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Enews – Week 4, Term 2 2016

Issue no. 15

From the Deputy Principal/Head of
Senior School

KerrySkinner_webThis week I was privileged to attend a women in leadership event presented by the Committee for Economic Development (CEDA) as part of the Women in Leadership Series. Meredith Beck (Director of Teaching and Learning) and I accompanied Georgina Sarah (Head Prefect), Madison Bateman (Deputy Head Prefect) and Megan Jenssen (SRC Chairperson). The facilitator was Professor Marie Wilson, Pro Vice Chancellor, Business and Law, University of South Australia. Judith Crompton, Chief Commercial Officer, Virgin Australia, and Lara Polini, Chief Executive, Australia and New Zealand AECOM, shared their insights and understanding of the importance of innovation and the critical role that gender diversity plays in their businesses.

To define innovation, they concurred that it meant new ideas and the pursuit of creativity. Both women explored the importance of listening to people, and acknowledged that the best ideas are often formed from within their workforce. This resonated with the girls and me as the Year 12 leadership team works well. During their fortnightly meetings they share their ideas and explore what they are doing within their portfolios. This open dialogue and ‘face time’ allows them to fully explore their capacity to lead and learn what is happening in all areas of the School. They listen to each other and work collaboratively to create new ideas.

I have also been most impressed about how the Student Representative Council (SRC) are currently working on consolidating the uniform rules for the Middle and Senior Schools. Conversations have occurred in Home Groups, which help to form ideas that the representatives have brought to the full SRC. The SRC is currently finalising this document to present to Ms Shea and the Heads of Sub-Schools. They have listened to each other and collaborated, and I look forward to hearing their thoughts and recommendations.

The speakers also explored how to keep momentum and maintain morale as leaders. This year the Full School Assemblies have been run by the senior students. In their planning days prior to the commencement of 2016, they indicated their desire to take ownership and model leadership to the student body. The momentum has grown to the point where they are solely responsible for welcoming, presenting and inviting guest speakers, and the student body respects their leadership.

Of interest at the forum was the question posed about ‘new thinking’ and where they saw their businesses progressing. ‘Technology’ was the response from both women. The use of apps and the ability to have and provide instant connection and information were presented as a crucial development of the future. Drones were emphasised as having the ability to access areas and information and that the field of engineering, design and construction will only grow as the demand increases. This event provided our senior leaders, as nearly new graduates, with the opportunity to hear what innovative women are doing in the world of business.

A leader’s capacity to implement change requires perseverance and vision. I could not go past sharing this example with the community. Currently, Amira Shahin, Freya Ware and Holly Steer in Year 10 have been working tirelessly developing a business plan on an innovative idea, named ‘Saints café’. The girls have presented their plans to Senior Leadership and are now looking at ensuring they can staff their dream with other Year 10 students. They report to a Board consisting of the Senior Leadership Team, and their mentor teacher, Sarah Casson, has supported them in this journey. This week they employed Year 10 students, trained their staff and will have a trial run with senior students and staff at Friday lunchtime.

We wish these students every success in this venture and I admire their innovation and entrepreneurial skills.

Kerry Skinner
Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

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Music Update: Recap from the Piano Recital

Music Update

The past two weeks have been a very busy time for the staff and students in the Music Department, with four performances being held across our sub-schools. Last Wednesday we had our piano recital celebrating the purchase of our new piano and featuring 11 girls from Years 1 to 10 performing some extremely high quality and entertaining piano pieces. The event, held in MB 120, was well attended with over 50 parents and students enjoying our new music studio and Yamaha piano. The second half of the concert featured guest pianist, Ashley Hribar, who delighted us all with three amazing contemporary piano pieces ‘christening’ our new piano for us.

On Sunday afternoon students from Years 8 to 12 performed at St David’s Church, presenting an hour-long concert to parents, friends and the local church community. Compared by our Music Captain Amelia French, it was a lovely opportunity to hear the development of many of our scholarship and senior music students supported by Sue Mears, our highly talented and musical accompanist.

