Angela Mourtzios was creative through the midfield, even scoring a long range shot. Sophie Barr continued her amazing season by securing two more goals to add to her season tally. Mark Routley (Coach)

Year 6 White – Saints 0 defeated by Seymour 2
The girls suffered their first loss of the season. The team put in a good performance but could not convert their chances at goals. The girls kept trying throughout the game. Charlie Capogreco (Coach)

Year 6 Silver – Saints 0 defeated by St Andrew’s 1
The game started very evenly. Saints made some crucial tackles to keep the score 0-0 at the end of the first half. The second half was very open until late in the second half when an amazing long range shot from a St Andrew’s player put them 1-0 ahead. Best players: Evangeline Peek-Basso, Asha Krywanio and Ebony Morelli. Thomas Maricic (Coach)

Year 4/5 – Saints 2 defeated by Loreto 6
It was a tough game for the girls. After the half-time break, the girls came out firing and netted two goals almost immediately. Unfortunately, we couldn’t continue and Loreto gained another two goals towards the end of the game. Thanks to Madison Harrex and Molly Johnson for playing a half in goals once again and thanks to all the girls for another good performance. Vincent Talladira (Coach)

Badminton – Saturday 22 August

Congratulations to our A and B teams who finished in the top two for the season. Good luck to both teams this weekend as they contest the A and B grade shields against Wilderness. B team are aiming for four in a row!

Thank you to our Year 12 badminton captains, Josephine Liu and Sabrina Chou, for their leadership this season and for their commitment to badminton. I would also like to congratulate Year 12 student, Freya Markwick-Smith, on her dedication and enthusiasm towards badminton.

Open A – Saints 4 defeated Walford 2
A well fought match by Emily Murdock and Kritika Mishra in their doubles.

Open B – Saints 4 defeated Wilderness 2
Best players: Qianna (Nancy) Huang, Alice Powell and Laura Sivewright

Open C – Saints 5 defeated Wilderness 1
A well contested game by the girls, with best player going to Charlene Lee

Open D – Saints defeated Wilderness
A fantastic win from the girls against Wilderness, with excellent performances from Kate Landon and Maddy Glynn

Open E – Saints 7 defeated Wilderness 2
Keep up the great effort, girls! Best players were Lola Dimond, Zhijun (Amy) Li, Jiale Hu, Freya Markwick-Smith, Sophia Casanova Clarke

Open F – Saints 3 defeated by Wilderness 6
Best players: Yanran (Nicole) Ma, Michelle Yeoh

Hockey – Saturday 22 August

Open A – Saints had a bye

Open B – Saints 0 defeated by Trinity 1
The Bs played a fantastic game on Saturday, controlling the game throughout, but could not convert on the scoreboard. The girls played much of the game in their attacking half but good goalkeeping and an inability to finish with powerful shots cost us in the end. Best players were Rachael Disney, Emily Keough and Grace Packer. Dan Searle (Supervisor)

Open C – Saints 3 defeated Trinity 1
The Open Cs had a convincing win, thanks to some superb attacking plays down the right side before flicking the ball infield to open players. Some lovely 1-2s in the midfield allowed the girls to bring the ball forward with time, resulting in better opportunities for the attackers. Goal scorers: Jade Leyden 2, Emma Carrodus/Amelie Eaton 1. Best players: Renee Lawrence, Amelie Eaton and Carys Jones in goals. Dan Searle (Supervisor)

Lacrosse – Saturday 22 August

Under 15 – Saints 14 defeated Burnside 11
The score was very close throughout the match but in the second half the girls played really well as a team and won the game. Isabella Di Matteo (Year 10) was the goalie for the whole match and managed to save many goals. Alice Petchey (Year 10) and Portia Reppucci (Year 10) both did a fantastic job by making sure the ball was always moving. Kate Reade (Year 7) and Olivia Compare (Year 9) transitioned the ball from defence into mid-field very well, which helped create several attacking opportunities. Goal scorers for the match were Alice Petchey, Portia Reppucci, Millisent Wilkin (Year 7), Harriet Maerschel (Year 7) and Chelsea Walls (Year 7). All the girls played a fantastic team game. Lucy Martin (Captain)

Under 13 Division 1 – Saints 21 defeated Sturt 3
This was a fantastic win for the girls. Working well in defence, Kate Reade making it hard for Sturt to get a shot off. The midfield performance was shown greatly through the whole game from Harriet Maerschel, Millisent Wilkin, and Chelsea Walls setting up passes to create great goals. The girls were all involved together and made sure everyone had a part to play. There was no struggle to keep possession of the ball and everyone was in front and prepared for the next step. It was an excellent game and well-deserved win due to the skills displayed. Goal scorers: Fiona Lethbridge 1, Harriet Maerschel 4, Portia Maerschel 2, Chelsea Walls 11, Millisent Wilkin 3. Lucy Martin (Captain)

