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Enews – Term 3, Week 10 2015

Issue no. 30 


From the Principal

JuliaShea_EnewsAs Term 3 draws to a close, I would like to take the opportunity to update you on a number of initiatives. I realise this article is somewhat lengthier than usual but I would encourage you to keep reading as there are many exciting changes ahead.

Master Plan progress

Following a very positive period of public consultation, the School’s proposal in relation to Bell Yett Reserve has now entered its final design phase. The School is working closely with Burnside Council to ensure that the carpark extension does not impact negatively on the existing trees or landscaped swales that are on the site. There has also been much discussion about the additional plants that will be incorporated into the design, again ensuring that they increase the biodiversity of the precinct. We hope to get final approval at the October Council meeting, with work to begin soon thereafter.

The capital works required for the School to connect to Australia’s Academic and Research Network (AARNet) will commence on 1 October. Connection to AARNet will increase speed from 150 to 1000 megabits per second and place no limit on download size. Work should be completed by December and both the girls and staff will benefit enormously from this significant upgrade to the School’s technical infrastructure.

The new Middle School is at the centre of discussions, with the key stakeholders and architects working on the design concept. I look forward to seeing you all at the official launch of our first major capital works project since the Arts Centre on 12 November. It is a very exciting time for the School as we rejuvenate our spaces to reflect the kinetic teaching and dynamic learning which our girls and parents rightly demand.

New curriculum initiatives

Whilst he was Communications Minister, our new Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, called for digital literacy to become as fundamental as reading and writing. A declining rate of graduates in the area sees a predicted gap of more than 100,000 ICT workers in the next 5 years. Involving our girls in coding exercises will see them move from passive consumers of technology to active producers. The success of the research project based around Thomas the humanoid NAO robot has seen the P&F commit to funding the purchase of the School’s own robot for 2016. A new explicit coding subject will run within the Futures Program offered in Years 7 and 8 and our new robot will have considerable impact across a range of classes and activities from ELC to Senior School.

The strength of an independent school lies within its autonomy to offer subjects in which its students show an intrinsic interest. For this reason, our elective subject offerings are constantly reviewed and refined. We have a large number of girls who go on to complete tertiary study in the health sciences, particularly medicine. But very few of our girls choose engineering as a future career path and it would seem that a lack of understanding of what’s involved in the various forms of engineering is at the heart of that decision. Our girls want to make a difference, so giving them hands-on, real world problem-solving activities that allow them to see that engineering is both relevant and fun is important.

The Girls in Engineering, Maths and Science (GEMS) elective will be built around renewable energy sources, electricity production, transfer and storage, sustainable housing, solar vehicles, aviation, the Science and Engineering Challenge and the engineering design process. The course will look at exciting real-life challenges and our girls will need to apply a lateral thinking approach in order to solve these challenges. It’s important that we add an engineering based subject to our offerings and I’m sure the popularity of this subject will continue to grow.

Since the beginning of Semester 2 in 2013, members of the current Year 6 cohort have been involved in a research project based on the intensive teaching of languages. The girls in this program have studied Japanese for a lesson a day. The results have been outstanding and once again underline the fact that the benefits of learning a second language go well beyond just learning the language alone.

In summary, learning other languages:

  • aids metalinguistic awareness; that is, students are more aware of how language is structured, which flows onto increased understanding of their mother tongue and benefits in literacy development in their first language (Liddicoat, 2001)
  • offers insights into other cultures and ways of thinking and relating to the world that no other area of the curriculum can offer (Fernandez, 2007)
  • allows students to understand themselves and others, and to understand and use diverse ways of knowing, being and doing (MCEETYA, 2005)
  • alters grey matter (the area of the brain which processes information) in the same way that exercise builds muscles (Mechelli et al., 2004)
  • increases creativity and the four components of divergent thinking ability: fluency, elaboration, originality, and flexibility (Ghonsooly, 2012)
  • enables students to further develop their cognitive skills through thinking critically and analytically, solving problems, and making connections in their learning (MCEETYA, 2005)

In light of this conclusive research and the experience of our Year 6 girls, the School is delighted to announce the launch of its intensive language program in the Junior School from the beginning of 2016. Girls in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will study their chosen language for four lessons a week, a significant increase on the current one lesson a week. Girls in Reception and Years 1 and 2 will double their current exposure to languages to two lessons per week. In addition, Mandarin will be offered as an alternative to French from Reception. These changes will see Saints Girls establish itself as a leader in language education in South Australia.

