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Enews – Term 1, Week 1 2017

Issue no. 38

From the Principal


Welcome back to the start of the 2017 school year. We begin the year on a ‘high’ following the extraordinary results achieved by our girls in both the SACE and IB Diploma Programme last year. There are few schools in Australia where nearly 20% of the cohort achieve an ATAR above 99 and almost half the students finish in the top 5%. A summary of the results can be found by clicking here. We are currently drawing together all the information on post-school destinations for the 2016 cohort and will have more detailed information to you in the week ahead. We look forward to welcoming many of the girls back to School for the Academic Excellence Assembly later this month so that we can acknowledge their outstanding achievements.

Staff News

We are delighted to welcome the following people onto our teaching staff and I encourage you to take the opportunity to meet them at the upcoming information evenings.

  • Kate Mortimer – Co-Deputy Principal and Head of Senior School
  • Melissa Angel – ELC
  • Vinder Nair – Mathematics
  • Samantha O’Brien – Mathematics
  • Lin Nie – Chinese
  • Carolina Barquero Masero – Spanish
  • Kate Burnett – Dance
  • Robyn Habel – Music

At the end of last year Mary Pridham tendered her resignation. ‘Nurse Mary’ was much loved by all of our girls and will be sorely missed. However, I’m delighted to announce that Lara Waltham and Sarah Wilkinson, who replaced Mary whilst she was on long service leave last year, will step into the role permanently. Sarah will work on Monday and Tuesday, Lara will cover Wednesday and Thursday and they will alternate Fridays. We are fortunate to have two such highly qualified and experienced nurses to step into the role. The clinic will continue to open at 8.15am each morning and will close at 3.45pm each afternoon.

Start to the year

At our first assembly on Monday, I spoke about pride. It’s a difficult thing to describe succinctly but you know it when you see it, you know it when you hear it, and you know it when you feel it. So, when someone from outside our community meets one of our girls, whether it be at a sports fixture, on public transport or on a visit to our School, how does she portray that sense of pride?

There are the obvious ways. We are a School with such a proud history and rich traditions. I’ve spoken at length about the courage, the creativity, the compassion of our founding Sisters, and it’s their legacy that lives on through each of our girls today. Our uniform is a reminder of that legacy, of what connects us, of all that we share. Our girls should wear their uniform with pride. As we update our buildings, the girls will take pride in our facilities and maintain them for those that are lucky enough to follow in their footsteps. As our Year 12 leaders take ownership of House meetings, they will launch initiatives to foster House spirit. They will find ways for the girls to demonstrate pride in their House.

We mustn’t lose sight of the fact that we are part of something that is very special. This week we haven’t just come back to School, we’ve come back to OUR School. Everything that we do in 2017, from the little things to the big things, will express our pride in being the great School that we are because we’re not just any School – we are St Peter’s Girls.

I look forward to seeing you all at the P&F Drinks on the Lawn next Friday night and celebrating the start of what will be another wonderful year.

Julia Shea

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Drinks on the Lawns

P&F Drinks on the Lawns Enews

The St Peter’s Girls Parents’ and Friends’ Association would like to extend an invitation to all parents to welcome in the new school year at the traditional Drinks on the Lawns.

This annual, adults-only event is a great way for new parents to meet and socialise with existing parents, teachers and school staff in an informal atmosphere.

Please feel free to seek out our P&F Committee Members attending on the night to find out about the great benefits of volunteering at your daughter’s school.

Friday 10 February, 6.30 – 8.30pm
Chiverton Lawns, St Peter’s Girls’ School

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Meet Kate Mortimer – the new Co-Deputy Principal and Head of Senior School

Kate Mortimer outsideThis week we welcomed new Co-Deputy Principal and Head of Senior School, Kate Mortimer.

Hailing from Queenwood School for Girls, Sydney, and with over 15 years’ experience as a Head Teacher, Kate brings with her a sound knowledge of curriculum, education trends and a passion and determination evident both personally and professionally.

Recently, we sat down with Kate to learn more about her journey to Saints Girls…

Q&A with Kate

Who or what inspired you to teach?
It is important as educators to be mindful of the impact of everyday words and actions. One of my high school teachers left a lasting impression. Her words guided me to a path of education and continue to guide and inspire me each day: “Make your life count for something”.