On Monday we held a jazz night in our new music studio, enjoying this new performance space by utilising the intimate, purpose-built space and adding couches, lamps and cafe tables to create a club-style atmosphere for our performers. Parents and friends enjoyed a night of amazing Jazz music from girls in our Thursday Club, the Jazz Vocal Quartet and the Senior Rock Band, supported by professional musicians, Mike Bevan, Logan Watt and Robyn Habel. This night is quickly becoming a ‘must-see’ event on our Music calendar.

And finally, on Tuesday girls from Reception to Year 7 were entertained by ‘Kaboom’, a touring percussion duo who entertained the girls with wonderful percussion music, crowd participation and even choreographed percussion compositions. Our Senior Percussion Ensemble also made an appearance, hoping to motivate some of our students to join our new percussion ensemble. Our first ‘come and try’ rehearsal will be in MB 120 on Wednesday lunchtime, Week 5, for any girls in Years 5, 6 or 7 interested in being a member of this new group; no experience is necessary.

Tickets go on sale shortly for the Winter Concert. This year we have over 170 girls participating. It is sure to be a wonderful night of music showcasing the talents of our girls.

Sally Rounsevell

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The Scholastic Book Fair

The Scholastic Book Fair will be held next week in the Junior School Library.  It will open before school from 8am, at lunchtime and after school until 4pm.monster_book_fairThe fair encourages students to become ‘reading creatures’ of habit. The theme, Monster Book Fair: Reading Is So Much Fun, will see children, families and teachers become thrilled as St Peter’s Girls transforms into a special place where fun, friendly, imaginary monsters encourage reading.

With all of this over-the-top fun, students are bound to find the perfect books for themselves.


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School Banking Account Opening Day

St Peter’s Girls’ School is excited to offer the Commonwealth Bank School Banking program to all students.

The School Banking program provides children with an opportunity to deposit money into their Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account at School each week. The program is about how often your child makes deposits, not how much they deposit.

To encourage regular savings behaviour the program offers an exciting Rewards Program. Every deposit earns your child a Dollarmites token, and once they’ve collected 10 tokens they can redeem them for a reward.

The rewards available during 2016 are:

• Flying Snake Tail  school-banking-rewards
• Wildlife Writer Set
• Mud Splat Handball
• Outback Pat Bag Tag
• Backtrack Eraser Pen
• Jump and Skip Rope
• Bush Fly Fan
• Wriggly Glow Worm

We will be holding an Account Opening Day at our School:

Time: 9am-10am after Assembly
Date: 3 June 2016
Location: Arts Centre Foyer

If you are interested in opening a Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account for your child, please bring along your current driver’s licence or another form of photographic identification.

Alternatively, you can open an account at your local branch. All you need to bring is your current identification as well as your child’s birth certificate. If you are an existing Commonwealth Bank customer and have NetBank, you can open an account online.

If you would like to know more about School Banking, information packs are available from the Front Office or you can collect one from your local branch. Your closest branch is at Burnside Village.

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Pru is coming to St Peter’s Girls’ School!

jsbankingPru is coming to talk to us about the Commonwealth Bank School Banking program.

The School Banking program includes an exciting and exclusive Rewards Program that encourages students to get into the habit of saving regularly.

Every time your child makes a deposit at School they receive a silver Dollarmites token. Once students have individually collected 10 tokens they can redeem them for an exclusive School Banking reward item in recognition of their regular savings habits.

Pru will be excited to see you all on 3 June 2016.

Remember, School Banking day is every Wednesday.

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Vegemite and Jam Drive

Vegemite JarThis term the Year 10 Kennion girls will participate in a Vegemite and Jam Drive. The donations will support the Kennion house charity, Kickstart For Kids. All Home Groups from Reception to Year 12 are encouraged to participate by bringing in jars of vegemite and The donations will support the Kennion house charity, Kickstart For Kids. All Home Groups from Reception to Year 12 are encouraged to participate by bringing in jars of vegemite and flavoured jams. The Home Group which brings in the most grams of jam and vegemite will win a pizza lunch at the end of the term. The jars that are donated will be given to the Kickstart For Kids school breakfast programs. These programs run in many schools across the state. Currently, the Year 10 Kennion girls run a breakfast program in a primary school every Thursday. The volunteers prepare breakfast foods for the girls and boys who may not have had breakfast that morning. The Year 10 volunteers also have the opportunity to talk and get to know each of the students. Occasionally, they will also read them books and teach the younger primary students simple spelling and maths. We are looking at expanding this program soon, so that Year 8s and 9s will be able to experience this as well.