I strongly believe that the initiatives around coding, engineering, intensive language programs and Gifted Education (covered previously in the eNews) will be of great benefit to all of our girls. The changes to our curriculum structure, coupled with the refurbishment of our learning spaces, will add to the many aspects of a Saints Girls’ education that already make it unique.

Staff updates

Thank you to Alana Iannazzo for covering Liz Sandercock’s class, and Olivia Coulter for covering Cassandra Moore’s classes this term. We will welcome back Liz and Cassandra from the start of Term 4.

Finally, I wish you and your families a wonderful break and look forward to seeing the girls back at School on Monday 12 October. Given that both Adelaide and Port Adelaide have finished their seasons, I hope you can send a bit of love in the Hawthorn direction!

Julia Shea

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Year 10 camp


Year 10 camp proved to be a fantastic week away. During the bush walk we had our instructors in a jog, walking at 8 km per hour. On the way we saw many kangaroos and yellow-footed rock wallabies and often stopped to admire the beautiful view. Next on the list were rock climbing and abseiling, which proved to be both a mental and physical challenge. In order for rock climbing to be successful, trust between the girls was essential – they were the only ones supporting you if you fell. Bike riding was amazing and with many of the group stepping outside their comfort zone. The many steep hills and bumpy trails caused us all to have quite sore bottoms.

On the last night we were able to meet up with our friends from the other Houses, having a big barbecue and singing songs around the fire. As well as this, there were performances from each ‘village’ (House). Patteson and Selwyn sang their own camp remixes, Kilburn performed Dicko vs Camp which shared Ms Dickson’s thoughts and actions throughout camp and, finally, Kennion led a chapel service that related to our camping experience. Special thanks to Elin and Mr Morton, who was an inspiration to write the marvellous maths song that has changed people’s lives.

A huge thanks to all the teachers and the instructors who went out of their way to ensure that this camp was successful and enjoyable. There are very few aspects that we would change about this camp if we were to complete it again, as all activities completed were fun as well as challenging. We are inspired by those teachers who dealt with a bunch of 50 Year 10 girls who rely solely on flushing toilets and soft mattresses. As a year group we believe we have built closer relationships with those in our Home Group, and hope that the following Year 10s enjoy this experience as much as we did.

Elin Michel and Rachael Disney
10 Kennion

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Year 9 camp


Last week, students and Home Group teachers from Year 9 ventured to Deep Creek National Park and the Coorong for the annual Rite Journey Camp. This week-long, challenging experience includes a ‘solo’ night, when, as part of a series of challenges that make up one element of the Rite Journey, the girls camped alone for 12 hours, with no electronic devices or contact with other people – but safe in the knowledge that they were being closely monitored by camp staff! To reflect their pastoral care program, this camp is also a ‘journey’, involving hiking and kayaking.

I’d like to thank the staff involved for their professionalism, support, energy, determination and commitment, knowing that their positive impact as role models helped the girls overcome many challenges during the course of the week.

Below are a few reflections from the girls on the week that was.

Persistence pays off
The Class of 9MBR had a challenging, yet exhilarating, journey on camp. Our persistence and determination were initially tested during our first activity, kayaking. With poor weather conditions, waves pushing us in all directions, and rain, we felt miserable and somewhat hopeless trying to combat the weather conditions.

But, as they say, look for the light at the end of the tunnel, and as we continued our journey along the Coorong we began to see a flicker. After a long and arduous day of kayaking, we were all so very looking forward to the peace and serenity of a nice, warm and inviting campsite. Instead, we were graciously greeted by an influx of mosquitoes that were relentless in biting us to death! Neither Aeroguard nor any insect repellent was of any use; the mosquitoes were out to get us and they succeeded. Amongst all of this, we still persevered, laughed and as a team pushed through. It wasn’t easy but we were determined to conquer and that we did. Our optimism and persistence paid off and we went on to enjoy the next part of our journey, hiking.

With sunshine, and the absence of mosquitoes, we were in a much better environment over this part. 9MBR’s teamwork and spirit truly shone at this time. Most would have given up by now, but as a team we persisted and pushed through. We all worked collaboratively to achieve our goals, all learning valuable life lessons along the way. Most importantly, we learnt to enter every new activity with a positive and determined mindset as a team. I truly believe that contributed to our success. Overall, this camp was an incredibly challenging, intense, yet rewarding, experience with many life skills learned (the hard way), lots of friendships made and reinforced and many bites still needing Calamine lotion!