Do you have any tried and trusted ideas or activities for motivating students?
Students are most motivated when they enjoy coming to class and have a clearly defined end goal to work towards, whilst also enjoying some laughs along the way. My Year 12 class last year were motivated to work extra hard as I offered to straighten my hair if they all achieved their goals in the trial exam. Needless to say, the hair was straightened.

What is your top teaching tip?
Know your students. Each one. Know how they learn. Their strengths and weaknesses. Likes and dislikes. The adaptations you can make to your lessons through truly knowing your students are invaluable.

Do you have a favourite quote, mantra or philosophy to teach by?
Absolutely – “Share your best ideas”. Great schools are reliant upon every teacher across each department sharing her/his best and brightest ideas. The most valuable lessons I have learnt have been from colleagues.

How do you keep your teaching practice fresh?
Staying fresh requires you to consistently seek new and different ways to deliver content. There is not a single day that I don’t reflect upon the lessons I have taught and actively seek to further improve them. An exceptional lesson doesn’t just happen; you have to want to make it happen and plan accordingly.

And a tip for Senior School parents to make it to graduation in one piece?
A great final year is very dependent on the approach you take. My tip? Enjoy the ride. The final year of school can be as stressful or fantastic as you allow it to be. Your daughters will take their lead from you.

What parts of Europe did you cycle through on your recent trip?
Mostly Italy through the Dolomites and then the French Alps. A total of 3962km in 37 days of riding. A highlight was The Nivolet in Italy, which was 62km uphill. The view at the top was worth it and, of course, the 62km downhill was a relief.

Next cycling destination?
The Adelaide Hills pretty much every morning before work! I plan to tackle Sri Lanka, top to tip, in 2017.

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Update your details for 2017

With the start of the new academic year, now is the time for all families to check their contact details are up-to-date and ensure your daughter’s medical records are correct.

You can check these details by logging on to the Link portal.

> Log in to the Link Portal using your individual username and password
> If you can’t remember your password, follow the link to reset it

Medical details

The School is required to have correct medical information on record for all students. Please take a moment to review the information we have on file for your child and complete any updates or changes as required.

Click on the My Details tab of the portal to review and update details such as medical, physical and dietary details, provide legal and other consents, as well as your address, occupation and other family information.

Ensure you click through each section of the My Details page, and complete the updates for each of your children.

Buzz Book – family contact information

While in previous years the printed Buzz Book has provided contact information for School families, you will now be able to access the contact details of parents online. The School appreciates that some families may not wish their contact information to be shared in this way.

To review your contact information, and provide your consent for your family’s details to be included, please complete the following steps:

> Click on the Buzz Book tab
> Check your details and tick the items you wish to be included
> Submit the form
> Repeat the process for any other daughters/children you have at the School
> Changes can be made by providing updates through the My Details section above

You can then access contact information of other School families from the same page of the Link portal. You will automatically be shown details of parents in your daughter’s year level, but can remove that filter from the top of the column to show all families. You can use the filters provided, such as surname, to narrow your search.

If you do NOT submit your consent, your information will NOT be included in the online directory this year. Both contacts will need to provide their individual consent.

An online business directory will also be launched this year, so you can browse for local businesses with a Saints Girls connection.

Updates throughout the year

Should any of these details change throughout the year, please use the ‘Change Details’ tab in the Link Portal.

If you experience difficulties using the Link Portal, please contact link@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or phone 8155 5791.

Thank you for your assistance in keeping the School’s records accurate.

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General reminders and housekeeping


Please notify the Front Office by 8.30am via either of the following methods if your daughter(s) will be absent due to illness, or arrive at school late. If your daughter will arrive after 8.30am (due to an appointment etc.) please advise an approximate time of arrival and ask that she reports to the Front Office upon arrival.

Phone: 8334 2200
Text: 0428 601 957
Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au 

Lost Property

Unnamed lost property items are held at the Front Office. Please clearly label all items of clothing and personal effects.

Car park and traffic management

The start of a new term provides an ideal opportunity to remind members of the School community about the importance of complying with the guidelines the School has developed for our car park. We want to ensure the safety of all members of our community.

