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Enews – Week 5, Term 4 2017

Issue no. 35Enews-banner

From the Acting Director of Teaching and Learning

Parsons, BrianExams. A word that fills many with dread. Currently, our Year 12 girls are finishing off their final school exams. It is reasonable to question why examinations are a major part of students’ lives when, as we know, there are many other skills that are needed to be successful in life after school.

Exams are not the only part of the assessment in a subject, as it is impossible to assess all that students need to be able to do in an exam. In order to ensure that student achievement is comparable for all students in the subject, no matter where they live and what school they attend, there must be some common assessment. Although all SACE subjects have an externally assessed component, worth 30%, not all subjects have an exam. It may be that a Drama or Music performance or a Visual Art folio is a much more appropriate way than an exam for student achievement to be compared between schools.

However, in many subjects at school and in further study, the ability of students to apply their knowledge and understanding under closely supervised, timed conditions, is an appropriate part of the assessment. It is true that the significance of an exam in a subject’s assessment varies between subjects. In Stage 2 SACE subjects, 70% of the assessment is carried out by the teacher, closely following the Subject Outline specifications and assessing according to the common Performance Standards. Even though most IB Diploma subjects have exams worth 80% of the grade, a variety of school-assessed tasks ensure that the full breadth of skills and understandings of the students is acknowledged.

Nevertheless, we have an obligation to prepare our students to perform at their best in examinations. An advantage of the NAPLAN assessment process and other testing that is carried out in the Junior School and Middle School is that students gain experience of formal assessment activities that are skill-based well before they take part in formal examinations. We start formal examinations for several subjects in Years 8 and 9. This year, these exams were held late in Term 3. As well as the experience of sitting an exam, we ensure that students are given experience and strategies in revising effectively. The timing of these exams in 2017 has allowed teachers to give more extensive feedback to students than when the exams were held in the last week of the school year.

Our Senior School students have dedicated sessions in Home Group to help them clarify and develop their study and revision strategies. For example, they are advised to make their revision varied and active: read it, write it, see it, say it, do it. They have looked at a variety of effective techniques that enable them to decide what will work best for them. Most importantly, they are encouraged to focus on the application of work to a variety of practice questions.

Hence, by the time the girls reach Year 12, where exams have a significant effect on their grade, they have had a variety of experiences, advice and instruction that prepares them well to perform at their best.

This year, in order to provide a quiet and peaceful environment, Year 12 exams have been held either in the Boardroom at the School or in the refurbished Kensington Baseball Club clubrooms, a pleasant 5 minute stroll from the School. I know this because I have walked with the girls to and from the baseball club for most of their exams in the past two weeks! In addition to thanking Kensington Baseball Club for their generosity and flexibility in hosting these exams, I must thank my PA, Mirella De Guglielmo, Paul Ziesing and his Property Services team for all the organisation that they have done to make this exam venue a success.

Next week, Year 11 exams start, followed by Year 10 exams in Week 7. These will be held in the St Michael’s Wing at the School. I wish all students who will be doing exams and their parents the best over the next couple of weeks. Exams are likely to remain a significant part of the assessment of learning for at least the next few years. Our students can approach them with confidence that they have the skills and preparation needed for success.

Brian Parsons
Acting Director of Teaching and Learning

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eChallenge Rewards for St Peter’s Girls

W5 eChallenge 3

St Peter’s Girls blitzed the schools’ division of the University of Adelaide’s Australian eChallenge awards, with two of our teams placing equal first and another team coming third.

The eChallenge is an annual competition-based learning experience that develops strategic business thinking for early-stage entrepreneurial ventures. Teams pitch business proposals for their new, previously unfunded business concepts to potential investors from the local business community.