– Chanel Stefani

Working together
When we arrived near the buses, everyone was excited about the week that was ahead of us. Our camp instructor was Mikki, and our class got a blue piece of material with a bright pink bead representing our house families. We met Kate, our kayaking instructor, who helped us pack our wet bags and demonstrated how to properly kayak. We paddled along the Coorong for a little while before stopping and un-packing our kayaks at a campsite. As we set up our tents we realised that there was a lot of mosquitoes. Everyone tried to set up their tents but we were getting swarmed. After we ate dinner, everyone quickly snuck back into their tents to get out of the mosquito madness.

Everyone was good at kayaking as long as we remembered to keep good distance from everyone else and keep on our instructor’s left side. We were told our round trip was 16km and, although we all thought it was going to take a long time, we soon realised it wasn’t that hard. This camp made us realise how privileged we are. Everyone worked together really well in our Home Groups and we made memories that will last forever.

– Tiana Glazbrook

Fun and enlightening
The Year 9s embarked on one of our most challenging yet rewarding journeys of the year. Our Home Group had a long 16km hike over the first three days of the camp. When we arrived at our first campsite, we pitched our tents and ate. Everyone was tired and happy to participate in one of the week’s most popular activities, sleeping. The next two days of hiking proved just as challenging as the first, with a 7km hike, but this part of the hike contained more perks, such as beautiful views and warm weather. The next part of our camp was the kayaking, when we arrived at the Coorong we packed our kayaks and headed off toward our campsite, which other classes had dubbed ‘The Mosquito Infested Beach’. When we arrived at our campsite, we did discover that the campsite was in fact, infested with mosquitos, that made it hard to cook food without mosquitos in it. The solo night was also a challenging experience with all the mosquitos, but it was a fun and enlightening experience for many. The next day everyone was exited to say, “We’re going home tomorrow!” In celebration of our last night at camp, a talent show was held. Although no winner was declared, we all had a lot of fun. Everyone was excited to have a bakery lunch on the last day and to be going home after a long week in the wilderness. Overall the camp was a rewarding and exciting experience that everyone was proud of completing.

– Kate Woolley


Richard Lisle
Head of Middle School

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Finding our way in Paris


Could you understand directions in French and find your way around Paris? The Year 6 girls can. While being lost in Paris does sound very romantic, it is handy to be able to communicate and find your way and ask for help in French. Paris has 33 million tourists visit each year so you can understand how Parisians appreciate people trying to communicate in their native language.

During Term 3 in our French lessons we learnt how to say, write and understand directions in French. For example, ‘tout droit’ means ‘straight ahead’. One of our set tasks was to write down directions from one particular place in Paris to another destination. In order to write the directions, we used the apps, Google Earth and Google Maps. We were able to use Streetview so we could see different places and explore the streets of Paris.

Directions to the Eiffel Tower by Molly Bond
Commencez à l’Hôtel Shangri-Là. Allez tout droit. Prenez la deuxième rue au rond-point. Allez tout droit. Tournez à gauche sur le pont. Allez tout droit et voilà- La Tour Eiffel!

Cheri Wong
Year 6

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Saints Girls in the news

St Peter’s Girls’ School featured in the media this week, with The Advertiser and the Eastern Courier Messenger promoting Thomas, the humanoid robot, working with the ELC students. The article is available here.

As well, 9 News filmed a story promoting our Year 3 students who have been up-cycling dolls with Junior School Art Teacher, Sarah Casson. This story focussed on promoting positive body image for girls. The story can be seen here.

Both stories have provided great opportunities to promote the excellent work happening here at St Peter’s Girls’ School.

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Interhouse Debating

One of the initiatives of our Debating and Public Speaking Captain, Helen Bui, has been to reignite the Interhouse Debating Competition. This took an incredible amount of organisation, from designing the model, to promoting the event and even sourcing debaters in some cases. We congratulate Helen on her efforts; it is due to her hard work that the competition is taking place.

Last week saw the Middle School teams from Selwyn (Charlotte Bleby, Hannah Brown and Funto Komolafe) take the Affirmative side against Patteson (Nicolette Miller, Emily Downie and Hannah Keough). Their topic was that today’s children are fashion victims.