We appreciate the support of the St Peter’s Girls community in helping us to raise donations for this amazing charity.

Alexandra Reade, 10KEN

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Attention all shoppers: Join our trip to Melbourne


Join us for the first ever St Peter’s Girls Shopping Trip to Melbourne!

In conjunction with Peregrine Travel, parents are invited to join this fabulous trip to Melbourne.

This all inclusive package includes return flights, transfers and 5-star accommodation located in the heart of the city. Stroll to theatres, restaurants and laneway bars. Docklands, the Paris end of Collins Street, Southbank, and South Melbourne are all close by.

Also included is an exclusive ‘Money Can’t Buy’ after-hours shopping experience at Myer, with drinks, food and a private stylist!

Event Details:

Date: 13 – 14 August 2016
Price: Only $695.00 per person.

Funds raised will go towards the redevelopment of the Middle School Redevelopment Project.

Tickets can be booked via www.trybooking.com/LEPB or contact Blaga on 0448 650 130 for more information.

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Mothers unite to enjoy a night out

Mums Night Out

On Friday 13 May the Mothers’ Club hosted their annual Mums Night Out at the beautiful home of Shan Bau. This year we were blessed by the weather gods, and did not have to contend with a downpour, as we have in the past!

70 Saints Girls mothers attended the evening, raising $6000. This will go towards the Middle School redevelopment.

Events such as this are not successful without the outstanding generosity of our community. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our raffle prize donors: Blaga Dimauro, Amelia and Oliver Porter, Anna Dimond, Tracey and Stuart Hunt, Jo Fidler, Carmen and Douglas Gautier, Kerry Reade, Ashvini Rajbhoj, Nilanthi Di Silva, Barney Habel, plus Orbe Salon at Norwood.

The ladies were certainly well fed on the evening with food donated by: Amelia Porter, Natalie Elliott, Kerry Reade, Susanna Anderson, Nikki Reid, Emma Bradshaw – Rustic Gourmet, and Leanne White. Plus: Woolworths Marryatville and Foodland Norwood.

Thank you to the Mothers’ Club for your help in putting together another fantastic Mums Night Out, and especially to all those who attended.

Emma Robinson

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Host Families Needed

Following the successful Junior School Korean cultural exchange program which has been operating over the past 10 years, the School has again been invited by Oden International to be part of this program during Term 3 this year.

The 2016 program will follow the same format as previous years’ and involves hosting a Year 4 or Year 5 student for a seven week period. The students will attend St Peter’s Girls during this time and will be accompanied by an Oden staff member, Ms Kris Lee, who visits the School daily to support the girls. The students will be arriving on Saturday 23 July 2016 and will depart on Monday 12 September 2016. It is anticipated that 4 – 6 students will be participating in the program in 2016.

To enable planning for this valuable program, we require families from our School community to host these students during their stay in Adelaide. Families will be reimbursed $270 per week for the student’s care, and an information and orientation program will be provided to families that are hosting.

If you are interested, please contact Jess Geraghty on 8334 2215 or email jgeraghty@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

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Sports News

If you have any further news items or sporting success stories, please email them through to me on: nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Junior Netball

Year 6 Blue – Saints 12 defeated Seymour Green 7

The Blue team played their second game of netball for the season and the girls played an amazing game. The best players for this week were Adele Eaton for her incredible defence and Mia Humphrey for her great work as centre. However, we would like to congratulate all the girls on their teamwork and individual game play. Chanel Stefani and Ava Loechel (Coaches)

Year 6 White – Saints 9 defeated by Seymour White 29

This week saw an impressive improvement in play, with our girls controlling possession of the ball as well as having a strong presence on court for the duration of the game. Saints brought enthusiasm and determination to the court once again, and made coaching and watching an absolute joy. Well done to our shooters, Kate Hunt, Chase Hocking, Eva Young and Charlotte Adams, and to Deepali Asundi who handled the ball a few times in only her second ever game of netball. Grace Russo (Coach)