HomeGrown – Equal 1st

Developed by: Aditi Tamhankar, Annabelle Langley, Isobel Tan and Teegan Lindsay

“HomeGrown, is a mobile app that allows people to sell and trade excess veggie-patch produce in their local communities,” the students say. “It is a feature-rich app. You can create a profile, secure credit-card encrypted transactions, upload status updates and photos of your produce, and view gardening tips and recipes. It includes built-in maps to easily identify nearby home-grown sources. HomeGrown encourages a great sense of community. Not only this, but the environmentally-friendly, fresh and wholesome food available inspires a healthy lifestyle and minimises food wastage.”

The team also won the Microsoft Award valued at $10,000, which includes a day at Microsoft and access to mentors.

Watch Out – Equal 1st

Developed by: Zaina Khan, Ammi Yagnik, Anushrii Nair and Olivia Zito

“Watch Out will enable its users to call the police in dangerous situations. By scanning the person’s finger, it will notify the police of the watch’s location and will begin recording from the moment it is pressed,” the students say. “Our product aims to lower the ever-rising statistics of physical and sexual assault cases in both men and especially young women. The recording mechanism of Watch Out will enable police to prepare for intervening in the situation and may be used as court evidence. Watch Out aims to be a discrete method of calling the police in situations where victims can often feel confused about how to respond and defend themselves.”

The HomeGrown and Watch Out teams each won $5000 in prize money to develop their concept.

Industry Insights – 3rd

Developed by: Hannah Brown, Shunem Josiah and Milly Wood

W5 eChallenge 2“Industry Insights is a virtual reality platform aimed to reduce the hassle faced by students when applying for work placement. The objective is to make the process of obtaining work experience effortless by connecting students directly with workplaces. Both students and businesses are able to ‘post’ on the site and match their respective needs in regards to dates, CVs and skills.”

The team won $1,500 in prize money to develop their concept.

Run since 2001 by the University of Adelaide’s Entrepreneurship, Commercialisation and Innovation Centre (ECIC), the competition is a proving ground for future entrepreneurs. Winners were announced on Friday 10 November at a gala presentation at Adelaide Oval.

“Entries for this year’s Australian eChallenge awards have been consistently high. The teams’ concepts show ingenuity, creativity and diversity. Ideas are rigorously examined by the best minds in business and research for their originality, viability and impact,” says Pro-Vice Chancellor – Entrepreneurship, and Director, Entrepreneurship, Commercialisation and Innovation Centre (ECIC) at the University of Adelaide, Professor Noel Lindsay.

Participants also benefit from workshops, connections with the business and research community and the opportunity to enrol in the Australian eChallenge.

Gabriele Trobbiani
Business and Enterprise Teacher

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Girls on a Mission for SUBS Glory

Our triumphant State champions in the SUBS in Schools competition are headed to Perth next week to have a shot at the national title.

Team Salacia has been working overtime to get their submarine, portfolio and trade display ready for the event as they try to follow in the footsteps of Team Athena’s previous success in the challenge.

We caught up with the girls to see how they’re tracking:

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Home Run For Softball Girls

W5 Softball
Our Open A Softball team has done the School proud, winning the IGSSA shield for 2017 after defeating Scotch last weekend. It’s the first time we’ve claimed victory since 2014.

The result was a fitting way to farewell Captain Jasmine Ledgard, who has served the sport well. The girls proved their dominance throughout, managing to remain undefeated all season.

Continuing on from that success, our Year 8/9 Knockout softballers were crowned State champions this week as well. What an incredible season of softball for the School – well done girls!

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Upcoming Events in Term 4

W4 Upcoming Events
Term 4 is a time where the School celebrates many significant events. We encourage you to mark these dates in your diary and keep an eye out for invitations via email.

Sports Awards 2017

The Sports Awards will be held from 4 – 6pm in the Arts Centre on Thursday 23 November.

As this is a school event, all students in Years 7 – 9 are expected to attend, and all students in Years 10 – 12 who have participated in sport throughout the year are encouraged to attend. Year 12s will receive a memento for their service to sport.

