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Enews – Week 10, Term 3 2017

Issue no. 30
Enews-bannerW10 Year 5 Production

Pride of Saints Girls

Audiences are being blown away by the School’s Year 5 Production of ‘Disney The Lion King JR.’

The girls have been creating magic in the Arts Centre, bringing the blockbuster movie to life on stage through acting, song and dance.

Crucially, the entire process has been designed to connect to other areas of the curriculum including STEM, English, Geography and History. The girls have also learnt about teamwork, risk-taking and resilience.

Parents and members of our wider School community played an instrumental role in this epic production, in particular with the costumes and head pieces which are truly remarkable.

Well done to the sensational cast and crew – you are the pride of St Peter’s Girls!

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From the Principal

JuliaShea_web-200x300You know when you’ve got it, and you know when you don’t, but it’s not easy to explain exactly what a sense of community is. Yes, we all share an emotional connection, a desire to give our daughters the best start to life that we can. But it’s more than a common goal. Our community has an authenticity, a genuineness which makes it unique. That feeling was clearly evident at The Long Lunch on Sunday and I walked away from there having been reminded, yet again, of what a special place Saints Girls is.

The event was only possible because of the enormous amount of work undertaken by an army of volunteers and the incredibly generous donations from many in our community. Whilst I won’t mention them all here, I do want to acknowledge the amazing work of Rikki Kelly and Peter Louca. They prepared our delicious Greek lunch and devoted countless hours leading up to the day. It was a herculean effort and, on behalf of all those who attended, I offer them my sincerest thanks.

The girls in the Middle School have enjoyed their first term in the new facility. Unfortunately, the external works have been delayed due to the weather. The stairs that wrap around the lift shaft went into position this week and we hope the girls will be able to access the Middle School from the main entrance on the northern side at the start of Term 4.

The Library is taking shape and remains on track to be completed at the end of this year. Our new Maker Space will open at the same time. This is a collaborative work space in which girls will be able to create, innovate and learn. The room will house a laser cutter, a 3D printer and other hardware supplies and tools. The P&F has generously offered to make a donation to the purchase of the laser cutter.

Over the Christmas break, a balcony will be built on the western side of the Stott Wing, allowing girls in the top three classrooms to break out onto both sides. The balcony will run all the way down to the Middle School entrance. That will then complete that section of the School, allowing the hoarding outside the Reception classrooms to be removed and the oval returned to pristine condition.

Best wishes for a safe and relaxing holiday. I look forward to welcoming the girls back to School on Monday 16 October.

Julia Shea

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Back-to-Back Success at IGSSA Athletics Carnival!

W10 Athletics

Wednesday 27 September

Saints Girls went into the IGSSA Athletics Carnival keen to defend the shields won last year. Led by Captains Jasmine Ledgard and Rachael Disney (both Year 12), Saints featured prominently in many events throughout the day. Even when athletes were injured or unable to compete, others gladly volunteered to ensure we earned as many points as possible.

It was a remarkable effort with Saints (1860) storming home to victory, defeating Immanuel (1666), Westminster (1629) and Concordia in fourth position (1574). We won the Under 14 and the Open age groups as well as retaining the Field event trophy.

Individually, congratulations must go to Sophie Barr (Year 8) who set a new Under 14 discus record, smashing the previous mark by 5m with a winning throw of 31.49m, and to Portia Maerschel (Year 8) who chalked up a new Under 13 400m record with a time of 61.94 seconds.

Rose Pittman (Year 10) came second in her 200m race but ran under the previous record time in the Under 16 200m.

Testament to the team is that of the 43 who competed, 20 attend morning training regularly and thanks must go to the coaches, Ryan Smallwood-Simpson, Christine Gayen and staff member Gregor Dingwall, who assist me in helping to provide the opportunities to the girls.

Neil Fuller
Director of Sport

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Year 9s Tackle Challenging Camp

W10 Year 9 Camp

The Year 9 students embarked on camp last week with two classes bound for Hindmarsh Island for their kayaking adventure, and the other two classes heading to Deep Creek Conservation Park for their hiking journey. With strong winds, 9SRI and 9MBR were unable to kayak and turned their attention to a survival challenge. Students had to care for an injured peer, build them a stretcher, create a shelter and fan into flame a fire created from a flint. This challenge was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Once scored by their instructor, the students tried their hand at cooking damper before packing their rucksacks for the hiking section of their camp. That evening was a chance for introspection as the girls participated in their solo night.

