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ELC News – Week 8, Term 2 2022

Dear Families

We are proud to approach the end of another fantastic term at St Peter’s Girls’ ELC.

This short term has flown by for many of us, and so we want to take a moment to reflect on all the wonderful events that occurred. For this term’s inquiry, the children explored the concept of transformation, both in our environments and in our feelings. We have been amazed by the term’s rich learning, and we are excited to share with you your child’s learning portfolio to take home at the end of Week 9. 

The children in Learning Community 1 focused on the transformation of their surrounding environments including Ferguson Park, the ELC Community Garden, and the seasonal changes such as the colours of the autumn leaves and the rain.

In Learning Community 2, we understand that our feelings transform when we try new experiences. This term, we focused on the emerging skills of perseverance and persistence as we invited the children to engage in challenging activities requiring the use of gross-motor skill. We are so proud of the children for the enthusiasm and joy they expressed when embracing these new challenges.

We saw a deep focus across the term on many different artistic languages such as clay, Performing Arts, storytelling and the language of light, and we are excited to continue these explorations throughout Vacation Care. 

Our visits to Ferguson Park have been pivotal in this term’s inquiry as it has been a place to gather observations and document changes. We were joined by Kaurna Elder Tamaru, where children had the opportunity to listen to Kaurna stories and walk through the park together. The children and educators saw our wet weather not as a deterrent, but rather as an opportunity to enrich our learning, heading out on even the wettest of days in our rain-proof jumpsuits.

Reconciliation Week was a time for us all to reflect on our ELC’s journey of reconciliation, celebrating our progress and our partnership with Kaurna Elder Tamaru, and planning our future opportunities. 

Our Mid-Year Reception children have been embracing their school Transition Visits, working with their new teacher, Miss West. We wish all children who are heading to school next term all the best for their new adventure.

We look forward to the upcoming three weeks of Vacation Care, and our teachers cannot wait to welcome old and new families back for Term 3. We also look forward to rescheduling our Wodli Building Community Event and communicating this with you all soon.

Thank you and Ngaitalya (respect),

Henrietta Balnaves (ELC Manager) and Caterina Pennestri (ELC Educational Leader)

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Important Dates

Monday 27 June: ELC Hat Ceremony
July 4 – 25: Vacation Care
Tuesday 26 July: Term 3 Commences
Thursday 4 August: Welcome to Term 3 Morning Tea
Monday 8 August: ELC Information Evening

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Mid-Year Reception Adventure Begins!

As our incoming Mid-Year Reception students made their way up the path from the ELC to their new ‘big school’ classroom, there were whispers of curiosity. When students settled in to their first Transition Visit at school, the curiosity grew to excitement as they had a preview into the learning journey ahead.

Many of them are familiar with our School environment as they have explored the grounds with their older siblings or during their weekly visits from the ELC. I have had the privilege of spending time with them in the ELC in the lead up to the beloved Mid-Year Reception Transition Visit program, working alongside Miss Reiters and Mrs Tierney. Having the opportunity to connect with them in their learning environment, where they feel comfortable and confident, has provided a wonderful understanding into who they are and what they’re interested in.

The first Transition Visit is their initial opportunity to get settled into their new learning environment. They are able to explore the classroom, ask questions about school, learn each other’s names and settle in to complete an activity.

The next Transition Visits allow the students to start working on their fine motor and early literacy and numeracy skills. They get a feel for the structure of a school day as well as the classroom routines and expectations. They learn that focus and hard work can help them earn House points for their House, and the girls are always very excited to tell each other which House they’re in! They of course love finishing their visit with an opportunity to explore the Junior School playground.

In the third and final Transition Visit, students are confident in how to navigate the classroom, follow expectations and show responsibility for their belongings. They create a self-portrait of how they see themselves in their new School uniform and put their knowledge of the campus to the test in a scavenger hunt. It’s a joy to see they are always eager to stay far beyond the time of the Transition Visit!

It is clear from these vital Transition Visits that they are more than ready for the challenges and excitement of school. Congratulations to our newest Saints Girls!

Zoe West
Mid-Year Reception Teacher

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Welcome Mrs Maddy Beltrame

We are excited to introduce our wider community to our new ELC Co-Educator, Mrs Maddy Beltrame. She will be working in the Hallett Room, taking over from Mrs Maddy Turner as she begins her maternity leave:

I am delighted to be joining the St Peter’s Girls’ ELC community. I have a Master of Teaching (Secondary), a Bachelor of Health Sciences and a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education.

I have worked in both early childhood education and more recently as a Food Studies and Health Teacher in a secondary education environment. I am thrilled to be back working with ELC children again as they bring me so much joy, and I recognise the importance of early childhood development in establishing a foundation for lifelong learning.

In my role as a Co-Educator in Learning Community 2, I am looking forward to building rich relationships with the children and their families, and supporting the teachers in the exciting Planning for the Possible inquiries. If you see me around, please do not hesitate to say hello!