Food can be pre-ordered via www.trybooking.com/332036

Year 6 Graduation and PYP Exhibition

The Year 6 Graduation and PYP Exhibition will be held in the Arts Centre at 2pm on Wednesday 6 December 2017.

Year 9 Graduation

The Year 9 Graduation will be held in the Arts Centre at 2.15pm on Friday 1 December 2017.

Presentation Night

Presentation Night will be held at 7pm in the Adelaide Town Hall on Friday 8 December 2017. All students in Years 7 – 12 are expected to attend.

Carols in the Cathedral

Carols in the Cathedral will be held at 7pm in St Peter’s Cathedral, North Adelaide on Monday 11 December. All students in Years 3 – 12 are expected to attend.

We look forward to welcoming the School community to these events.

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Master Plan Update: From the Construction Zone

W5 Library Update
Construction is progressing well as we eagerly anticipate the opening of our incredible new Library. The deck area provides amazing views over Ferguson Park, and the bottom right image is of the Year 12 area. We look forward to providing another update at the end of Term 4.

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Staff and Students Fighting Fit for PE Week

W5 Basketball

Yesterday staff took on students in a basketball match at lunchtime, with the staff winning 24-11. Crowds were entertained by the costume choices of some students, and the staff attempted skills that probably required a little more practice beforehand.

W5 PE WeekBest players were Mr Durant and Ned from Property Services, while Ella Robinson and Sophie Auricht struggled around the court with their sumo suits on, making it difficult to put up good shots! The staff were too strong in the end but lots of fun was had by all players with a large crowd turning up to watch the proceedings.

Also during PE Week, the Sports Captains set up a ninja warrior course at lunchtimes for students to participate in. The girls loved racing against their friends around the course. On Wednesday, we had a Junior School dodgeball tournament, and Friday has seen Zumba in the gym. As well as these activities, the Year 4s and 6s took part in Be Active Days in the city.
Dan Searle
Head of PE, Health and Outdoor Education

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Outstanding Results in Academic Competitions

Earlier this year, students in Years 3 – 6 had the opportunity to participate in a number of academic competitions. Recently a number of students were acknowledged in a Junior School Assembly for receiving the following awards.

International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Mathematics

Amelia Kayser (Year 3)
Eleanor Humphrey (Year 6)
Bronwyn Gautier (Year 6)

International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) English

High Distinction
Chiara Ranasinghe (Year 3)

Meghana Chettimada (Year 3)
Apurva Ichalkaranje (Year 5)
Charlotte Norman (Year 5)
Eleanor Humphrey (Year 6)
Bronwyn Gautier (Year 6)
Madison Liddy (Year 6)

Australian Mathematics Trust (AMT) Australian Mathematics Competition

High Distinction and Best in Junior School
Eleanor Humphrey (Year 6)

Aurelia Pyne (Year 3)
Chiara Ranasinghe (Year 3)
Hayley von Brackel (Year 4)
Shirley Liu (Year 4)
Apurva Ichalkaranje (Year 5)
Ayla Blaskett (Year 5)
Marcella Tolley (Year 5)
Misha Yagnik (Year 5)
Emma Pool (Year 6)
Georgia Parsons (Year 6)
Poppy Marshall (Year 6)
Alicia Toh (Year 6)
Bronwyn Gautier (Year 6)

Congratulations on your stellar results.

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Christmas Drinks on the Deck

W5 Christmas Drinks on the Deck

Each November, St Peter’s Girls’ School hosts a wonderful community thank you event for current and past parents, students, siblings, staff members, Old Scholars and friends.

‘Christmas Drinks on the Deck’ took place on Thursday 9 November outside our new state-of-the-art Middle School on the deck and overflowing onto our beautiful oval. The weather was perfect and everyone had a wonderful time eating, drinking and celebrating this year’s achievements. Principal Julia Shea thanked our community members for a very successful 2017 and gave some insights into all the exciting developments in store for 2018.