Ms Sarah English, one of our English teachers, kindly adjudicated the debate and gave feedback to each speaker. There were a number of arguments presented and, in most cases, rebutted, but the debate ultimately fell to Patteson.

On Thursday this week, we held the postponed Middle School debate between Kilburn and Kennion and the two Senior School debates. The finals will be held early next term.

Cindy Pitkin
Debating Coordinator

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Debating Report (Round 4 Debates)

This week marked the last debates of the year for the Senior School girls. For the Senior A students, this would be the last time they debate in high school. In their Wednesday night debate, they argued that our Federal Government was failing, which, I must admit was performed spectacularly. Despite the loss to Walford, the girls were ecstatic with the high level of debating experience that was exhibited and the exhilarating arguments that were presented by both sides.

With the debating season coming to an end, the Senior girls reflected on their time as a debater in the past years and agreed it had been a worthwhile experience. As such, I encourage all the younger girls to continue debating up until their final years at Saints. Debating is a perfect platform to improve one’s language, persuasion and public speaking skills. Personally, it has increased my confidence for my humanities based subjects and allowed me to be more knowledgeable about the current events and issues which arise in Australian society. The junior and intermediate girls are all promising debaters, as shown through the increased number of wins this debating season, they should be proud of themselves and continue displaying and improving their skills.

Helen Bui
Debating and Public Speaking Captain


Junior (Year 7)

St Peter’s Girls I – defeated by Seymour College by 2 points (Music videos should be played in adult timeslots)
Debaters: Isabella Bernardi, Paris Robinson, Jessica Stratton-Smith (Chairperson: Charlotte Stratton-Smith)

St Peter’s Girls II – defeated Wilderness by 2 points (Music videos should be played in adult timeslots)
Debaters: Imogen Parkinson, Charlotte Bleby, Olufunto Komolafe (Chairperson: Madison McGregor-Simms)

St Peter’s Girls III – defeated Concordia College by forfeit

Intermediate B (Year 8)

St Peter’s Girls I – defeated Loreto College by 3 points
Debaters: Hannah Brown, Sarah Carrodus, Asha Short

St Peter’s Girls II – defeated by Mercedes College by 5 points
Debaters: Teegan Lindsay, Ankita Rajbhoj, Isobel Tan (Chairperson: Zoe Scobie)

St Peter’s Girls III – defeated St Mary’s by forfeit

Intermediate A (Year 9)

St Peter’s Girls I – defeated by Scotch by 4 points
Debaters: Charlene Lee, Emma Bleby, Ava Loechel (Chairperson: Brooke Oliver)

St Peter’s Girls II – defeated by Seymour College by 1 point
Debaters: Nicola Jones, Kate Landon, Anna Bi (Chairperson: Georgia Bowden)

St Peter’s Girls III – defeated Kildare College by forfeit

Senior B (Year 10)

St Peter’s Girls I – defeated Mercedes College by 6 points
Debaters: Aanchal Chandiramani, Sophie-Louise Shearwood, Han (Hazel) Huang (Chairperson: Carys Jones)

St Peter’s Girls II – defeated by Seymour College by 5 points
Debaters: Olivia Habel, Alice Petchey, Georgia Bateman (Chairperson: Grace Callen)

St Peter’s Girls III – defeated Seymour College by forfeit

Senior A (Year 11/12)

St Peter’s Girls I – defeated by Walford by 2 points
Debaters: Helen Bui, Lucy Brown, Alexandra Murray (Chairperson: Lilly Firkins)

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National Biodiversity Month

Loss of Biodiversity is one of the biggest threats to our natural environment in Australia, so for National Biodiversity Month I decided, who better to teach about the importance of Biodiversity than Mrs Liddy’s gorgeous Reception class. On Friday 11 September we went on a little trip to Ferguson Park and collected different types of leaves and flowers to bring back to the classroom, that would demonstrate what it meant for a place to have biodiversity. We sorted our collection into colours and then talked about how having so many different colours and shapes meant that we had found a place with biodiversity – the more colours and shapes, the better. Whilst it is a tricky word to say, and a tricky concept to understand, the girls engaged well with the idea of Biodiversity and were able to work together to create a magnificent piece of art displaying a collage of our findings. When our artwork was finished and ready to display outside the Junior Library, I talked to the girls about how important it was to protect our incredible environment and Biodiversity. I hope that the girls enjoyed the opportunity to get out into nature and I could not have asked for a better group of girls to work with. It was a great opportunity to meet them all and help them to understand and appreciate the world that we share a little better.