The most important points to remember are:

  • keep the car park entrance and exit zones clear
  • use the set down and pick up zones appropriately during peak times
  • obey speed limits when driving through the car park
  • to allow traffic flow, the car park entrance and exit zones must be kept clear at all times. Please do not queue across these areas.
  • be mindful of residents; please do not park across driveways or in front of bins on Tuesdays.

In peak times, do not park in the set down and pick up zones for extended periods. When cars overstay in this area, the car park quickly becomes gridlocked, also bringing traffic on Stonyfell Road to a standstill.

Drivers must observe the 10 kilometre per hour speed limit at all times in the car park, whether entering, exiting or travelling through it. Speed limit signs are clearly displayed in prominent locations and, in order to ensure the speed limit is observed, speed humps were installed two years ago.

Arriving at School

The school day begins at 8.30am and students are required to arrive between 8.15am and 8.25am in order to organise their belongings in readiness for Lesson 1.

Junior School

Out of Hours Care (OSHC) is provided from 7.30am to 8.15am. Reception to Year 2 students who arrive before 8.15am and are not waiting with a parent/guardian, must be taken to OSHC. Students in Years 3 to 6 who arrive after 8am may wait outside the entrance of the Main Building in the Arts Centre courtyard. If students in Years 3 – 6 arrive before 8am, and are not involved in a co-curricular activity, or with a parent/guardian, they must attend OSHC. They are welcome to enter the Main Building after 8.10am. Classrooms are open from 8.15am.

There is no teacher supervision in the playground before school and students may only use the playground if closely supervised by their parent/guardian.

Middle and Senior School

Students in Years 7 – 12 who arrive between 7.30am and 8.10am are welcome to use the Resource Centre. Entry to the Main Building is from 8.10am unless students are involved in a supervised activity.

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Master Plan update: From the construction zone

Master Plan Update Images

There are many changes around our School as a result of the Master Plan works. Please be assured that every step has been taken to minimise the effects on students during this period and to ensure the safety of students and staff alike.

Everything is running on schedule, with significant works undertaken during the summer break.

In terms of what to expect during Terms 1 and 2, internal works in the Main Building, which will house the new Middle School, will continue, though excessively noisy works will take place outside School hours. To further minimise disruption, both construction access points will remain closed to traffic during School hours, including during pick-up and drop-off times.

Teachers and staff have been fully briefed on planned works and steps that have been put in place to manage potential issues and concerns. Meanwhile, builders and trades will comply with strict guidelines regarding appropriate conduct whilst on School grounds.

These and the coming Master Plan works are a wonderfully positive step for our School and having them completed without incident is imperative. We will keep you updated during the entire process.

In the next two weeks, the new playground on the oval will be completed… Stay tuned for more!

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2017 School Diary

Diaries for students in Years 8-11 were distributed this week to those students who placed an order through Campion. Additional stock has now been ordered and students who have not yet received a diary will be able to collect one from the School Shop from next week.

An error was made in charging $15 for the diaries. A refund will be automatically processed on 1 March for any families affected.

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Year 10 Information Evening

Welcome to Senior School

A Year 10 Information Evening will be held on Wednesday 8 February at 6.30pm in the Arts Centre.

This is an opportunity for me to provide relevant details regarding the Senior School and the 2017 year. The Director of Teaching and Learning, Ms Meredith Beck, will address academic processes and the Careers Counsellor, Mrs Karen Alderson, will talk about the Personal Learning Plan and work experience.

This event will give you the opportunity to meet with your daughter’s Home Group teacher.

I look forward to sharing this time with you and I know that you will find the evening informative.

Kate Mortimer
Co-Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

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From the Bus Coordinator

Welcome back to all families utilising our bus services.

We have one driver change for this year with the Van run now to be operated by Mr Lance

Peter Anderson B

The major change for this year is, of course, the 8.30am class start time. This means that all buses must arrive at school on time so that students are ready to start their classes. Due to the student loading this year and the new start time, all buses will be on a tight schedule, which means that there will be limited wait times.

We ask that all students be ready and waiting for the bus at the allocated pick up time and prompt in boarding the bus. Unfortunately, buses will not be able to wait more than two minutes for students to board. Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Students are reminded that seatbelts must be worn whilst travelling on any School bus.

Peter Anderson
Bus Coordinator

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Calling for volunteers – we need your help!