A big Saints Girls’ shout out to all of our wonderful volunteers, staff and community groups who gave their time so generously to our School in 2017.

Attached below is a list of our 2018 Community Events; please pop these dates in your diary.

Friday 9 February Parents’ and Friends’ – Welcome Drinks on the Lawn
Sunday 25 February Parents’ and Friends’ – Community ‘Garden of Saintly Delights’
Friday 2 March Old Scholar Mums – Morning Tea
Tuesday 6 March Old Scholars – AGM & Year Leaders’ Event
Saturday 17 March Friends of Rowing – Head of the River and Dinner
Wednesday 4 April Friends of the Founders – Chapel Service and Light Lunch
Friday 6 April ELC Festival of Art
Friday 4 May Old Scholars – ‘A Touch of Blue’ Reunion
Friday 18 May Community Fashion Show – Mothers’ Night Out
Saturday 16 June Parents’ and Friends’ – Community Event
Friday 29 June Old Scholars – Annual Reunion Dinner
Sunday 23 September Foundation Long Lunch
Sunday 21 October Friends of the ELC – Ladies’ Day Out
Wednesday 31 October Friends of the Founders – Morning Tea
Thursday 8 November Community Christmas Drinks on the Lawn
Friday 23 November Friends of the ELC – Christmas Picnic

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Year 1s Host a Special Afternoon Tea

W5 Year 1 Afternoon Tea

W5 Year 1 Afternoon Tea 2What a lovely celebration was had on Wednesday last week by the Year 1 girls and their grandparents or special friends! Throughout the year, each girl invited a guest to come to our classrooms to share what life was like when they were six years old. This gave each girl a chance to compare and contrast her life with that of a family member who was born “in the olden days!” Believe it or not, there were some similarities, but not many!

To conclude our year-long inquiry, “Family relationships contribute to shaping our identity,” the Year 1 students hosted their guest in a classroom visit where they shared work samples and presented their guest with a book made just for them. Then, it was off to the Sisters’ Garden for a scrumptious afternoon tea.

Liz Sandercock and Alana Lesiw
Year 1 Teachers

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The Garden of Saintly Delights

W5 Garden of Saintly Delights
At this exciting event, our School gym will be filled with loads of amazing stalls to suit all ages and tastes! We would love to offer individuals or businesses within our community the opportunity to purchase a 3x3m space.

The number of sites is strictly limited, so please contact Danielle at cdpal@bigpond.net.au to register your interest and to receive an application form. Don’t miss out!

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Change of Uniform Requirements for Year 4, 2018

If your daughter will be in Year 4 next year, there are a few different uniform items that you will need to purchase before Term 1, 2018. The junior blazer (cardigan) will be replaced by a navy blue jumper and a wool blazer. The rash vest and solar pant will be replaced by the School bathers.

It is advisable to make an appointment on (08) 8334 2228 as the School Shop is currently busy with new student fittings.

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Sports News

W5 8 9 Softball


Congratulations to Thandi Murada, Lara Wakeham and Georgina Wakeham who competed in the Henley and Grange West Lakes Open Water Swim with some exceptional results:

Georgina Wakeham won Gold (girls 10-12 years ) 2.5km in a time of 37 mins
Lara Wakeham won Gold (girls 13-14 years) 2.5km swim in a time of 33 mins and Gold (girls 13-14) 5km in a time of 1hr 7 mins 16 sec.
Thandi Murada won Silver (girls 17-18 years) 5 km in a time of 1 hour 9 mins 48 sec

The girls all swam personal best times from previous open water swims and have qualified to compete at the Australian National Open Water Championships at Brighton in January 2018. – Francesca Wakeham


Wednesday 8 November
Middle A – Saints 19 defeated by Concordia 45
The girls finished the season with a good performance. Due to sickness, the team was made up of Middle A and B players. Everyone put in a great effort, never giving up. Emanuelle Russell had her best game of the season. Each girl shows improvement every week. Well Done! – Peter Krantis (Coach)


