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Enews – Term 4, Week 8 2016

Issue no. 37

From the Principal

juliashea_web-200x300-200x300Why is it that we seem neurologically or physiologically predisposed towards focussing on what hasn’t gone quite to plan, rather than prioritising the positives?

Like many of you, I was driving when the recent hailstorm hit Adelaide. A hailstone came through the windscreen and others pummelled the car from front to back. I finally arrived home to find that a hailstone had smashed the skylight in the kitchen and, of course, it kept on raining so out came the buckets. I spent many hours ‘on hold’ before I finally got to talk to someone about lodging the insurance claims. I had a complete sense of humour failure! I’d completely lost sight of the positive – that there was a car roof between my girls and the hailstones. And despite the fact that it was a scary experience, they were all safe. What’s more, they now had something truly noteworthy to add to their snapchat streak!

I’d fallen into that trap at School this term as well. Amidst the strategic planning, master planning and organisation of end of year activities, I’d started to focus on the things that weren’t perfect. It was only when I took the time to step back and reflect on the year that I was reminded that I do have the best job in the world.

The sporting success of the School this year has been phenomenal. It’s certainly been the best year in my time here and Neil Fuller suggests it’s perhaps the best year in recent history. On top of that, we were the only all girls’ school to make the state final of the Science and Engineering Challenge, going on to finish second in the state. Just last week our Year 10 girls finished first and second in the University of Adelaide eChallenge. Our girls were crowned State Champions in the Rostrum Voice of Youth and the UN Voice of Youth competitions and our Years 8 and 9 teams won the Debating SA competition and were presented with their medals by the Governor of South Australia. Our lead vocal ensemble, Enchante, won their competition at Generations in Jazz and the Senior Percussion ensemble won a Gold Medal at the ABODA festival. In 2016 it didn’t matter whether it was sport, public speaking or the Arts – Saints Girls excelled. And all of this happened in a School where last year almost 20% of our girls achieved an ATAR above 99.

So my advice as this year draws to an end is to be wary of falling prey to ruminating on the negative. Not a day should go by where we don’t stop and marvel at our girls’ wonderful achievements. As Mother Teresa profoundly stated, “Be happy in the moment; that’s enough.”

Staff News

We farewell a number of staff at the conclusion of the year.

From our ELC, we say good-bye to Sarah Croston-Melling. Sarah has been the Hallett Room teacher for the last two years and during that time has proudly watched many girls transition seamlessly to Reception. Four of our Co-educators, Donna Demasi, Kate McMahon, Lia van der Pennen and Zoe West, are also bid farewell and I wish them all the best in their future endeavours.

A number of other staff are coming to the end of their short term contracts as other members of staff return from leave in 2017. I’d like to thank the following for their professionalism and commitment to Saints Girls – Amanda Gunawan, Ying Liu, Stephen Orr, Vicki Hudson and Jacinta Hriskin.

Following 16 years at the School, Heather Jones has decided to ‘pull up stumps’. Heather’s passion for Mathematics is effusive and her love of problem-solving undeniable. I wish Heather all the best as she steps back from full-time teaching.

And finally, I wish Kerry Skinner every success as she moves into the role of Year 12 Coordinator at Marryatville High School. I know that Kerry has been deeply touched by the thanks she has received at her farewells and we, as a community, are enormously grateful for the contribution she has made during her time at the School.

Presentation Night

I look forward to seeing you at Presentation Night next Monday at the Town Hall, commencing at 7pm. While this is a compulsory event for all girls in Years 7 to 12, younger girls and their parents are most welcome to attend. The music is sounding fabulous and will no doubt stir the emotions of our departing Year 12 girls. An amazing finale is planned, so it’s an event not to be missed. Refreshments can be purchased from the bar prior to the event. A small number of seats are still available and can be secured by logging onto trybooking.com/NOMA.

Finally, I can’t finish without mentioning the magnificent Carols in the Cathedral at the end of last week. The music, as always, was glorious and we are indeed fortunate to have so many talented girls in our midst. Special thanks to Sally Rounsevell, Sari Noble and their team of tutors for bringing the program together. It is such a special night on the School’s calendar.