Meanwhile, 9AST and 9ESM had set off on their respective hikes, which brought mixed emotions. The challenge of carrying everything that each girl needed in their rucksack whilst hiking difficult terrain was met with some excitement, some trepidation, lots of songs to distract them from any discomfort they were feeling, games of ‘ambush’ and much encouragement as each girl cheered on their classmates to rise to the challenge. The incredible views provided a welcome distraction from the physical challenge of rock climbing. Girls also witnessed the vast array of wildlife such as lizards, koalas and kangaroos with joeys.

By Thursday afternoon, the classes were re-united at Woodhouse, where the girls would go on to experience the adrenaline-fuelled rock climbing, abseiling and high ropes course. It was a highlight for many and an exciting conclusion to camp. The challenges required the girls to function outside their comfort zone, overcome fear, take calculated risks, work together as a team, trust their classmates and dare to imagine completing things that most had never done before. The sense of excitement and accomplishment was palpable. After a camp performance from each class that would make Broadway proud, the girls celebrated and shared their fondest and most uncomfortable experiences.

We were so very proud of the way the girls faced their fears, came together as a class and rose to the significant physical and emotional challenges. It certainly was a journey that will be marked in their memories for years to come.

Melissa Bray
Year 9 Home Group Teacher

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Year 10s Explore the Flinders

W10 Year 10 Camp

The Year 10 campers thoroughly enjoyed their week in the Flinders Ranges with spectacular weather and surroundings.

The girls participated in mountain biking, hiking, rock-climbing, abseiling and numerous campfire games across the five days. As this was their fourth Outdoor Education camp since Year 7, the girls were able to deal exceptionally well with any challenges thrown their way and thrived across all activities.

The staff witnessed an interconnectedness within Home Groups and, when all groups came together on the Thursday night for a BBQ and Talent Show, the atmosphere was fantastic.

Thank you to Roger Mills, Kate Mortimer, Scott Gladstone, the Wilderness Escape staff and the girls for making this a wonderful week.

Dan Searle
Head of PE, Health & Outdoor Education

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The Long Lunch Raises $50,000+ for the School

W10 The Long Lunch

The St Peter’s Girls’ School Foundation Long Lunch took place on Sunday 24 September 2017. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our amazing community members for supporting the event which was a huge success!

This was our first annual Foundation Long Lunch to raise awareness of and funds for our Master Plan, The Next Challenge: Building for Tomorrow. We are very happy to announce that thanks to the generous and collaborative support of our community, this year’s event raised over $50,000 which will go directly to our new Library.

On the day, our esteemed guests enjoyed a delicious meal, refreshments, raffle, auctions and entertainment; thanks to all the individuals and businesses who generously contributed. Our guests bid enthusiastically on the Major and Silent Auctions, not only due to the wonderful selection of items, but also because they knew every dollar raised would directly benefit our students.

I have been personally thanking those who were directly involved this week, and I’d like to once again thank all of you for being involved and helping us to make this event a reality.

If you attended and have any constructive feedback and/or you are interested in getting involved in 2018, please contact me via mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or 8334 2244.

Golden Ticket Lottery Announcement

A BIG thank you to everyone who bought a Golden Ticket! Congratulations to Mrs Nadia Yelland, the winner of the 2017 Parents’ and Friends’ Association Golden Ticket Lottery. It was drawn at The Long Lunch, where Nadia was present to celebrate her win!

Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager

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Year 7 Social Hits High Note

W10 Social

On Friday 22 September, the Senior School SRC organised a social for our Year 7 students and boys invited from St Peter’s College and Prince Alfred College. About 90 students danced the night away to music by our DJ Thomas.

Thanks to SRC Prefect Abbey Goodwin and her helpful band of Year 11 and 12s who assisted Mr Lisle, Miss Brooks and myself with supervision.

Special mention must go to Year 7VBR SRC Rep Caitie Walker and other Year 7s who helped organise the event, ensuring everyone had a great night!

Karen Alderson
Acting SACE Coordinator

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Breakfast Celebration for our Year 12s

W10 Breakfast 2

This morning, the final-year cohort gathered for the annual Year 12 breakfast to celebrate both the end of Term 3 and our entrance into the final weeks of our schooling.

The Year 12 students, their families and teaching staff attended the breakfast, enjoying hash browns, croissants, danishes and fruit. To provide some insight into life after Year 12, we heard from 2016 Head Prefect Georgina Sarah. Her insight into our position ahead of our trial exams meant she could give us some helpful advice.