Wednesday 8 November
Year 5/6 – Saints 1 defeated by Pembroke Blue 7
Saints came up against quite a strong side in Pembroke and unfortunately couldn’t quite get the bat on a fast-pitched ball, conceding 7 runs in the first innings. However, the girls held up Pembroke during the next two innings, disallowing them from scoring more runs. Despite some really strong base running, the girls were unable to get home safely to narrow the margin. Even though it was a loss, the girls held their heads high. Special mentions to Pearl Richards for trying out pitching for the first time and to Amelia Lucas for scoring a run for the team. – Claire Hale (Coach)

Year 4/5 Blue – Saints 20 defeated Pembroke Blue 4
Last week, the Year 4 and 5 Blue Teeball team played a very well spirited and fair game against Pembroke’s Year 3/4 team. All the girls worked extremely well together and were particularly encouraging and great sports throughout the game. They are quickly advancing in their teeball skills and we look forward to the next couple of games. – Kate McKellar-Stewart (Student coach)

Year 4/5 White – Saints 25 defeated Wilderness 11
The team showed off their listening and ball skills by playing an incredible match. The girls recognised their new skills from training and put it all on the line. As coaches, we are extremely proud of the girls and hope they continue to impress us as much as they did for this game. Some stand out players were Sienna for scoring three home runs, and Airlie for playing a fantastic round as pitcher. Congratulations girls, Alice and I are very proud of you! – Lulu Tierney (Student Coach)


Thursday 9 November
Another awesome performance from the A and C teams this week, our successful streak has been maintained, while the B team was scheduled with a bye. – Erin Barrera (2018 Captain)

Open A – Saints 7 defeated St Ignatius 2
As a team, we redeemed ourselves after our 3-3 draw in Week 1. The players who really stood out were Saskia Jonats, Nicolette Miller and Fiona Lethbridge. As always, Saskia was on fire in goals, Nicolette scored two goals and Fiona notched up three. – Erin Barrera (2018 Captain)

Open C – Saints 11 defeated Pembroke 7
This was a great victory for the C team. Lara Wakeham played really well again in attack after her recent promotion from the Year 7/8 side, scoring five goals, while Sophie Lemire and Hattie Maerschel were fantastic in defence. We are all looking forward to the final game of this year, let’s end the season with a bang! – Erin Barrera (2018 Captain)

Year 7/8 – Saints 11 defeated St Ignatius 6
Another great team performance, with special mentions to Holly Cardone, Emily Elston, Adele Eaton and Gemma Schaedel. These girls were always on top of the ball and knew what was going to happen; as a team, we just need to work on staying goal side of the opposition. The score really did reflect how we played and we worked extremely well together while having fun along the way. – Adele Eaton (Year 7)


Friday 10 November
Year 5/6 Division 1 – Saints 5-27 defeated Wilderness 1-4
Singles: Maiya Jakupec 4-0, Willow Stewart-Rattray 4-0, Sophie Dansie 3-4, Mathilda Thomas 4-0

Year 5/6 Division 2 – Saints 2-12 defeated by Seymour 4-21
Singles: Molly Dwyer 4-1, Summer Ward 2-4, Charlie Edwards 0-4, Tara Nedumaran 0-4

Saturday 11 November
Division 1 – Saints 1-14 defeated by Pulteney 5-32
Singles: Chelsea Staples 1-6, Lily-Rose Spartalis 6-2, Mahala Truscott 0-6, Mahala Truscott 5-6 (extra match)

Division 2 Blue – Saints 3-27 defeated Immanuel 3-25
Singles: Taj Shahin 2-6, Adele Eaton 6-0, Georgia Langley 4-6, Stella Clark 6-3