Our students are really enjoying participating in the Commonwealth Bank School Banking Calling all volunteersprogram and to keep this program running we need your help.

The program requires a volunteer School Banking Co-ordinator to facilitate the banking and distribution of School Banking rewards. This only takes a small amount of your time one day a week and the Commonwealth Bank will provide support in how to run the program. Your help with the program will greatly benefit students as they develop vital saving skills and also help our School with fundraising.

Currently, School Banking day is Wednesday.

If you are interested in volunteering for this great program, please email Lesley or Sarah FrontOffice@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au in the Front Office with the below details:

    • Name
    • Phone
    • Email
    • Availability

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Term 1 – Community Group Meetings

When you join a Saints Girls community group, you uphold a proud tradition of community, set a fine example for your daughter, share valuable skills and make a host of City to Bay 2016 Bnew friends.

Saints Sport Support Group – Tuesday 7 February, 6pm (CW203)
Old Scholars’ Council Meeting – Tuesday 7 February, 5.30pm (Chiverton Boardroom)
Mothers’ Club – Wednesday 8 February, 6pm (Chiverton Boardroom)
Friends of Arts – Wednesday 8 February, 7:30pm (Arts Office, Arts Centre)
Parents & Friends – Thursday 16 February, 6:30pm (Chiverton Boardroom)
Old Scholars’ Council Meeting – Tuesday 7 March, 5.30pm (AGM in Arts Centre Foyer)
Old Scholars’ Council Meeting – Tuesday 4 April, 5.30pm (Chiverton Boardroom)

For more information or to learn more, call Melissa Westgate on 8334 2244.

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Sports News

Welcome to another exciting year of sport. We are always interested in hearing of girls’ sporting achievements outside school. If you would like to contribute, please email me on nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

It will be a busy year with many sporting opportunities for girls to be involved in. It’s important that they are attentive with communications, as many team nominations have due dates. Also included is a reminder of the School’s hot weather policy pertaining to co-curricular sporting activities.

The School Swimming Carnival will be on Friday 24 February and more details will be sent out in Week 3.

Weather Policies

Reception to Year 6 (training and matches)

  • If the forecast temperature on the Bureau of Meteorology website (http://www.bom.gov.au/sa/forecasts/adelaide.shtml) is 35 degrees or higher, checked any time before 9am on the day of training or match, sport is automatically cancelled.
  • Morning sessions, Rowing and Water Polo are usually not affected.
  • In the event that matches are cancelled due to inclement weather or any unforeseen reason, such as the playing surface being deemed unsafe, the decision to cancel will be made by the Sports Coordinator at the host school no later than 2pm. (refer to cancellation procedures)

Year 7 to Year 12 (training and matches)

  • Midweek: (Training and Matches): If the forecast temperature on the Bureau of Meteorology website (http://www.bom.gov.au/sa/forecasts/adelaide.shtml) at 9am predicts the day’s maximum to be 36 degrees or higher, sport is automatically cancelled.
  • Weekends: If the forecast temperature for Saturday on the Bureau of Meteorology website is predicted to be 38 degrees or higher at 12pm on the Friday, ALL Saturday morning sport will be cancelled. (See below for Rowing)
  • Inclement Weather: Matches will only be cancelled due to rain or inclement weather, if it is considered that the conditions determine that the playing surface is unsafe or player safety is compromised. (refer to cancellation procedures)
  • Morning trainings, Rowing and Water Polo are usually not affected and WILL NOT be cancelled.

Rowing SA Regatta cancellation/postponement

  • Where possible, regattas will not be cancelled due to hot weather forecast; however, regatta programs will be amended and high risk groups removed from the program particularly early in the season where acclimatisation to heat is minimal and rowing fitness is low.
  • On regatta days, climatic conditions will be continually monitored and all factors taken into consideration by the Regatta Referee who will decide on the continuation of regatta participation.
  • The logistics associated with regattas and movement of boats and rowers to various venues requires that Rowing SA have procedures in place to assist all clubs/schools with their planning and organisation.

Sport Captains          

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to captain their sport throughout the year. We look forward to these girls having a positive influence amongst all students they represent.