This event was a lovely way to end the term and we wish all Year 12s good luck for their trial exams these holidays.

Chelsea Marchetti
Patteson House Captain

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ELC Children Embrace Nature

This term, the children at the ELC have been exploring Ferguson Park to stimulate their imaginations and connections with nature, forming part of their inquiry.

To celebrate their discoveries over the many weeks, the children performed a ‘thank you’ dance in the park with the help of Miss Sims (Eva), who has been using dance to help them express themselves in a different form.

We look forward to hearing more about the learning developments in Ferguson Park next term. Until then, here’s a taste of what they’ve been up to:


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Debating Students Wrap up Stellar Season

W10 Debating 1

What an incredible debating season it has been!

Debating at Saints Girls has continued to grow and develop. This year, 14 teams entered the Debating SA competition with over 70 girls competing across Years 7 – 12. A big thank you to all the parents and supporters who have driven girls to debates, assisted with speeches and ultimately helped make this season as successful as it was.

Overall, 9 of the 14 teams finished in the Top 8 of their respective divisions; considering these divisions typically have 30 – 40 teams, this is an outstanding achievement. Year 8 White, Year 9 White, Green, Blue, Year 10 Red and Green, as well as our Senior White team all consequently progressed through to the Finals Draw. Both of our Year 7 teams also enjoyed terrific results.

All debaters should be incredibly proud of themselves for the hard work and dedication they have contributed this season. Saints is very lucky to have such a strong debating program, but it is only as strong as the students who participate. It has been an absolute pleasure to watch the girls develop and improve over the season.

W10 Debating 2Finally, a special congratulations to our Senior White and Year 9 White teams, which were both Runners-Up in the Grand Final held last Saturday in Parliament House. The level of these debates was outstanding and the results were extremely close (3-2 spilt for both teams).

It is my honour to have been the Debating and Public Speaking Captain for 2017. I wish Emma Bleby all the best for her captaincy in 2018, and know she will continue the strong success into the new year.

Sophie Shearwood
Debating and Public Speaking Captain


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Saints Girls Experience Life in Japan

W10 Japan Exchange
Our Japan exchange girls have been enjoying their time at Senzoku Girls’ School in Kawasaki.

They have been placed in different home groups for three weeks and have started to make some new friends.

Their classmates and teachers have been helpful, ensuring our girls understand what is happening in the class.

I’ve been impressed to hear them making observations such as, “I had the best tempura ever last night!”, or, “I could tell my host family that I won’t be in PE swimming lesson today – all in Japanese!”

On an excursion this week, they will visit Kawasaki Daishi Shrine and explore Yokohama Bay Area to see a contrast of traditional and modern parts of Japan.

Ayako Uchikawa
Japanese Teacher

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Selwyn Stall Sells Like Hotcakes

W10 Selwyn House

On Tuesday 26 September, the Year 10 Selwyn Home Group held a pancake stall to raise money for The Smith Family.

With a range of topping options, the treats proved very popular! While Mr Butler-Wills and a range of expert cooks flipped the pancakes to perfection, the rest of the class managed the tables, monitored toppings and looked after the crowd of eager customers.

The stall raised almost $200 which will support the work of The Smith Family in helping underprivileged children to receive a fair and accessible education.

Michael Butler-Wills
10SEL Home Group Teacher

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Kilburn Charity Drive Runs Smoothly

W10 Kilburn

On Tuesday 26 September, the Year 10 Kilburn girls sold smoothies and bakery items to raise money for our House Charity, Cancer Council.

We had a lot of fun preparing and selling the items, and were glad to see that many people within the School community support our efforts.

We were pleasantly surprised by the popularity of our stall, which sold out quite quickly, and are delighted to be donating the money earned towards our great charity.

Bree Jakupec
10KIL Student

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Master Plan Update: From the Construction Zone

W10 Building Site

As we come to the end of Term 3, it’s an opportune time to W10 Stairs provide an update on our exciting new Library. Despite still being in the early stages of the project, it is obvious that the views from this new learning space will be nothing short of incredible.With large, picturesque windows and a substantial balcony overlooking Ferguson Park, the Library will be an inspirational and beautiful place for our students to work and discover.

In other Master Plan developments, the stairs outside the new Middle School have now been installed, soon providing a new access point for the students.

Considerable work should completed over the holiday break and we look forward to providing an update in Term 4.