Netball – Saturday 22 August

Open A – Saints 37 defeated by Seymour 39
Despite a great game, the Open A team was unable to secure a win. Focussing on the positives, the whole team gave 100% for the entire game and this was evident in our tight one-on-one defence. Sophie Freeman and Lucy Cleggett should be commended for their fantastic game in defence – they managed to get some great intercepts and turnovers. Overall, well done to all girls; it was a great effort and, despite the score, the improvement the team has shown has been incredible. Amy Wishart (Captain)

Open B – Saints 17 defeated by Seymour 47
The Open B team had a challenging game against Seymour this week. The team focussed on their own skills, putting in place the set plays learnt at training and worked hard to ensure that there was cohesive play down the court. Unfortunately, the score did not reflect their determination and the improvement the team has shown. Amy Wishart (Captain)

Open C – Saints did not play

Year 9A – Saints 31 defeated by Seymour 39
The girls played the best game all season this week! Everyone worked very hard on court and played a great game, with particular mention to Emily Webb and Holly Cunningham in the mid-court, who continuously backed up their teammates and created space for the team. Also, down in defence Lucinda Tierney improved greatly throughout the game, working incredibly well with Charlotte Kelly who was making intercepts left, right and centre. All shooters had a great game, especially Olivia Harby and Ava Loechel who are always on fire and Jessie Rundle never missed a rebound. Ella Robinson and India Deere also made a huge difference to the game by creating great leads and options for everyone. Eliza Falconer and Ellana Welsby (Coaches)

Year 9B – Saints 7 defeated by Seymour 39
The Bs focussed on improving our passes and gaining more intercepts as every quarter progressed. We started the first quarter well with Ally Reade as the star performer with her great centre lead passes and clear determination. Most importantly, the number of intercepts throughout the entire game were some of the best we have seen from the team for the season, especially by Willow Fowler and Holly Steer in the last quarter. Ava Loechel also displayed some fantastic defensive skills in goal defence, zoning her player in the goal circle. We had a large number of turnovers throughout the game, and all girls should be really proud of their efforts! Looking forward to another exciting game to finish up the season. Eliza Falconer and Ellana Welsby (Coaches)

Year 8A – Saints 25 drew with Seymour 25
This was the most exciting game of the season so far. We were down by three goals for the majority of the game, until the last quarter where we had some brilliant turnovers and fought back to lead by two. When Seymour got the ball into their goal circle, they didn’t miss, so our girls had to work hard defensively all the way down the court to prevent the ball from getting into their goalies’ hands. Amelia Wood and Sarah Matheson worked hard continuously in defence and often snatched those loose balls and lobs. It must be acknowledged, however, that every player on the court worked hard this week and contributed to a hard fought game. The girls had much better communication than in previous weeks, and played with competitiveness and a drive to win. It was unfortunate that we were just one goal short of the win! With next week being our final game of the season, I am hoping that the girls will come out with the same commitment and produce a win to finish up on. Vanessa Brooks (Coach)

Year 8B – Saints 29 defeated Seymour 22
The 8Bs played one of their best games of the season when they came up against school rival, Seymour. The focus for the girls this game was to put pressure on the opposition down the court and that they did! Rachel Kameniar and Sarah Carrodus were a strong combination in defence, working well together to achieve many turnovers, and the attacking line worked hard to get the ball into the goal circle easily. Shooting from all girls was extremely consistent, capitalising on the team’s many turnovers. Sarah Miller (Coach)

Year 7A – Saints 37 defeated Seymour 6
The A team played a brilliant game against Seymour, with all players contributing to the high score, and they should be proud of their personal and team efforts. The ball moved well through the court, with accuracy and improvement in passing being extremely noticeable and targets being met. From defenders all down to the shooters the girls worked incredibly strongly as a team and held the opposition to a small 6 goals. Best players were Isabella Bernardi and Hannah Freeman. Emily Wishart and Corinne Dyer (Coaches)

Year 7B – Saints 19 defeated Seymour 8
The B team had an incredible win over Seymour this week. The work in the attack ensured the team had maximum chances of scoring and the defenders prevented many goals by the opposition. The girls should all be extremely proud of their efforts and it was by far one of their best games all season. Best players were Zara Stefani, Stella Clark and Emily Downie. Emily Wishart and Corinne Dyer (Coaches)

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