Sport Captain: Rachael Disney

Captains of Sport

Athletics: Jasmine Ledgard and Rachael Disney (Co-Captains)
Badminton: Emily Murdock
Baksetball: Chelsea Marchetti
Cross Country: Bethany Cross
Gymnastics: Alice Petchey
Hockey: Lara Khoury
Lacrosse: Sophie Auricht
Netball: Abbey Goodwin and Sophie Freeman (Co-Captains)
Rowing: Sophie Freeman
Vice-Captain Rowing: Lara Khoury
Soccer: Dominique Rigby
Softball: Jasmine Ledgard
Swimming: Rachael Disney and Shania Morgan (Co-Captains)
Tennis: Jade Leyden and Tiana Glazbrook (Co-Captains)
Volleyball:  Abbey Goodwin
Water Polo: Sarah Richards

Sports Uniforms

With a start to the New Year, we remind parents to clearly label all clothing items, as we often accumulate a large amount of unnamed items in Lost Property. Please note that for all interschool competitions students should only wear the designated playing attire and not the coloured House tops.


Expressions of interest are sought from students in Years 7 to 12 who would like to either compete as an individual or in a team at the State Secondary Schools Triathlon Championships being held at West Lakes on Wednesday 24 February. If you are interested, please see Mr Fuller in the PE office.


Congratulations to Yasmin and Tiana Glazbrook for their successful tour of Melbourne and New Zealand. The girls continue to excel at State and National level and we look forward to their continued success.


MILO in2CRICKET and MILO T20 Blast Programs

MILO in2CRICKET and T20 Blast are introductory cricket programs for girls and boys in Reception to Year 4. MILO in2CRICKET is for children just starting out on their cricket journey (Rec-Year 1), who would like to learn some new skills in a safe, fun environment. MILO T20 Blast (Year 2-Year 4) is the next step in the cricket pathway for children to graduate to after completing the in2CRICKET program. T20 Blast is fast-paced and fun, and children get to play matches each week just like their heroes in the Men’s and Women’s Big Bash Leagues!

Kensington District Cricket Club

Venue: Parkinson Oval, Kensington Gardens Reserve
Dates: Wed 8 Feb – Wed 22 Mar
Time: in2CRICKET 5:45-6:45pm / T20 Blast 5:45-7:15pm

The University of Adelaide

Venue: University Oval, War Memorial Drive
Dates: Fri 10 Feb – Fri 24 Mar
Time: in2CRICKET 5:45-6:45pm / T20 Blast 5:45-7:15pm

To register go to www.playcricket.com.au or for further information please contact Alice Johnswood 0412 454 784 / alice@taughtandbowled.com.au.


A number of girls have competed recently in a variety of events. Congratulations to all swimmers.

National Australian Open Water Championships held at Brighton Jan 2017

Thandi Murada – 28th in 15/16yr girls 5km
Alyssa Woolley – 4th in 13/14 yr  4x 1.25km relay

State Country Swimming Championships held in Renmark in January.

Shania Morgan competing for Boolooroo Centre – 4 Gold Medals open age 100m & 200m breaststroke setting a new record by 5 seconds, 200 IM and 200m freestyle and Gold in the 17 yo 100m and 200m breaststroke

Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith for Strathalbyn – Open – 6th 100m backstroke, 9th 200m freestyle, 12th 200m IM, 37th 50m freestyle

Alyssa Woolley for Onkaparinga – Bronze Medal open age 4×50 freestyle, also set 5 new personal bests from 5 events in 13yr age, 11th 50m butterfly, 13th 100m freestyle, 14th 100m butterfly, 14th 100m breaststroke, 17th 100m backstroke

State Long Course Championships

Shania Morgan – 1st in the 17/18 200m Breaststroke with a PB and 3rd in the Open 200m Breaststroke

Grace Sampson – Bronze Medals for the 50m and 200m backstroke and also 2 qualifying times for National Age which will be held in April 2017 in Brisbane for the 100m and 200m backstroke.

Support the Adelaide Crows women’s team

Bring the family down to watch the first ever Crows women’s team match in the NAB AFL women’s competition.

Adelaide Crows vs GWS Giants

There will be loads of fun activities, including the Crows Kid Zone, face painting, entertainment and more! You can also grab your new Cotton On AFLW Crows gear and show your colours!

Saturday 4 February 2017
Gates open at 2.35pm. First bounce at 4.35pm
Thebarton Oval, 1 Meyer St, Torrensville