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Term 4 Summer Uniform Reminder

A reminder that girls will be returning in the Summer Uniform. Please ensure the length of your daughter’s dress is ‘mid-knee’. It is common for the girls to grow over the winter months and they were reminded this week to try their dresses on to determine if adjustment is required. They will also need their Summer hat.

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PYP Exhibition – Can You Help?

Next term the Year 6 students will undertake the PYP Exhibition. They will engage in a collaborative, transdisciplinary inquiry process that requires them to identify, investigate and offer solutions to real-life issues.

This year, our exhibition will have the central idea, “Scientific and technological advances have an impact on society and the environment”. During the first two weeks of Term 4, the students will participate in an Immersion Program which will open their minds to many possible topics for inquiry.

We are looking for volunteers who could present a short talk (20 minutes) to our students. We are particularly interested in people who can talk about preferred futures – how science and technology are being used to improve issues that may already exist. If you work in or have an interest in a field that could connect to our central idea, please email me at hsmith@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au to arrange a time.

Helen Smith
Deputy Head of Junior School

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St Peter’s Girls’ School Community Golf Day

W9 OSA Golf Day 2017

Hosted by the St Peter’s Girls’ Old Scholars’ Association

Mount Osmond Golf Club | 60 Mount Osmond Road | Mount Osmond
Stableford Competition | 18-hole round | Multi-tee start 9am

Golf and Lunch: $75
Golf and Lunch (Mount Osmond Golf Club Members): $60
Lunch only: $20

Lunch at 1pm includes a selection of baguettes, wraps, dessert, tea and coffee. Beverages may be purchased from the bar.

Great fun with prizes to be won!

Book via www.trybooking.com/SAVM or contact Megan McCormack on 8334 2239.

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Garage Sale Trail at St Peter’s Girls’ School

What: The City of Burnside Garage Sale Trail and St Peter’s Girls will be hosting stalls
Where: St Peter’s Girls’ School car park
When: Sunday 22 October 2017
Time: 8am – 2pm
Why: Are you looking for a FREE, fun and social way to fundraise for your community group, House Charity, sports team or Cambodia Trip and engage with our School community?

St Peter’s Girls’ School has registered a ‘Group Sale’ – to put your sale on the Garage Sale Trail, visit the website and register with our St Peter’s Girls’ Group Sale.


Any questions, please don’t hesitate to visit us in the Community Relations Office, or contact Melissa Westgate via mwestgate@stpetergirls.sa.edu.au or 8334 2244.

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Sports News

W10 Sport


Sports Prefect: Holly Cunningham

Captains of Sports
Jemimah Simpson

AFL (new in 2018)
Holly Cunningham

Erica Reid, Cate Neale (Co-Captains)

Ella Robinson

Bethany Cross

Emma Auricht

Carla Lawrence

Sophie Auricht

Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith

Olivia Compare – Captain
Emily Webb – Vice Captain

Dominique Rigby

Lulu Tierney

Erin Barrera

Yasmin Glazbrook

TOUCH FOOTBALL (TF) (new in 2018)
Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith

Charlotte White

Erin Barrera


Congratulations to Bethany Cross, Taylah Simpson and Dominique Rigby who travelled to Brisbane to compete in the Interstate Challenge for soccer. The games were played at the University of Queensland on an astro-turf pitch. The team played four games over three days against teams from Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales.

Our first game was on the Friday night against New South Wales where we lost 5-0, but this was a big improvement for the team based on last year’s result. On Saturday, we played two games, the first against Victoria and the second against Queensland. We lost both games 2-1, and then 1-0, however, in comparison to the results last year this was once again a big improvement. On the Sunday, we played our final game against another team from New South Wales and, after a full day of soccer the day before, the team was very tired and unfortunately lost 2-1.