I wish you and your families a joyous and peaceful Christmas and look forward to welcoming the girls back to School on Monday 30 January 2017.

Julia Shea

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SUBS in Schools National Finals


The major project this year for the Year 10 GEMS (Girls in Engineering, Mathematics and Science) class was the SUBS in Schools competition. The SUBS in Schools program is conducted by REA (Re-engineering Australia) and sponsored by the Department of Defence, SAAB Australia, ASC and DCNS.

Students formed teams of five and each team competed in one of the following categories:
• Level 2: Design and build a large ROV (Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle)
• Level 3: Spatial Design; design an internal accommodation space for a submarine
• Level 4: Design and build a working model submarine.

Teams were given detailed specifications that they needed to interpret and address. In order to complete the task, different team members were responsible for different aspects of the team’s entry. For example, teams needed to secure additional sponsorship, publicise their team and the event, prepare visual materials, produce engineering drawings and 3 Dimensional renders of their craft or accommodation space using Computer Aided Design and build working models.

The teams competed in the SUBS in Schools National Finals this week at Prince Alfred College. They set up a trade display and were judged on their portfolio, marketing and a verbal presentation. In addition, the ROV and Submarine teams were interviewed about the engineering of their vehicles by a panel of judges and competed in ‘sea trials’ of their watercraft in the PAC pool.

All teams that compete in this program have to learn and apply a variety of new skills, develop their ability to collaborate and overcome significant technical hurdles to succeed. It was very exciting to be at the Awards Presentation Dinner on Wednesday evening to see each team win an award.

SAAB Australia Encouragement Award (across all three categories): Phantom submarine team, who overcame some major technical problems this week to get their sub in the water successfully (as an indication of the progress in this category, it should be noted that none of the teams had a sub that worked in the water at the State competition in 2015);
• Dominique Rigby (Team manager)
• Lucy Cox (Manufacturing engineer)
• Erica Reid (Design engineer)
• Michelle Yeoh (Graphics designer)
• Jaime Darley (Resources manager)

Outright Second Place in the ROV category: Orbis ROV team;
• Belen Swart (Team manager)
• Emma Herselman (Systems engineer)
• Alexandra Reade (Marketing communications)
• Luna Ye (Electrical engineer)
• Thandi Murada (Graphic designer)

Inaugural winners of the Spatial Design category: Syreni Interior Accommodation Space team;
• Anna Siouzeva (Team manager)
• Lauren Hernan (Naval architect)
• Therese Kemp (Marketing manager)
• Georgia Bowden (Materials engineer)
• Emily Webb (Systems engineer)

Brian Parsons
GEMS teacher and Head of Science

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Student Voice: What a year at the Saints Café!

Over the past year Freya, Holly and I have been working hard to start and develop the
Saints Cafe, working together two mornings a week with the help of the Year 10 staff. Freya worked the coffee machine, Holly did the milk, and I (Amira) worked in the front, taking orders. Over the year we have used biodegradable cups and local farmers’ milk, and we have also experimented with our products by introducing protein balls and iced coffees, iced chocolates and iced mochas.cafe-girls

As a group, Freya, Holly and I have decided to not continue the cafe next year; instead pass on the Cafe to the 2017 Year 10s. We would like to thank Mr Rosser, Ms Shea and Mrs Skinner for helping us start the Cafe and, most importantly, we would like to thank Ms Casson for all her dedication and patience towards the cafe throughout the year.

We have really enjoyed working the cafe this year and are looking forward to seeing the cafe continue again next year! Congratulations to Ankita Rajbhoj (Finance Manager), Zoe Scobie (Staffing Manager) and Teegan Lindsay (Marketing Manager); we wish you all the best for the year to come.

Amira Shahin
Year 10 Patteson

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Primary Maths Challenge


On Friday 11 November, a number of our Junior School students were presented with awards at the presentation ceremony for the Statewide Primary Maths Challenge.