Division 2 White – Saints 4-29 defeated Immanuel 2-25
Singles: Renee Lawrence 2-6, Isabella Harker 6-2, Annabelle Langley 6-4, Amelie Eaton 6-4

Division 3 Blue – Saints 3-26 defeated Seymour 3-23
Singles: Milly Wood 6-1, Olivia Zito 1-6, Anneliese Thomas 6-4, Siena Zito 6-0 (forfeit)

Division 3 White – Saints 0-18 defeated by Westminster 6-36
Singles: Lilly Alexander 5-6, Mia-Rose Taliangis 1-6, Funto Komolafe 5-6

Division 4 Blue – Saints 5-35 defeated Seymour 1-15
Singles: Sophie Abbott 6-1, Eva Young 6-4, Hilary Clark 6-2, Chase Hocking 6-1

Division 4 White – Saints did not play


Friday 10 November
Year 5/6 – Saints 3 defeated Seymour White 0
The 5/6 team played an amazing game against Seymour, winning all three sets. Each girl has worked hard to call loudly, dig and set the ball high, as well as attempting to spike when the opportunity is there. Charlie Piper had a very good game, achieving strong and consistent serves deep in the court. Dani Cox worked hard to get her serves over the net and is improving more and more each time. Great work to all the girls and we hope this continues into the following weeks. – Tahlia Towers and Charlotte White (Student Coaches)

Saturday 11 November
Open A – Saints 0 defeated by Westminster 3

Open B – Saints 0 defeated by Westminster 3

Open C – Saints 1 defeated by Westminster 2
After a slow start, the girls eventually picked themselves back up and started playing some great volleyball. Excellent covering from Chloe Deieso and fantastic movement around the court from Kate McKellar-Stewart, plus an all-round amazing team effort from the girls which resulted in a well-deserved win in the third set. – Victoria Neale (Coach)

Open D – Saints 2 defeated Westminster 1
The Open Ds had a hard fought game against Westminster. Some great serving from Sarah Matheson, terrific covering and foot work around the court form Mary Brownridge, and strong presence at the net from Georgina Bafile secured the girls a win. – Victoria Neale (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 2 defeated Westminster 1
The team got off to an unusually slow start before the 3-play sequencing began to be implemented with some great setting by Ruby Bouhamdan.


Saturday 10 November
The Murray Bridge Regatta last weekend was a great success for all Saints crews. It was an opportunity to continue working on balance and fineness within the boat, and to practise a race plan in hot conditions on an unfamiliar course. Many crews performed outstandingly and we secured many places and a couples of wins. The seniors also had a great day of training and completed a steady 12km paddle after the regatta, consequently building fitness and gaining greater exposure to the hot conditions that are sure to follow in more regattas and training sessions this summer. I was extremely happy with the day and thought it was a great effort from juniors to seniors. – Olivia Compare (Captain)

1st VIII: Rachel Kameniar, Emily Webb, Sarah Carrodus, Charlotte Parker, Olivia Law, Olivia Compare, Zoe Vine Hall, Neve McCormack, cox – Amy Carrodus
The Murray Bridge Regatta proved that the girls’ hard work is definitely paying off. We competed in one race on the weekend and came out with second place, narrowing the gap with Walford even more. Steering was key as it is difficult to keep straight with no lanes on the Murray and crews on either side trying to row a straight course as well. I am happy to say that the girls did exceptionally well and it looks to be a promising season. – Amy Carrodus

Year 9/10A: Hannah Keough, Bella Bernardi, Charlotte Sellars and Ellie Anderson, cox – Abbie Lisle
The girls competed in two races at Murray Bridge, schoolgirl 9/10 A and the 2nd grade women’s. The girls did really well in the first race, winning the schoolgirl event. They rowed 1,500m technically well. In the second race, the 2nd grade women’s, the girls were nervous for their first 2km and had a rough start, but they pushed through the race with great determination to again finish first. They should be extremely proud of what they have achieved and should be excited for the weeks to come. Good job girls! – Abbie Lisle