Thank you

Maddy Beltrame

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Vacation Care Bookings Are Closed

Vacation Care bookings are now closed. Thank you to all our families who made a booking. Due to staffing requirements, we are unable to accept late bookings or changes to bookings.

The Vacation Care period will run from Monday 4 July to Monday 25 July, with Tuesday 26 July the first day of Term 3.

Henrietta Balnaves (LC2) and Danniella Capaldo (LC1)
Vacation Care Coordinators

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Sustainability in the ELC

The children in Learning Community 1 have been unpacking the sustainable concept of ‘zero waste’ as they explore citrus fruits.

They are embracing the whole fruit, as they cut them up to eat and share with each other, and then boil the skins down to make tea.

This concept is so important to share with children as they begin to extend their understandings of the possibilities of minimising waste and being resourceful.

We look forward to digging deeper into this inquiry in Vacation Care.

Learning Community 1

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Important COVID-19 Information

If your child tests positive to COVID-19, notify us immediately. Please also advise the type of test (RAT/PCR), the date your child’s test was taken and the date symptoms started (if no symptoms, note ‘asymptomatic’).

Please notify us via email or text:

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)

If you need to notify us over the phone, please call the Front Office on 8334 2200.

If children are displaying symptoms, it is mandatory that we send them home. SA Health guidelines advise that symptoms include:

  • Fever (a temperature of 37.5˚C or higher) or chills
  • Cough
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Tiredness (fatigue)
  • Runny or blocked nose
  • Shortness of breath (difficulty breathing)
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea
  • Headache
  • Muscle or joint pain
  • Loss of appetite

If children do develop COVID symptoms, they need to be tested for COVID-19 and require a PCR test with receipt of a negative result and resolution of symptoms before return to ELC can be considered. Children who have previously tested positive and have completed isolation in the past 12 weeks do not need to undertake testing.

Under current SA Health advice, asymptomatic close contacts no longer need to quarantine. Therefore, children can attend ELC despite being a close contact, provided they undertake 5 RATs over the subsequent 7 days and receive negative results.

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Emma Huang



我们很自豪的是 St Peter’s Girls’ ELC 丰富多彩的第二学期又要结束了。 

对我们中的许多人来说,这个短暂的学期过得很快,所以我们想花点时间来回顾一下发生的所有精彩的学习生活。在本学期的探究中,孩子们通过我们的环境和情感的体验,探索了“转变”这一概念。我们对这个学期的丰富学习感到惊讶,我们很高兴与您分享您孩子的所有学习成果文档,在最后一周第 9 周结束时您可以将它带回家。




我们对弗格森公园的探访对于本学期的学习探究至关重要,因为它是一个收集观察和记录变化的地方。 土著长老Tamaru 的加入,让孩子们有机会一起走进公园聆听原住民(Kaurna people) 的故事。孩子们和教师们并没有被潮湿寒冷的天气所妨碍,却成为了丰富我们学习的机会。即使在最潮湿的日子里,孩子们可以穿着雨衣走进公园。

和解周是为我们提供了反思ELC 的和解学习之旅的时间,庆祝我们与土著长老Tamaru 的合作的进步以及规划我们的未来。

我们的年中即将进入小学的孩子们接受了他们的学校过渡访问,与他们的新老师Miss West一起学习。我们希望所有下学期即将上学的孩子们在新的冒险中一切顺利。

我们在期待中将迎来了接下来的三周假期日托班。我们的老师们也迫不及待地欢迎新老家庭重返第三学期。我们同样期待重新安排我们的原住民庇护住所搭建的( Wodli Building) 社区活动,并尽快告知大家。


Emma Huang works in Learning Community 1 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9am – 5pm.

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News from Learning Community 1

At the ELC, we are constantly embedding Aboriginal perspectives and learning more about the Kaurna culture. As we followed children’s growing interest in plants, we took on the role of botanists to deeply explore the flora in Ferguson Park. We have been privileged to have Kaurna Elder Tamaru visiting us and sharing much knowledge about the vegetation in the park.

Amongst other things, children were able to try the leaves of the ‘Magic Tree’, which some children said tasted like lemons. They have learned about the benefits of the ‘Medicine Tree’ or Kangaroo Thorn to heal warts, and how we can touch its branches without being prickled. Children have also observed the tree trunks and learnt how to identify which animal has been climbing there: a koala or a possum.

Another way in which we have been constantly incorporating the Kaurna culture into our practice is by using Kaurna symbols to represent ourselves, the weather conditions and to tell stories. This is a learning provocation for children to draw some of these symbols and  to understand that symbols are a tool of communication.

By exploring the shared Kaurna symbols, some children have invested their imagination and creativity into designing their own symbols to represent their ideas and tell their stories. These learning experiences enable children to develop their emerging literacy skills, approaching the early stages of writing, and refining their fine motor skills.

Jessica Guimaraes and Jess Catt
Learning Community 1

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News from Learning Community 2

In the ELC, literacy is embedded in all that we do and is a vital and intentional part of our everyday activities. Literacy might look like educators reading a story or children making marks on paper. It might sound like songs being sung or rhymes being told. It might feel like collaboration of play in the home corner or problem-solving outside in the sand pit.