Aojin investigated whether our athletes were getting faster, stronger and more skilled at each Olympic Games. Of the three Olympic sports that Aojin investigated, she found that only our female swimmers were getting faster. The judges could see that Aojin spent a lot of time gathering and analysing her data.

In Emily’s investigation into the Olympic Games, the judges could clearly see that Emily had engaged in lots of detailed research about the Olympics so that she was able to compare data across several events. The judges loved Emily’s conclusions as they really showed her deep thinking.

Evelyn expanded her mathematical thinking with her fabulous investigation into the mathematics of owning a pet. She created a giant portfolio of detailed calculations, creative pet tangrams and all sorts of amazing things, all related to owning a pet. In the words of the judges…“This is a most amazing and comprehensive investigation. We hope your data helps you convince your family to get a dog.”

In Rose’s project – Rose and the Great Maths Hunt – she went on a fabulous adventure where she discovered that people use Maths in so many different places. The judges loved the books that Rose made, especially the ‘Places I go’ booklet. They thought that it would be great to share it with younger children to see if they could follow Rose’s direction.

Show Business was the title of Bronwyn’s amazing mathematical investigation. The judges loved the way that Bronwyn was able to combine her love for Musicals and Mathematics to delve into every aspect of how a major stage show comes together. The judges were extremely impressed with Bronwyn’s reflection when she explored the need to estimate due to confidentiality reasons.


The judges loved the work created by our Year 2 girls. They said: “Congratulations on your amazing entry! We loved the way that you connected and explored Mathematics that is a key aspect of thinking artistically. Whether it was with Music or Visual Arts or the money from other countries, you made lots of connections with the symbols in each area. We love your theory that the language of Mathematics can be found everywhere! We loved your class journal and the opportunity to explore all your amazing thinking in your individual journals.”

Mrs Bruun and Mrs Clark won an Educator Award for the amazing work they have done with their girls and its relationship to the Australian Curriculum.

Cath Kelly
Junior School Learning Strategies Co-ordinator

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Bronze Medallion Award for Year 10 PE students

During Term 4, the Year 10 Physical Education classes have been working towards their Bronze Medallion award. The Bronze Medallion course provides participants with the skills and knowledge of lifesaving actions and water awareness. It is the minimum standard for pe-pica qualified lifesaver and aims to enhance personal aquatic survival skills while providing students with the knowledge and physical ability required to safely carry out water rescues. The Bronze Medallion can also increase employment opportunities.

The award requires participants to swim 400m in 13 minutes, complete a wide variety of rescue techniques in the pool including a timed resucue, theory test, demonstrate survival skills, identify dangerous situations and different types of swimmers, eg. non-swimmer, weak swimmer, injured swimmer and complete initiative tasks to apply their knowledge. 38 participants were assessed by an examiner from the Royal Life Saving Society and all students successfully completed their award. They will be presented with their certificates and medallions at an assembly in early 2017. Well done girls!

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Presentation Night Arrangements

All students in Years 7 – 12 are expected to attend our annual Presentation Night at the Adelaide Town Hall on Monday 12 December at 7pm.

This ceremony is an opportunity to reflect on some of the highlights of this year, celebrate the achievements of our students and provide a final opportunity to farewell our Year 12s.
Bookings can be made through Trybooking on trybooking.com/NOMA.

Key Arrangements for Presentation Night:

No attendance at School for any students, unless they have been sent instructions from the Music Department

  • Full School Uniform
  • The Balcony Bar will be open from 5.45pm, where parents can purchase refreshments
  • Musicians must arrive by 5.45pm
  • Years 7 and 8 students should arrive by 6pm
  • All Senior School students should arrive by 6.15pm
  • All other students should arrive by 6.30pm
  • Guests should be seated by 6.45pm.We look forward to seeing you at this special celebration.

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Master Plan Update:


“Every long journey begins – and ends – with a single step.”
The wait is over! Our Middle School redevelopment is well and truly under way, with builders having moved onsite on Monday 12 December.

Here is a pic of the men from Property Services, who have been busy dismantling (destroying) the boardwalk. Disability access to the oval will now be via the old Library for the final week of term.