Year 9/10B: Sophie Johnson (stroke), Emma Carrodus (three seat), Sophie Stewart (two seat) and Imogen Parkinson (bow), Charlotte Creek (cox)
The crew rowed really well, finishing 2nd in the 1000m. They followed that up with a good effort to finish 4th in the 1500m. – Charlotte Creek

Year 8/9B: Primrose Robinson, Ruby Bruun, Madeline Symon and Annie Bradshaw, cox – Caitie Walker
In our first race, we came fourth and in our second, we placed third. – Caitie Walker


Saturday 11 November
Open A – Saints 5 defeated Scotch 0
Saints played an outstanding game, defeating Scotch to regain the shield for the first time since 2014. Highlights included the welcome return of pitcher Aroha Munroe who’s pitching was amazing, and Millie Wilkin who also put in a great performance. All players excelled in their positions, stepping out of their comfort zones and putting in maximum effort during the entire game. As Captain, it is sad to say goodbye to the game, but I know the girls will continue their outstanding effort and enthusiasm next year in the hands of Lulu Tierney. Well done to all of the players for staying undefeated all season! – Jasmine Ledgard (Captain)

Open B – Saints 11 defeated Scotch 9
This week saw a very close, strong game against Scotch. Much of it was spent in a tie, but Saints pulled ahead with some fantastic play in the final innings. Fielding from all members was strong and consistent, minimising opposition runs. Similarly, the girls batted with confidence, especially against a very fast first-innings pitcher. The girls are to be commended on their persistent and enthusiastic approach to the game. The win keeps the team in the running for the shield. – Bethany Cross


Saturday 11 November
Open A – Saints 7 defeated Pembroke 1
Saints had a strong start to the first half with fast and efficient rucking, scoring quickly. All girls worked well together in the middle and on the wings, allowing Pembroke to only score once. Saints scorers were Eve Habel with 3 and Tahlia Towers, Holly Cunningham, Olivia Harby and Grace Packer each scoring 1 try. Best players were Emma Auricht who was tight on the wing and prevented the opposition from scoring; Eve worked well in the middle and carefully watched for gaps on the try line being successful in scoring most times; Hannah Brown and Hannah Lunn worked effectively on the field with efficient defence and ball movement. Good work girls. A special thanks to Mr Searle and Ms Burton-Howard for coming to trainings and games to help us improve, and also to the girls for being part of the inaugural touch football team for Saints. – Ebony-Jade Nash Smith (Captain)

Middle A – Saints 2 defeated by Marryatville 6
Although the effort was high, some of our team rules were not executed to plan, and as a result ,we went down by 4 tries to a well-drilled team with some fantastically skilled individuals. The next few weeks provide a great opportunity for the team to implement what we are practising which, once done successfully, will result in an improved result. There were a few highlights – Chelsea Walls broke through the defence a number of times for some good attacking runs, and Hannah Freeman led the team well, using her athleticism and speed to test the opposition regularly. – Ben Goldsmith (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 1 defeated by Marryatville 6
During the first half, Marryatville came out strong and scored 4 of their 6 tries. Defensively, the team pulled together and we saw Tilly McCormack and Adele Russell doing some impressive work on the wing, chasing down their opponent and stopping several tries. We showed some good rucking which helped gain ground in attack, and it was good to see players committing to the dummy half position and communicating with each other on the field. Emmanuelle Russell demonstrated good ball skills and kept the ball in play by looking for opportunities to pass off. In the second half, the team reformed and went back on the field with confidence. Kate Reade scored a try following an attempt to ‘wrap’ around one of her players which paid off. The team was unlucky that Chelsea Walls’ run from three quarters of the pitch was not awarded as the ball was not placed over the try line. The girls showed excellent sportsmanship and are learning so much about the game with every week. – Tracey Hunt (Coach)

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