Play is the vehicle that helps young children’s brains develop and their communication skills mature ready for formal reading and writing later in their schooling years.

When children actively play in Learning Community 2, they are learning many literacy skills. They learn abstract representation from using loose parts in our Atelier. They learn cognitive constructions of a story through frequent pretend play out in the mud kitchen and they learn persuasive writing skills through negotiating rules or arguing fairness during games.

This term, through the lens of our unit of inquiry, ‘Welcoming transformation can support wellbeing’, we have begun to delve more deeply into how we can obtain literacy skills through researching storybooks and investigating how a story can change and transform. We have also taken the first steps at writing stories about our own emotions through looking at the physical aspects of books.

We have asked the children, ‘What can you tell makes a book?’

‘Front and back but not upside down.’ – Ellie

‘All books have pages stuck inside.’ – Daebelle

‘The title is on the front.’ – Aggie

‘The back is the end and there is no more story.’ – Amy

‘Books can be all different sizes.’ – Emma

‘Lots of words everywhere.’ – Noah

‘There are different stories inside books.’ – Olive

‘In the Library, there are books.’ – Sebastian

We have asked the children to notice the difference between an author and an illustrator. In this way, we have discovered that some people like to write stories and tell them while others are very good at drawing and illustrating stories. The children were quick to notice who in our own community are good drawers or storytellers. Here, we are recognising the unique skills we possess and how we can learn from others to refine our own skills. We asked the children to make their own front covers using their interests to start a story, and from here, the children showed a keen interest in book-making. We soon planned and created a permanent space in our rooms for book-making.

Book-making is a way for children to express their thoughts in a creative and fun way. Books can be made alone or in partnership. Children were often found returning to a book they first made and adding detail to it over the day. It empowers the children to feel they are competent writers, and even if they are yet to master the skill of mark-making and letter formation, they can still make a book containing a successful story.

We are looking forward to unpacking more on our inquiry journey of transformation of knowledge through stories as the year unfolds!

Nell Tierney, Kathy McCabe and Laura Reiters
Learning Community 2

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Find Out What Happens Throughout the Day at ELC

The ELC Learning Community Home Page is a dynamic online sharing space that invites you to participate in the communities’ learning as it happens. We use this tool to communicate important information with families and provide a window into the children’s life at the ELC, as educators share documentation of teaching, specialist lessons and spontaneous moments.

Accessing myLink for the first time:

Each parent has an individual username to access our myLink parent portal. Your username is {ID+}@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au Please note that the username is your ID number followed by @stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au Your ID number has been provided to you in an email from the School If you have not accessed myLink before or have forgotten your password, please follow these steps:

  • Visit https://mylink.stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
  • Sign in with your parent username
  • Click on ‘Forgot my password’
  • Make sure the ‘email’ address is your parent username, type in the code, then click the blue ‘Next’ button
  • Enter your mobile number registered with the School, with the area code (Australia is +61), dropping the 0 at the beginning (e.g. +61 400000000). Then select ‘Text’
  • Enter the security code sent to your mobile number
  • Enter the password you would like to use and click ‘Finish’
  • Return to the login screen at https://mylink.stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au to access myLink

Accessing the Learning Community Home Page through myLink:

  • Access myLink as per the above instructions
  • Click on the ‘MYLINK HOME’ tab
  • Click on your child’s name tab
  • Under ‘Class Contacts’, click on the ELC room name (you may need to enter your user name and password again)

If you have any issues accessing or navigating myLink, please contact our IT Hub via helpdesk@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or 8334 2227.

ELC’s Online Etiquette Policy: please note that the ELC Learning Community Home Page and ELC News contain images and videos of other children. We therefore ask that you do not copy or share images or videos, especially on social media, if they contain other children.

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Absences in the ELC

Student Absences Please notify the School via one of the following methods for late arrivals/early departures and absences, ensuring a reason for the absence is included.

Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Phone: 8334 2200 or phone the relevant room as per the contact list below.

Please include the relevant room teacher when sending via email.

ELC Room Contacts: Bell Yett – 8155 5777 Ferguson – 8155 5776 Hallett – 8155 5775 Stonyfell – 8155 5778

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ELC Immunisation Policy

Under the Government’s No Jab No Play policy, families must meet immunisation requirements to attend the ELC and receive the Child Care Subsidy. Families are required to provide all approved immunisation records to the ELC. Further information is available by clicking here.

Children who are suffering from illnesses such as those listed below must be excluded from ELC in line with our Exclusion Policy:

  • Influenza
  • Chicken Pox
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Diarrhoea
  • Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
  • High Temperature
  • Infectious Hepatitis
  • Measles
  • Meningitis
  • Mumps
  • Rubella (German Measles)
  • Scabies
  • Scarlet Fever
  • School Sores (Impetigo)
  • Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
  • Vomiting
  • Whooping Cough

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