Year 5 Blue –Saints 44 defeated St Andrews 0

The girls put in another great performance this week. Each girl gave their best effort and worked together to maintain consistency across the whole game. All the girls should be proud of the sportsmanship they showed. Our shooters were very accurate, which helped us to have such a strong win. As well as this, defenders were strong and kept the ball out of the opposition’s third. Georgia Naughton (Coach)

Year 5 White – Saints 25 defeated Wilderness Green 1

The girls had a really good game, their shooting was incredible and their defence was strong. Players in the mid-court also did a good job of bringing the ball down the court to provide opportunities. The coaches were really pleased with the girls’ ability to apply their knowledge and new skills from training within the match. Rachel Kameniar (Assistant Coach)

Open Soccer

Open A – Saints 2 defeated Concordia 0

The Open A soccer team kicked off the season with a great win against Concordia. All the girls showed great determination and fought hard until the final whistle to pull off a convincing win. Special mention to our goal scorers, Olivia Law and Dominique Rigby.  We hope to continue our strong form throughout the season. Krystina Dianos (Captain)

Open B – Saints 2 drew with Concordia 2

The team started the season with a draw against Concordia. The girls played well for the whole game. A special mention to Sara Possingham who dominated the midfield and also Ruby Oliver and Wilhelmina Fowler who were solid in defence. Overall, a great team performance. Keep up the good work! Peter Krantis (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 5 defeated Woodcroft 1

Saints kicked off the 2016 season with a solid win over Woodcroft. Right from the start of the game our forwards, Amelia Woods, Chloe Deieso, Amy Carrodus, Sarah Matheson and Matilda Braithwaite, applied maximum pressure to the opposition by passing the ball between themselves to open up Woodcroft’s defence. Meanwhile, our defensive players, Siena Kulinski, Rachel Banham, Eleanor Anderson, Harriett Gilroy, goalie Isabel and Tahlia were able to repel almost every opposition attack on our goals and then kick the ball downfield to our forwards. All the girls in the team played a vital role in this victory, and their efforts capped off a very successful start to the year. Goal Scorers: Amelia Woods 2, Amy Carrodus, Matilda Braithwaite, Chloe Deieso. Best Players: Amelia Woods, Siena Kulinski, Amy Carrodus. Mr Morton (Staff Supervisor)

Year 7 – Saints 1 defeated by Concordia 9

The girls came up against a very good side in Concordia. It was the girls’ first game on a bigger pitch and it took them a while to adjust to the size. They never gave up. Remain positive, girls, and keep working hard at training!
Alessandro (Coach)

Cross Country – East Adelaide Carnival

Cross Country

Saints sent a small but strong group pf runners to the East Adelaide District Carnival held in the Parklands adjacent Prince Alfred College. Molly Dwyer got the day off to a great start winning the 10-Year-old age group with Dani Cox running very well to place 15th overall.  Noa Goddard then made it two wins for Saints when she won the 11-Year age group. Emily Baldwinson 5th, Eleanor Humphrey 8th, Fleur Maris 10th and Lily-Rose Spartalis 12th ensure that Saints were prominent in the top place getters. In the 12-Year age group Portia Maerschel finished 7th closely followed by Imogen Elliott in 8th. Our lone runner in the 13-Year-old girls event Sakia Jonats placed 8th overall. Neil Fuller (Director of Sport)

Minkey Hockey

Year 4/5 – Saints 7 defeated by Seymour 8

Overall, this was an extremely close game and both teams played extremely well! I was impressed with both the defensive and attacking efforts throughout the game, with strong passes and dribbling being a highlight. Best players this week were Bridgette Leach and Helen Zhang, who both showed great skill and continually used the width of the pitch throughout the game! Great effort, girls! Alice Tyson and Kate McKellar-Stewart (Coaches)


Congratulations to all the girls on yet another successful round of games and the Open A
team for their two consecutive wins. We really appreciate the commitment shown by all the girls at training sessions, along with their enthusiasm to deliver their best on Saturday mornings. We can already observe many technical and tactical improvements in the girls’ games and hope they continue this good form throughout the season. Kritika Mishra and Alice Powell (Co-Captains)