Although South Australia didn’t have as much success as we had hoped, the tournament was a lot of fun to participate in, and myself, Bethany, and Taylah were able to make some new friends while also improving our soccer skills. Next year the tournament will be held on the Gold Coast and it would be amazing to see some more Saints girls involved in either Soccer, Tennis or Netball. – Dom Rigby (Soccer Captain)


Wednesday 20 September
Year 6 Blue – Saints 8 defeated Saints White 6
To end the term, Saints played the ‘local derby’ which was greatly anticipated. Showing great sportsmanship and control, the girls fought hard, with the game moving quickly from end to end but inaccurate shooting kept the score low. The girls enjoyed themselves and shared great spirit and enthusiasm. – Sharon Leach (Coach)

Year 5 – Saints 19 defeated Seymour Green 14
What a way to finish the season! The girls worked together and improved their defence to come from behind at half-time and secure a win. A big congratulations to all of the girls as they now remain undefeated. It has been a pleasure to coach you all. – Josephine Dal Pra (Coach)


Wednesday 20 September
Year 3/4 – Saints 12 defeated Seymour Purple 3
The girls played an awesome team game for their last match of the season, bringing together all the skills they have learnt throughout the season. There was great movement down the court, scoring goals, intercepts, 3 feet hands up and strong, direct passes. Well done to all of the girls and best wishes to Emily Bates who is injured; we hope you have a speedy recovery.  A special thank you to Chelsea Walls (Year 9) for her support with the team. Very proud of you all. – Karen Braund (Coach)

Year 2/3 – Saints 3 defeated by Seymour 11
This last time the team met, Seymour recorded a resounding win. In this game, it showed just how much the team has improved since early in the season. This was the highest number of goals the girls scored all season; as such, it was a good way to end the competition. – Emily Braggs (Coach)


Friday 22 September
Year 5 – Saints 6 defeated Seymour 0
In our last game, the girls gave it their all, showing great teamwork and communication. We secured the lead early with a few goals from Florence Russell, only to be backed up by a goal from Lysianne Franchi. When the second half started, we were just as clinical putting lots of pressure on Seymour and not giving them an inch of space. Once again, Florence scored, as did Elle Humphrey. It was a fantastic performance from the girls and a great end to a very good season, staying undefeated throughout. – Charlie Capogreco (Coach)

Year 3/4 – Saints 1 drew with Pembroke 1
The final game of the season rolled along much quicker than anticipated. The girls planned to go out on a high note and complete their successful season. They achieved this, playing their best game of the year, irrespective of not coming away with another win. Anna Venning scored in the first half and Sophia Langley played her best game of the season. Sophia brought a bag of tricks and dribbled the ball freely around her opponents. She fought hard in the contests and brought her friends into the game with excellent passing. Lucy Tulloch, Jerrie Wu and Iszabella Lochowiak continued to improve, finishing their seasons positively.

In defence, Shirley Liu was unrelenting, improving from her excellent form in her breakout game a few weeks ago against Pembroke. She linked up well with Levanya De Silva and both girls were a constant barricade to Pembroke’s offence right up to the final minutes. Shirley’s skill and determination was clearly evident as she stood out in this week’s game. Alannah Godfrey, who played her first full game for our team, was excellent in defence, along with Elizabeth McKernan. They have both secured spots that they feel really comfortable with and continued to play responsible soccer, supporting their team mates.

Grace Stevens yet again saved many goals and set up play with her clever thinking and commanding kicks. She has been amazing all season and stepped into a massive role which she has filled with enthusiasm and skill. Evelyn Gautier in just her second game was more comfortable on the pitch knowing where to run and chasing down the ball. Charlotte Udall played her most confident game in two years, running at the ball and really enjoying her soccer.

The girls all have something to be proud of this season when reflecting on their games. They will definitely be back for another season next year, as will I, as we all had so much fun! – Mark Routley (Coach)


Years 3 – 6 Gym For All Challenge
Friday 22 September

On Friday 22 September, the Saints Girls’ gymnastics teams from Years 3 – 7 travelled to the Marion Leisure Centre to compete in the annual Gym For All Challenge, hosted by Gymnastics SA.

After weeks of preparation, the girls were nervous yet extremely excited to see what would occur as the day unfolded, and get a real taste of what a gymnastics competition is like. The girls competed on various apparatus such as Bars, Vault, Beam, Mini Tramp and Floor, and were up against both girls and boys from St Andrews and Ascot Park. The events concluded with each school’s group dance, which they had been working on from the previous term, and this gave all participants an opportunity to showcase their skills and actively support one another.

The results of the competition reflected the hard work the girls put in, with many of our teams placing first in multiple events. Overall, the girls loved getting involved in the experience and are looking forward to returning next year with even more new skills to showcase. – Alice Petchey (Gym Captain)


State Day
Congratulations to Molly Dwyer (gold in 11 year old 800m) and Carla Massicci (silver in the 10 year old 4 x 100m) who helped the East Adelaide SAPSASA Athletics team win the overall SAPSASA Metro Districts Athletics competition.

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