Jaida Bouhamdan
Year 11 Environment Club Leader

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Golden Ticket winner announced

Congratulations to our winners in the Parents’ and Friends’ Association Golden Ticket Raffle:

1st Prize of $15,000 off 2016 School fees: Connie Pearson
2nd Prize: Inca Pearce
3rd Prize: Rachel Smithson

Our second and third prize winners will each receive a $500 voucher to the School Shop.

Ed Parker
P&F President

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City to Bay marquee


Whilst the weather last Sunday wasn’t conducive to clocking a great time, the warm sunshine did bring thousands out for the annual City to Bay fun run. For the second year, the St Peter’s Girls P&F hosted a marquee in the Glenelg post-race village. The marquee was a great success and saw a good number of competitors, family and friends stop by to swap stories and relax. Egg and bacon rolls, drinks and fruit were served and Lorraine Scarr of Dulwich Chiropractic Works was on hand to massage those aching legs. For those who missed out, there’s plenty of time to get training for next year.

Many thanks to Lorraine and also to Kate Brooks and the Year 11-12 students who volunteered on the day. Many thanks also to Simply Fresh Fruiterers who donated the fruit.

Ed Parker
P&F President

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2016 Scholarship information and registration details are now available at www.stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au/scholarships.

Year 8 Academic Scholarship for Entry 2017
Students who will be in Year 7 in 2016 are eligible to apply for an academic entrance scholarship commencing from Year 8 in 2017. Registration for these scholarships must be completed online through the School website which provides a direct link through to the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). A series of academic tests will be undertaken at our School on Saturday 6 February 2016 and further information regarding these scholarships can be downloaded from the website. Registrations will close on Thursday 21 January 2016.

Music Scholarships for 2017
Current and external students from Year 6 to Year 10 in 2016 are welcome to apply for a Music Scholarship, for commencement from 2017. The scholarship criteria and application details are available on the School website and applications will be accepted until Friday 12 February 2016. Successful applicants will be invited to attend an audition in late February.

Should you have any questions in relation to these scholarships please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be happy to assist.

Virginia Miller
Director of Admissions & International Student Welfare

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Mary Magdalene Centre Coordinator needed

For over 20 years St Peter’s Girls’ School has provided food for the Mary Magdalene ‘Drop-In Centre’. A wonderful group of volunteers (the Collective of St Mary Magdalene) provide food at the ‘Drop-In Centre’ on weekends for people who are unable to provide a nourishing meal due to ill health or lack of resources. Food is provided every Saturday evening during the year, except for January.

Former Principal, Doug Stott, and his wife, Adrienne, have coordinated the three nights for the year St Peter’s Girls has provided food and helpers at the Centre. However, after years of devoted service they are retiring and to continue the good work we are looking for someone to take over this coordination position.

The food collection is coordinated here at the school but what is required is the:

  • Collection of food from the school
  • Delivery of food to the Centre by 4pm
  • Coordinating a group of helpers (8) to help with the preparation of food/serving /cleaning up etc.
  • Purchasing dessert for patrons from money collected at school
  • Finishing at approx. 8 pm.

The next night we are rostered on at the Centre is Saturday November 14 and if we have someone who might be interested, Doug and Adrienne are happy to hand over and show the person/s what is required.

If this sounds like something you may be interested in, you can contact me here at school on kalderson@stpetersgirls.se.edu.au or ph 83342243.

Karen Alderson
Careers Counsellor

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Changes to Bus Service from Term 4

From the start of Term 4 2015 the School is changing the way the Bus Service is charged.

The simplified method will involve students being marked off on a roll for each trip. A physical ticket will no longer be required.

Parents may still take advantage of a reduced cost per trip by purchasing a Term Pass at $280 (approximately $2.80 per trip if the bus is caught to and from school every day). To order a Term Pass, please email the School Shop at schoolshop@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or ask your daughter to visit the School Shop to arrange a charge to your account.

If bus families have already given authority to the School Shop to charge your account or credit card for a term ticket, you will be invoiced for a Term Pass for Term 4.

Alternatively, the daily one-way charge will be $5.50.

The School will now invoice parents for the Term Pass and the number of trips travelled, so there will no longer be the facility to purchase bus tickets from the School Shop.