Open A – Saints 4 defeated Pembroke 2
Best player: Emily Murdock

Open B – Saints 5 defeated Pembroke 1
Best players: Cate Neale and Laura Sivewright

Open C1 – Saints 2 defeated by Pembroke 4
Best players: Amy Li and Lola Dimond

Open C2 – Saints had a bye

Open D1 – Saints 2 defeated by Pembroke D 4
Best player: Amelie Dunda

Open D2 – Saints 2 defeated by Pembroke F 4
Best player: Candy Feng

Open E – Saints 3 defeated by Pembroke 5
Best players: Meredith Li and Ashleigh Rogers


Open A – Saints 9 defeated Pembroke (B) 0

Saints put in a strong performance, only allowing the ball into our defensive half briefly and when it did, our defenders tackled well; there was also an excellent save by Gracie Edwards. The game consisted of strong teamwork, with goals by Natasha Hammond (4), Lara Khoury (2), Paris Dudley, Olivia Teh, and Alice Tyson. Excellent attack and efforts throughout the game by everyone! It was positive to see the improvement being shown and some skills that were being taught at training coming off during the game. We look forward to improving again this week. Dan Searle (Supervisor)

Open C – Saints 3 defeated Pembroke 0

Saints fought well, using complex skills that they have been focussing on during training sessions. It was exciting to come off with a win, proving that the girls are combining well as a team. Well done to all the girls who played, especially Renee Lawrence who was strong over the ball in the defence, clearing it out successfully many times. Sophie Fry (Captain)


Under 18 – Saints 10 defeated by Burnside 19

After a great performance last week, the girls faced strong opposition in Burnside. Harriet Maerschel (Year 8) and Millisent Wilkin (Year 8) were again dominant through the midfield and on the scoreboard with 5 and 4 goals respectively, with Kate Reade (Year 8) also contributing a goal. They were well supported by Sophie Auricht (Year 10) and Olivia Compare (Year 10), who also spent the first half of the game in goals. Georgia Nairn (Year 10) collected a number of possessions out of the centre draws and ran the ball with confidence out of defence, setting up our attacking play. The girls again worked hard as a team, with persistent pressure and intensity throughout the game. To their credit they won the thirs quarter comfortably and looked set for a strong finish. Sarah Lowe (Coach)

Under 15 – Saints 11 defeated Sturt 5

Many girls have improved their defence, especially Abigail Lisle (Year 8) who knew the right time to slide towards the opposition in order to stop them from shooting goals. Scarlett Hocking (Year 8) also played great defence by showing aggression and doing many checks on the other team. Harriet Maerschel (Year 8), Millisent Wilkin (Year 8) and Portia Maerschel (Year 7) all did a fantastic job running confidently with the ball in midfield and attack. Kate Reade (Year 8) showed great skill in attack by shooting spectacular goals. All of the girls should be very proud of themselves for getting their first win of the season. Lucy Martin (Coach)

Under 13 – Saints 12 defeated Glenelg 5

All players had a good game on Saturday, with a comfortable win over Glenelg. Portia Maerschel put on a dominant display through the midfield, particularly in the centre draws. Saskia Jonats was excellent in defence, intercepting passes from the opposition and getting back with speed to help out. Dani Cox collected some fantastic ground balls, and there was excellent scoring by: Willow Stewart-Rattaray (4), Stephanie Smalls (3), Saskia Jonats (3) and Portia Maerschel (2). Portia Reppucci (Captain)


Open A – Saints 41 defeated by Pembroke 47

An all-round good effort from Saints against a very physical Pembroke team. We will focus on our passing and delivery of the ball under pressure conditions at training this week to prepare for our game against Westminster. A special mention to Olivia Habel for her strong intercepts and work in defence. Josephine Dal Pra and Madison Bateman (Co-Captains)

Open B – Saints 33 defeated by Pembroke 38

This week proved to the girls how hard work has rewarded us with success. Though it wasn’t a shield game, the girls came out fired up and showed a dramatic improvement in teamwork in the first two quarters. The shooters were amazing, with a high percentage of their shots going in, while the defenders applied a lot of pressure in the goal third. A special mention must go to the centre court players, Chelsea Jones, Georgia Bateman and Alexandra Murray, who connected the success at both ends of the court. Unfortunately, we couldn’t maintain the intensity but I’m sure that all the players agree that by winning our first two quarters of the season, it is evident that there is potential in the coming weeks. Alexandra Murray (B Captain)