The next few months will be a time of transformation as our long-held vision for the Middle School comes to life. Be assured that works have been carefully planned to minimise impact on students.

Further updates will be provided as work progresses so watch this space! To view our Master Plan in detail, visit stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au/master-plan.

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Summer Holiday Activities

Don’t miss out! VACSWIM enrolments closing soon!

Registrations for SA Water’s summer school holiday VACSWIM program are closing fast and families are reminded to book now before it’s too late! More than 13,000 primary school aged children are expected to take part in the summer water safety program at more than 130 pool and beach locations this January. Described as the best value-for-money holiday program with enrolment starting at $30/child, VACSWIM provides children with the opportunity to develop skills and positive experiences in the areas of water safety, confidence and competence in the water, personal survival activities and basic aquatic emergency procedures. Enrolments close 19 December (which is very soon!). Don’t miss out; visit www.vacswimsa.com.au to register your child today!

Christmas Family Movie “Elf” @ Glenunga Hub

Please bring your own picnic blankets and low chairs.

Food stalls open at 7.30 pm. A free shuttle bus service will operate from 7.30 pm between the Burnside Council Civic Centre carpark and the Glenunga Hub, before and after the movie.

Friday 9 December 2016
Glenunga Hub, 70 Conyngham Street, Glenunga
Elf, rated G, at 8.30 pm

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Sports News

Our triumphant year 6/7 State Champion softball team
Our triumphant Year 6/7 State Champion softball team

State SAPSASA Tennis Carnival

Congratulations to Sienna Glazbrook and Mia Dodd (Year 6) and Violette Maris (Year 7) who all represented East Adelaide at the State Tennis Carnival. East Adelaide finished a very close second overall, narrowly by games.

Well done must also go to Emily Baldwinson (Year 6) who was invited to represent the Kangaroo Island District and did so impressively, demonstrating fantastic sportsmanship.

Adelaide Strikers School Holiday Clinics

Looking for something to do these holidays?

Get along to an Adelaide Strikers School Holiday Clinic for 5-12 year old girls and boys of all abilities. You will meet players, practise your skills, play games of T20 cricket and get your own Strikers Participant Pack.

OPTIONS: 1 day $49 clinic or 2 day $99 clinic.
WHERE: There are 21 School Holiday Clinics across South Australia, including 2 clinics at Adelaide Oval and 9 clinics in regional areas.
WHEN: 9 – 25 January.

ALL GIRLS GROUPS: Many clinics will have an ‘All Girls Group’ option. The all girls groups will assist to provide the most welcoming environment for girls to participate in and will run in conjunction with mixed groups at the same venue. Girls are also welcome to participate in mixed groups. To find out more details about your nearest Adelaide Strikers School Holiday Clinic or to register: adelaidestrikers.com.au/fans.

Junior Teeball

St Peter’s Girls Year 4/5 teeball team defeated Pembroke Blue 18-3. Highlights of the game were Chloe’s and Willow’s home runs and Jenna’s outstanding hitting. It has been an outstanding season by all girls, having lost only one game. It has been a pleasure coaching them and witnessing them develop skills, teamwork, sportsmanship, leadership and an interest in the sport. We look forward to witnessing the girls continuing to develop their passion for the sport in the future! A massive thank you goes to all the parents and, in particular, Ms Dillon for their continual support throughout the season. Jasmine Ledgard and Lydia Smalls (Coaches)

National Track & Field Championships

The Intermediate Girls National Athletics team have finished in 9th place (out of 17 competing schools) at the National All Schools Athletics Championships in Canberra.

For the team of Jasmine Ledgard, Rachael Disney, Rose Pittman, Zoe Wilmshurst, Milly Wood, Jemimah Simpson and Thandi Murada this is a fantastic effort.

Most went close to personal best performances, with Thandi running a 2 second best time in the 800m and Jemimah Simpson breaking her own National Para Athletic 200m record.
We are all very proud of the girls’ efforts and they have represented the School with great determination and pride.