If you have any queries about bus charges, please contact Sue Burnett, School Shop Manager, on 8334 2228 or by email to sburnett@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

For queries regarding bus routes and times, please contact Brian Caire, Bus Liaison Officer, on 0411 705 395 or by email to bcaire@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Sue Burnett
School Shop Manager

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Junior School Vacation Care

JS Vacation Care Enews

The next instalment of our Vacation Care program is coming up in the school holidays. Children from the wider community are also warmly welcome to attend any of the activities.

There is a range of enriching activities on offer for girls and boys.

Families must pre-book the days they would like their child to attend Vacation Care. Your child can attend as little or as much as needed and days can be selected to suit your schedule and commitments. Children can attend for a full day or just half a day.

Please note: The Ice Skating excursion scheduled for Friday 2 October has been cancelled. We will go to bowling and laser skirmish. Excursion times remain the same.

> Week 1: Monday 28 September to Friday 2 October
> Week 2: Tuesday 6 October to Friday 9 October

Junior School program
Join us for a day at the movies, a trip to Farm Barn or create your own pizza masterpiece. We’ll also have a disco, make our own chocolate factory and paint a spring-inspired canvas. Whatever the choice, children can enjoy a range of planned play and leisure experiences, practise social skills and solve problems in a safe and relaxed atmosphere.

> Junior School Vacation Care program
> Junior School Vacation Care booking form
> Student Registration Form
> OSHC Policy and procedure brochure

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OSA Movie Afternoon

OSA Movie night Enews

The St Peter’s Girls’ School community is invited to an exclusive movie experience.

The highly anticipated movie release, Spectre, sees 007 at his best when a cryptic message from his past sends James Bond (Daniel Craig) on a quest to uncover a sinister organisation while M (Ralph Fiennes) battles political forces that want to shut down the British Secret Service.

Saturday 14 November 2015
Drinks from 3pm
Movie from 3.30pm
The Regal Theatre, 275 Kensington Road, Kensington Park SA
Tickets $25 per person – Includes champagne on arrival and chocolates

Tickets available at http://www.trybooking.com/IUOW

For enquiries please contact me on 8334 2239 or mmccormack@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Megan McCormack (nee Walker, Kilburn ’86)
Development Officer (Old Scholar Liaison)

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Year 12 Trial exams

The Trial exam timetable for Year 12 students can now be accessed here:

> Download the timetable

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School Shop update

Please contact the School Shop on 8334 2228 to arrange an appointment for a summer uniform for your daughter.

The School Shop will be open in the first week of the holidays on Thursday 1 and Friday 2 October, from 10am-3pm. The shop will be closed during the second week of the holidays.

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Peter Pan tickets now available

JS Production Enews

The annual Year 5 production is coming up very soon, at the end of Week 4 in Term 4. This year we mount the production, Peter Pan Junior.

This is a beautiful version of the story with familiar songs. Prepare to be dazzled this year by something ‘just a little bit different’. Parent costume makers and prop sourcers have been hard at work, the music staff have been revising the songs with the girls, Mr D has been creating wonderful choreography and I have been busy blocking scenes and designing the vision.

The girls have really taken this show on with great vigour and have been able to bring to life many funny and many poignant moments. Mums, bring tissues – the ‘Your Mother and Mine’ scene will make you sniffle!

Thank you to all who have contributed to the show so far and to our parent community for their ongoing support.

7pm, 5 and 6 November 2015
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School
Adults $15, Concession $8, Family $35

Tickets are now available at www.trybooking.com/IYQI

Shelley Hampton
Year 5 Teacher

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Rowing season launch barbecue: Join us for a great night


The 2015/2016 season of Rowing at St Peter’s Girls’ School has commenced. We are excited to get the season underway and are looking forward to a range of new initiatives this year.

All members of the School community are welcome to join us in officially launching the season and meet other rowing families and coaches. We’ll be enjoying a fantastic barbecue together on Chiverton Lawns on Friday 16 October (first week back next term).

Presented by the Friends of Rowing, the evening includes season opening remarks from Principal and Saints Rowing Patron, Julia Shea, and the announcement of the 2015/16 Captain of Boats. This family fun night is open to the whole School community and includes raffle and lucky door prizes so bring your Trybooking ticket to enter.