Open C – Saints 11 defeated by Pembroke 23

The team showed great improvement this week, despite going down to Pembroke. It was a great full court effort from all players, with fantastic defensive pressure down the court. With players out injured the girls were able to adapt to unfamiliar positions and kept up an amazing effort throughout the game. I was particularly impressed with the encouragement the girls gave each other both on and off the court, showing promise for a few amazing games to come. Sarah Miller (Coach)

Year 10 – Saints 11 defeated by Pembroke 34

Year 9A – Saints 49 defeated Pembroke 25

The girls played really well this week. Everyone was working well together and finding space, which made it easy to get the ball down the court quickly. The Saints defence was very strong, getting a lot of turnovers and making it hard for Pembroke to enter the goal circle. The attackers had a great first half, allowing Saints to get in front. Although Pembroke put up a tough fight in the third quarter, Saints managed to extend their lead in the final quarter. Overall, a very good job, girls! Nicolette Miller (Year 9)

Year 9B – Saints 23 defeated by Pembroke 30

It was a strong game played by both teams. We really picked up as the game went along, improving our defence and efficiency in getting the ball down the court. Although we didn’t win, it was still a solid second game for the season, and we’re looking forward to improving further in the next game to come. Well done girls! Hannah Brown (Year 9)

Year 9C1 – Saints 38 defeated Pembroke 29

Congratulations to all the girls on their performance this week and having another great win! We tried many combinations on the court and all girls were willing to try some new and unfamiliar positions. Throughout the game we had great work in defence, with Zoe Wilmshurst, Zoe Vine Hall, Brooke Weymouth and Olivia Law working very well together. Our shooters and mid-court players also played a very good game by working collaboratively around the goal ring. Overall, it was a great game played by all! Ellana Welsby (Coach)

Year 9C2 – Saints 11 defeated by Pembroke 52

The score does not reflect how well we played as a team, with the girls starting with a strong first quarter. The shooters, Ebony Lohe and Marley Banham, worked well together. The girls remained positive throughout the game, despite having very little of the ball; this positivity included encouragement to their teammates. The girls should be proud of their efforts, as they continued fighting to the end against a very strong side. Chelsea Stamato (Coach)

Year 8A – Saints had a bye

Year 8B – Saints 33 defeated Pembroke 8

The girls worked cohesively as a team, and it was great to mix positions up and see where the girls shone. Attackers worked brilliantly to get the ball into our goal end quickly and precisely around the circle. Our defending girls held the opposition, and were able to put immense pressure on them as the ball came down the court. Best players to Charlotte Sellars for her impeccable shooting and Olufunto Komolafe for her defensive pressure and defensive rebounds. A special thank you also to Emma Matheson for filling in for the team this week. Emily Wishart (Coach)

Year 8C – Saints 13 defeated Pembroke 3

The girls got off with a strong game this week and used their skills from practice to secure a win. The passing was accurate and the girls were strong in defence. Overall, the players showed great determination and made positive efforts on court. Best players go to Emma and Charlotte, who both played an amazing game in attack. We are very pleased with the win and the girls should be proud of their achievement. Amy Wishart and Sophia West (Coaches)

Year 7A – Saints 25 defeated Pembroke 18
Year 7 Netball
The team took what we worked on at training last week and delivered it at Saturday’s game against Pembroke. Tight defence all the way down the court meant that we had ample opportunity to open up the court and move the ball down well in to our attack. A special mention to our goalies, Amelia Pudney and Ella Waltham, who moved beautifully in the circle together, securing our win.
Michelle Blackburn (Coach)

Year 7B – Saints 10 defeated by Pembroke 12

The girls showed a lot of improvement this week. Ball movement was a lot more fluid at times; however, this was only for patches of the game. With more consistency the girls will find it easier to score. Our shooters did an excellent job, converting the majority of our opportunities. As was the case last week, the defensive side of the game was excellent, making it a challenge for Pembroke to score. Best players: Thuhansa Hattotuwa and Sara Peak. Roger Mills (Coach)