6pm, Friday 16 October 2015
Chiverton Lawns

$20 per adult
$15 per rower and children
(includes Yiros, soft drinks & nibbles)

Bubbly, white & red wine, and beer will be available for purchase

To book your tickets, visit www.trybooking.com/JDLI

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Sport News

Pierre de Coubertin Awards

033A0115Each year Saints can nominate a student to be considered to receive the Pierre de Coubertin Award. The Pierre de Coubertin Award recognises secondary school students who are active participants in sport and display the Olympic ideals of fair play and sportsmanship. The Award recipient must:

  • Be enrolled in Years 11 or 12 and not have received the Award on a previous occasion;
  • Have participated actively in the school physical education program with a consistently positive attitude; and
  • Demonstrate the attributes consistent with the fundamental aims of the Olympic movement.

At some stage throughout Years 7-12, the selected student must have represented the school in at least one sport on the current Olympic program and participated in at least two other sports (individual or team).

The student must submit a piece of work (literary or artistic) which demonstrates / depicts an appreciation of Olympism. Participation in sport is a core value of the Olympic Games. In 2015 we ask each nominee to share one or more Olympic moments that epitomise this for you.

This year’s recipient was Sophie Fry who has contributed to sport at St Peter’s Girls over a long period of time. Sophie has participated in a range of sports, including Hockey, Tennis, Rowing, as well as mentoring a number of junior teams.

Netball club finals

Congratulations go to both Sophie Freeman (Year 10) and Hannah Freeman (Year 8) whose Contax netball teams both won their Grand Finals on Saturday. Hannah’s team won against Tango 31-20. Sophie’s game was a real nail biter against Oakdale, which went to extra time and finished with a score of 45-38.

Private tennis coaching

Tennis at Saints is growing both in numbers and students’ ability. While the School offers a complete pathway from Beginners and Hot Shots through to the Premier League now being played on a Monday after school, we can also recommend private tennis coaching that is available at Saints Girls.

All coaching is done with Matt Ford or Bill Walter as Saints Girls Tennis Coaches and coaching is available for anyone from Reception to Year 12. From beginner to advanced – it doesn’t matter.

For more information please contact Matt on 0412 855 073 or email mattford@iprimus.com.au or Bill Walter on 0408 275 159 or email bwaltertennis@gmail.com

Junior Basketball – Wednesday 16 September

Year 5 – Saints 24 defeated Walford 14
The girls worked as a team to secure a win this week. They were able to maintain a consistent defence and were able to steal the ball on numerous occasions. A special mention this week goes to Primrose for her outstanding rebounds and shooting accuracy. It has been a pleasure to watch the girls develop this season. We wish them all the best for next season. Josephine Dalpra and Ella Robinson (Coaches)

Junior Soccer – Friday 18 September

Year 4/5 – Saints 0 defeated by Seymour 1
In the last game of the season, both teams played an entertaining match. The two teams created numerous opportunities in goals, with both goal keepers making some good saves. In the end a little bit of luck enabled Seymour to steal the win. Overall, the season has been very rewarding with all the girls improving. Special thank you to the parents who came out most weeks and supported the girls and I thoroughly enjoyed coaching this group of girls. Vincent Talladira (Coach)

Lacrosse – Saturday 19 September

Under 13 Division 1 – Saints 7 defeated by Brighton 15
sprt-U13-Div1GrandFinalIt was time for the final game of lacrosse for the season and the girls were very determined to beat Brighton who was undefeated. Scarlett Hocking (Year 7), Abigail Lisle (Year 7) and Kate Reade (Year 7) worked very well together in defence and made sure there was always someone defending the girl with the ball. In mid-field, Harriet Maerschel (Year 7) and Millisent Wilkin (Year 7) did some great centres and continuously worked hard to get the ball. At half-time the girls were only down by two goals. Isabelle Norman (Year 7) was in goals and saved an incredible number of shots. In attack Chelsea Walls (Year 7) got a number of powerful goals. Chelsea should also be congratulated on getting just over 100 goals in the season. Goal scorers were Fiona Lethbridge (Year 7) and Chelsea Walls. Despite not getting the outcome we wanted, the girls should be extremely proud of how far they have come over the past season. All of their hard work, dedication and enthusiasm to get to the finals was truly amazing. Lucy Martin (Captain)

IGSSA Athletics – Wednesday 23 September
Saints sent a team of nearly 50 athletes to contest the IGSSA Athletics Carnival featuring 9 of the 10 IGSSA Schools. There were many students who recorded personal best performances and this was shown when the finals results were announced.
